Reviews from

in the past

Better than it gets credit for. Nobody wants to pay $10 for a mobile game, but as a mario game, its worth the price, and it has a fun variety of modes that can last quite a long time.

for a game played mostly on the toliet, it is pretty decent!

My entire childhood I dreamed of playing Mario on mobile, it seemed like such a no-brainer. Mario was perfectly suited for a "pick up and play" style as has been proven time and time again by it's huge success on handheld devices. What better way to experience it then than on the most universally accessable and portable form factor, the smart phone?

I'm still waiting for that game though because Super Mario Run fails miserably at all that. It's a watered down, micro-transaction heavy auto runner that strips back a beloved platformer into something that's not worth your time of day, let alone the cost that the majority of the content is locked behind. As usual Nintendo shows that their only goal in the mobile market is greed, however this is one of the worst offenders.

Is there an actual way to complete this game?

This should not be defended. đź’€

Nothing groundbreaking, but fulfills the functions of being a Mario mobile game.

As someone who was an iPad kid back then, the game is fun. -Reggie Fils-Aimé

I think most people, myself included, forget that this exists. Even more, we forget that this is a REAL Mario game, with real level design and real input from Miyamoto. Also, for all the review bombing over “microtransactions”, you can buy this whole game for $5 and get everything they’ve added since 2016. I was finally reminded of it’s existence when hearing how involved Miyamoto was with the project, and I think we all need to accept that this is a canon mainline Mario game.

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Whoever made this definitely owned a cellphone.

"Ich hasse es" ~irgend ein McDonalds hater was weiĂź ich

they said if u listen to music while u play mario wears headphones but it only works with apple music and i have spotify i wanted to see him wear the fucking headphones

Absolutely loved this! Nostalgia in my veins xD

Also, damn Super Mario Run game looked SO GOOD on HD on iPhone. We are truly missing out on High quality graphics and resolution in Nintendo games on Nintendo Switch.

Hoping Switch 2 will finally get the graphics update! cos from a technical pov I never played a Mario game in such crystal clear HD quality, graphics and presentation with high quality audio like I did on on an iPhone, which is crazy lol

Special shoutout to Nintendo for essentially giving away 90% of the world stages for free daily when Mario movie released, through which I realised this game is worth the price! Well worth the price for Mario fans!

Now to continue playing the never ending remix 10, toad rally etc modes which i’ve been playing for a long time :D

I wasted my money to play the exact same levels over and over again

I kind of want to buy the rest of the game and play it. It wasn't all that bad

who knew mario could be so barebones?

As good as a Mario phone game gets! Tour/Story Mode is definitely the most fun. Grinding Toad Rallys to customize your home area is not fun. Still enjoyable enough, but you have to be in the mood to play it.

Could be better, but I still had fun with it while it lasted. The multiplayer gets old pretty fast and there just isn't enough room to display your stuff. I did have fun getting all the coins, though.

Gameplay: Fun
Music: Good
Replayable? After completing, no
Streamed? No

Extra Notes? Was SUPER FUN, but i have no reason to go back to it.

got all pink coins. idk i've paid more for a lot worse. you can currently get this for $5 and then never have to pay anything in this app again, and they gave you so many rally tickets that it's comically generous for a phone app. that said, this game is either way too easy or way too eager to frustrate. it's solid enough for what it is but it's def throwaway.

I remember this being not bad considering it was a phone game. Not something I'd absolutely recommend in a heartbeat, though.

So a few weeks ago I remembered this game existed since - surprisingly - the game was finally updated to promote the Super Mario Bros. movie, and because the full thing was 50% off for the occasion, I said "yeah, fuck it" and bought it LMFAO
So, after beating both the 6 normal worlds and World Star with all of the coins of all the colors, beating the four special levels and grinding my ass off to unlock Daisy in Remix 10 (PRE-PURCHASE), what do I have to say about this game??

It was pretty ok, nothing too bad or too special, just ok. If you are familiar with the New Super Mario Bros. series like I am, you'll quickly figure out this game is just that, but it's an automatic runner and a much limited experience overall, which, in my opinion, is the biggest problem because the game is kept way too basic for its own good. I mean yeah, it may be fun during 30 mins to 1 hour, but the worlds' theme and level design are too bland to keep anyone interested on the long run, there's not much going for it, honestly. Still, I'm a sucker for Mario stuff, so there's also that lol

I could recommend it, but only if you've never played much of the NSMB series or you're more of the "basic but entertaining experiences" kind of person. Just please, take advantage of the (during the time of this review) ongoing Mario movie discount, 'cause the game is SO NOT worth 10 dollars xd

Started playing on MAR10 Day and it was fun for a few days, but I quickly stopped playing. But two days ago, my tablet screen started randomly going black after only a few mins of use, and it only stopped after I uninstalled Mario Run. It's like Mario was mad that I abandoned his game. It felt like I was living the opening chapter of one of those crappy video game creepypastas

I did not expect Super Mario Run to have an average score of, at the time of this writing, 1.9.
Which I suppose begs the question of - what was everybody else expecting?

Super Mario Run is, as the title suggests, a running game - where the character charges forward and it is the player's responsibility to use limited controls (often, in the genre, a single button) to avoid obstacles.
Mario runs forward, and the player taps or swipes the screen to have Mario execute one of a few possible moves to avoid getting hurt, stomp on enemies, grab coins, or flip backwards while sliding down the sides of walls. There is a good amount of challenge in collecting coins, and in finding the proper paths to find the addition collectible large coins and red coins.

This is Mario in the most casual setting I think he's ever been in. Not a great running game by any means, but the worlds are cute and it definitely feels like a Mario Game of its time (in line with the "New" Super Mario series).