Reviews from

in the past

The controls kill this game for me, as you either have to constantly drag with the pen to move, or rely on the control pad which only supports four directions, unlike the original N64 control stick which allowed for full 360 degrees directional input. Having multiple characters to play as, and each of them having their own traits, is cute and all but not worth suffering through bad controls.

controls suck but it's good otherwise

Played so much of this as a kid and I was so bad at it

It's not better than the original, but in my opinion it's a neat little remix.

A pretty good remake of the classic game, especially for going all out in this one. Adding in new playable characters, new levels and a pretty fun multiplayer and mini game section. It was a bit different on the DS, but it was worth it.

I played this an enormous amount as a kid, near 100% and it introduced me to Mario 64 very well. I still think the extra content is really cool and I wish there was a way to reconcile the best of both games (the original's way better controls and higher quality sound effects and this game's really cool extra content) and I think it's a shame Nintendo doesn't do anything of the sort

A good port, except for the controls. Aside from that, the new characters are fun, though some are much more powerful than others, such as Luigi being able to cheese many levels with his slow backflip, while Wario can't make small jumps and moves very slow.

The lack of analog control is really the game's biggest fault. It leads to more deaths than it does sick tricks. The character switch could have used some work too.

But what's packaged here is just unbelievably nostalgic. It's the game I loved back on N64 with new bells and whistles that I fell in love with in 2004 and then again in 2020.

Mario 64 no matter which version you play is still just a fantastic time.

I still can't believe this was a launch game for the DS... What a visually stellar first showing.

when i was young i used to spread rumors on the schoolbus that if you drew waluigi on the title screen drawing thing you would unlock him and for some reason everyone believed me. anyway this game sucks but lugi gambling is fun

throughout my life i have lost this game not once, not twice, but three whole times. and every time i've liked this game well enough to buy it again. the controls are a little wonky but the minigames are great and its mario 64

You can play as Wario in this one. That's good.

The controls are horrible (you have to hold down a button the entire game in addition to the d-pad to make Mario run???) and almost all of the new additions are for the worse

Stanky hot take: I prefer this version to the original. I like all the character choices, I didn't miss the analog control. This to me is definitive Mario 64.

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play as mario, yoshy, wario, or even Louie

d-pad + needing to press a button to run really kills this game

Extremely lukewarm take but I prefer the original

Gotta be honest, I still prefer the original. The idea of adding a bunch more playable characters to a beloved classic and integrating them into the game's obstacles is a really cool idea though.

I liked this version of the game. It is not better than the original, but has some new additions that make it very good to play. What makes it difficult to grasp are the controls: this game clearly wasn't meant to be played with a D-Pad (and touchscreen doesn't work well). I played it in the Wii U, so the analog stick worked a little better, but it was still locked in eight directions, like a simulation of a D-Pad, not really analog. I'd love to see this game with better graphics and analog controls re-released in another platform.

mis recuerdos favoritos de este juego son jugar a los juegos del casino de luigi con todos mis primos en las reuniones familiares

I think I spent more times with the minigames than the game itself? They're mostly bad, but you do catch bunnies to unlock them, so maybe they actually rule.

My only experience with SM64, the new levels and characters give the game more variety and is a fun experience

Adds so much really cool stuff to the original, but ultimately I just do not want to play this game with a d-pad.

Trying to get through Bowser in the Sky with this game's frustrating D-pad controls is an exercise in masochism. To this day I can't actually get past the last Bowser fight, and last time I tried, my 3DS circle pad rubber came of for the first time in nine years of owning it.
Still pretty good.

"ugh but it doesnt have analog controls!" yeah but does 64 have luigi poker?

mindblowing how much good content they added, proper switch port WHEN (fuck u weird ass wii u port thing)



I played as Luigi and Wario unless I was forced to use Mario or Yoshi.

If it had better controls I would enjoy this more than the original, and in the end the real loss was my hands that cramped when playing this on a dpad.

best i can say about this is i love the touchscreen minigames. it's not that sm64DS's changes are 'bad', per-se, but none do anything to enrich the SM64 experience

and without analog controls, there's very little reason to go back to this.