Reviews from

in the past

I completed this, but not the original. Whoops.

Nintendo be like: What if we gave you a D-Pad for a 3D platformer.

The most fun DS game I had, so a great remake.

agrego personajes, niveles y jefes nuevos, pero no mejoro ciertos aspectos del original y el control no es tan comodo de jugar

Super Mario 64 DS is a game I grew up personally and picked up recently as the nostalgia bug urged me to jump back into it to complete the game. When thinking of this game, I had to ask myself two questions: how does this game expand upon the original, as well as how does this game function as a standalone experience. Some say this is the inferior version of the game which is an understandable point of view.

The controls are just as bad and arguably worse than they were in the original, as precise platforming becomes much more difficult to perform, your hand can get incredibly cramped while playing, and just the fact that Super Mario 64's level design was not made with a D-pad in mind. I do personally believe that the level design is the biggest flaw for this remake, as the precise platforming, especially in later levels, makes the game unnecessarily difficult. Platforming becomes a chore, whereas open-ended levels (or those with less bottomless pits) feel a lot more fun to play. Even levels like Tick Tock Clock, Snowman's Land, and Wet Dry World feel good to play because platforming is much freer. Compare this to Rainbow Ride, Tiny Huge Island, or Tall Tall Mountain and the difference is drastic, as it becomes a nightmare to navigate, and one slip-up where the character loops around instead of snapping to the desired direction means falling to your death. The point stands that controlling Mario is not as fun as it was on the Nintendo 64, even if there were design tweaks made. One of those design tweaks being the new characters which spread out Mario's moveset.

This setup is honestly not too bad as it gives you a specific way that you play the game, but it does get tiresome wanting to run through the whole game as one character and having to compromise that just to do a mission. While we are on the bad, I'll say that Wario seems like the most worthless addition to this game as if it weren't for the black bricks and the fact that only he can use the metal cap, he would be completely unnecessary to 100% complete the game. This is where I believe that splitting the moveset failed in some regards. However, on the brighter side, I do believe that this split was one that made each character feel distinct, aside from the aforementioned Wario. Yoshi has a significantly better grab and has the flutter kick which can leap across larger gaps, Mario has the wall kicking and much less floatier controls, while Luigi has a superior backflip and a slower descent when falling, allowing for better mid-air course correction. Each of these different movesets makes each character feel different and fun, even if you do just want to run through the whole game as Mario.

Finally, we come to the new content, which is really what's advertised as the big new features for the game and it varies in quality. The graphical overhaul is greatly appreciated and still holds up well today. Comparing this game to its Nintendo 64 original, the two look like they were created decades apart. Other than that, it's mostly all the same game you remember. Music is the same, with a few variations in the way themes sound, however the sound design, especially voices, sounds so bad, as though everything was recorded underwater. In terms of actual substance, there's one star removed from every level and two in its place, most of which are switch stars or silver star collecting and get old pretty fast. Six new areas were added but they are fairly small and only contain secret stars and linear platforming sections. Along with all of this in the main game, there's a collection of minigames and multiplayer mode included. The minigames give a lot of extra weight to the game and there are a few that are fun to play over and over, trying to get a new high score. The multiplayer is absolutely fun with friends as complete chaos will break out as everybody tries to beat each other for stars, even if the levels aren't original and the mode does lack depth. All of this is completely avoidable from the main game, aside from collecting all the bunnies required to unlock the minigames, so do not worry. Overall, it meets the requirement for new content without taking too much away from the original. Obviously, storage was a concern as all of the previous game, along with the new content had to fit onto a DS cartridge in 2004.

Now, for the questions I proposed at the beginning of this review: does the remake expand upon the original? Yes, and no. There was plenty of new content, however, most of it was monotonous and repetitive but it does give the player more to do. Does this game hold up well as it's own experience? Absolutely and if someone wants to give this version a shot and has no way to play the original, this is absolutely worth it. All of this extra content and the feel of the original given new life deserves to be held up next to the original as games that launched their new systems in a way that seemed technologically infeasible.

why would you put this on the ds

The N64 but 30 bonus stars and 3 new characters Yoshi, Wario and Luigi

There is an oft repeated anecdote that the movement in Super Mario 64 was meticulously tuned before any levels were designed, to ensure that simply controlling Mario would be fun. Super Mario 64 DS is like a version of the game from a parallel universe where they did not do that.


A rather dull remake that delivers on some improved visuals and added content, but the changes are totally wrong here. The new character additions don't work nearly as well as Mario and the controls, the most fundamentally fun aspect of Mario 64, are not satisfying at all. Though its a nice effort, it still falls short of being a good remake.

It's way worse than the original, partly because of the controls but mostly how it's split between multiple characters without doing anything really interesting with it (though the Luigi mirror room star was cute).

I lost my copy and recently emulated it. The game is fun but I gave up on the 70-80 stars that you need to get to the last level, so I glitched past the staircase

Sure, the D-Pad wasn't a great control scheme, but if you play on a 3DS, or Wii U, it really controls better than classic Mario 64. The Nintendo 64 stick only went 8 directions anyways.

i've had to explain to way too many people that putting a ds game in a 3ds will not instantly give it analog controls

In this one, you can do the super jump as Wa-mario

Better than the original variety wise, but I do prefer the gameplay in the first one. Also, nostalgia.

This game often gets knocked for it's D-Pad only control scheme limiting it's movement to only 8 directions and other annoyances attached to the DS's limited buttons and design. And while those are detriments, it also comes with the fact that it's a fully playable 3D platformer as a launch title for a handheld, when 3D on the GBA was such a mess overall. This game is downright impressive when you consider what it accomplishes graphically, and still being beatable with the limited controls. The biggest issue I'd take with this game is how it underpowers Mario by taking away some of his hat powers for Wario and Luigi to use, as well as making Wario and Luigi overall less fun to play. The swimming and flying also control exceptionally below par, as I think they're just designed poorly, and not limited by the controls. Overall, this is a real fun remixing of an already great game, and the added minigame room is good for a couple of hours of low effort, touch-screen time wasting. I just pray I'll never have to swim as slow-ass Wario again

This, to me, is the definitive mario 64, even with the wonky controls

I got crazy with this game. Played a lot and collected all the stars, it was a great achievement! Nice memories.

No supera al original pero ta bn si

Call it nostalgia but this game really holds a special place in my heart. Some of the new levels and stars are can be really fun, and highly recommend to anyone who is looking for a new spin on an already great game.

This game had the potential to shit on the original game, but DS has a few fatal flaws that makes the OG the better version.

3 of these stars were from being able to play as luigi

Super Mario 64 é pra muita gente um clássico atemporal. Pra mim ele sempre foi um jogo bem OK, respeitando toda sua importância para o desenvolvimento de jogos e a transição para o 3D.

Dito isto, Super Mario 64 DS transporta para o portátil o jogo do console em sua íntegra, adicionando mais conteúdo e múltiplos personagens pra jogar, tornando mais que um mero port.

Os controles não são ruins, apesar da falta de um analógico para movimentação 3D.

I hold a lot of great memories of this game from my childhood - I do prefer the original N64 verison for a multitude of reasons though. Substantial and time-worthy multiplayer modes included at least

My first game ever and favorite mario game

D-Pad controls kinda suck. It's a bit better with the 3DS joystick or Wii U gamepad.