Reviews from

in the past

sm64 is bad because you can't walk in a straight line but thanks to the dpad controls you now can! thank you for fixing this game

Playing this game nowadays on a D-Pad is aids.

The controls ruin the game, multiplayer is fun though

It's a decent remake and a good experience, but I think the DS's hardware holds it back from being as good as the original.

Please don't scream at me for liking it more than the original. The different playable characters are cool alright!?

What a classic
I am glad I got to experience it as a kid

I wish i could get across how much i was captured by this game, i played it before i had an understanding of the limits of video games as video games so as far as i was concerned the world was full of secrets and was alive. The vibe mario 64 gives off amplifies this too. Great game and good remake

the combination of d-pad controls and lethal lava land made me throw my ds at the wall as a 8 year old

Le mode en ligne c'était cool

I don't care if there are more limited movement options! This version is better!

So cool to add three new characters to play as

Controles duros, pero el contenido añadido y los personajes dan bastante juego, una pena que Waluigi no este tho

The only thing that prevents this from being an objectively superior remake, is that, even with the fanpatch to approximate joystick control, the mechanics of jumping are JUST off enough to be a bit more limiting than the N64 version. Otherwise? I prefer this version in almost every way.

This really shouldn't have been my first exposure to Mario 64 as a kid but it had Yoshi so that was pretty sweet

Replayed this with mods to properly use the 3DS circle pad. It makes it actually playable, but overall I still feel like the original is the better overall package. It's cool to have more characters, but they feel more like a hassle that the game itself had to work around than anything that really adds to the game. And I'm not sure how we ever played this with a run button or touch controls because it's rough.

Also no BLJ, can't believe this.

war mein erstes ds spiel damals gute erinnerung aber kann es heute nicht mehr spielen

Glad that SM64 is available to more people, although in my opinion, this isn't as good as the original. The multiple characters both add to and take away from the original experience, and the addition of more stars and levels is an unalloyed plus. I also probably sank at least as much time into the minigames as I did into the game itself. Really cool that they tried to remake SM64 rather than just port it over, even if it doesn't 100% land.


Simultaneasly better and worse than the original. Really deserves a port with analog controls.

The fact that you can play as Wario makes it a automatic banger.

Personal favorite over the N64, although the d-pad ruins this a lot. Still a great game

This was my first exposure to super mario 64 in a different way but im glad I got to cause I enjoyed the DS one and then actually played the orginal one

It's still a pretty enjoyable Mario game with tons of welcomed additions, but the controls and subtle physics changes make the original game a bit better to me.

It's a decent port but the controls are so janky, and the D-Pad didn't help this game at all.

Starting with the elephant in the room, I do not think the D-Pad is a dealbreaker. This is especially so with multiple modern workarounds to enhance the controls, thanks to the built-in analog controls on the touch screen.

Now, regarding the game itself, this version is GREAT! I love the swathe of minigames they added, over 30 new Stars to get, and all the new playable characters. I might be saying this due to this being Wario's (my favorite fictional character of all time) only playable appearance in a mainline game, but they're all such great additions.

The textures and levels are all updated to be more (at the time) modern designs and I don't mind it. Both this and the original have lots of charm to spare. Worth the time to play, at least with multiplayer, since it's so fun.