Reviews from

in the past

There is a fine line between hate and love as this game has shown me

A mesma coisa de 3 anos atrás, incrível

Me impactó el salto grafico de Super Mario World a Mario 64 ! De mis juegos favoritos de la adolescencia! Colorido divertido y un soundtrack de mucha calidad

I liked it. I understand why people would say this is a good game, I mean the gameplay is fun, and it was the Childhood of a lot of People.

Considered one of the GOATs for a reason. It's hard to find that many video games that feel this good to just move around in, let alone actually interact with the levels themselves. Mario controls exquisitely, the levels are imaginative & it helped confirm my affinity for the platformer genre. I can fire this game up & blaze through a few missions pretty much any day. A real treat.

I see why this has become the framework for every single 3D-Platformer. The music (what little of it there is) all hits hard and suits each stage well and some stages are so iconic and well designed that they'll be remembered for generations however some have now entered the darkest pits of hell to rot for eternity. Good game

Super Mario 64 is one of the most iconic and important games of all time, and it came out on a famously rough transition point for gaming from 2d to 3d, so it's unbelievable it has aged as well as it has.
My only real complains are: the camera, which is pretty darn bad but actually completely excusable for a first attempt ever, and some stars that are just bad sadly.
There is a lot of good to be talked about: the level design still holds up, the game is very creative. Of course not every level is a banger, but in most of them it's just fun to roam around and explore and the stars tend to have very clever placings, also there are already used some really interesting concepts only possible with 3d
The controls are great, Mario is very responsive and there are a lot of options for a varied experience and some precise and fun jumping.
The aestethic is a controversial point but I find it very appealing and don't think it looks bad at all.
I am a great fan of 3d mario games and, while this isn't Odyssey, it sure didn't disappoint

Когда я играл в эту игру, то невольно завидовал тем, кто застал её в своё время. Эмоции от открытия секретов и нахождения шорткатов, которые казалось бы не предусмотрены разаработчиками, вызывают не поддельную радость. Количество контента так же не позволяет скучать и хочется верить, что даже имея одну эту игру в то время на N64, тебе было не до скуки.

Дизайн уровней выполнен не привычно, ибо служит исключительно геймплейной части, редко являясь чем-то художественно цельным. Но меня такой подход только привлекает, т.к. стоит начать исследовать и эксперементировать всегда становится не до созерцания. И всё же некоторые уровни не хотелось проходить именно из-за их странного облика. С другой стороны, всё что не нравится можно было пропустить, и собрать больше звёзд на тех уровнях, что тебе интереснее.

Управление требует привыкания, но в целом я с ним совладал за пару вечеров. Но усиление, позволяющее Марио летать я так и не смог обуздать и каждая попытка пройти секретный уровень в холле замка сопровождался громким матом.

Итого: запуская игру просто чтобы ознакомиться с ней я с большим удовольствием прошёл её. Сейчас сложно найти игру, которая бы дарила такие же эмоции радости от новых открытий.

Es un buen juego y revolucionó a un género,pero joder hay mejores juegos.
Lo respeto más que me gusta.Los controles aveces hacer lo que les salga de los huevos,el diseño de niveles está bien pero hay mejores y la cámara...JODER LA CAMARA.
Igualmente hay cosas muy buenas,la música y los gráficos son muy simpáticos y para la época no estaban nada mal
Está bien,pero hay mejores.

Every Mario game released after this one wishes to be as good as it is.

Just as enjoyable as the previous replay. I can feel myself getting even better at controlling Mario. The camera isn't an issue to me anymore. The vast majority of levels are really good but Dire Dire Docks is pretty dull and Rainbow Ride is annoying. I like how you can finish the game rather quickly, ignoring the vast majority of the least fun stars and still get to the cool Bowser stages and end credits.

Mi juego favorito desde chikito, el mejor mario para mi y la comunidad de Hackroms le sigue dando muchisima vida

An incredibly fun and impactful 3D platformer

First 3d Mario game and still holds up

A formative game for me, you don’t understand if you weren’t there in 1996 tbh, this shit was crazy at the time and it still is fun to play. My favorite 3D Mario game by far

dont kill me but this game is sooooo tired. for what it is i loved this game as a kid but have no desire to play it 10+ years later

An experienced dev team's first foray into true 3D that, shockingly, gets it right all the way back in June 1996.

Absolutely rock-solid fundamentals which set the tone for the rest of the genre. Analog controls enable precise adjustment of angles which have huge downstream effects. A signature focus on momentum, combined with tricks both intentional and unintentional, birthed one of the most legendary and iconic speedrunning scenes of all time. Systems like this in a casual single player context, balanced to enhance rather than subvert challenges, are rare to find, and even the devs themselves never quite managed to recapture this particular flavor.

The level design here is emblematic of the early 3D era "golden age": enough detail and representation to evoke sense of place, but with the abstraction necessitated by the time's technology both facilitating dense layouts and imbuing the atmosphere with a surreal, dreamlike quality. No established formulas for success existed yet, so levels aren't overly concerned with providing the player a frictionless experience. Each expresses their own quirky character, something felt even more strongly than usual since gameplay is so contextualized by the precise placement of nearby geometry.

Shortcomings mainly occur in obtuse progression/secrets and a handful of stages (more concentrated in the latter half) that don't play to the game's strengths. Luckily, the huge modding scene has leveraged this fantastic foundation and learned from these mistakes to create a veritable cornucopia of visions, both vanilla-like and experimental, for you as a player to explore.

Yup, Quake is a pretty great game!

No matter what mood I'm in, this game always manages to put a smile on my face

I have put so many hours into modding this game and playing mods and just generally replaying the vanilla game. Classic top 10 video games of all time.

First 3D Mario game, and first fully 3D video game in general.

I didn’t get to fully play the original version until the release of 3D All-Stars. Coming from someone who grew up with the DS version, this version plays satisfyingly thanks to the analog stick. There’s also just something charming about polygonal Mario in polygonal mushroom kingdom. One of Koji Kondo’s best works come from this game.

Pretty good but too short. I beat Bowser in under 23 minutes.