Reviews from

in the past

why can you do actual kingdom hearts combos in this game

waste of slot unfortunately

I main this fucker and make all my friends tilted. I love him.

also made me wanna go play Kingdom Hearts which i may slightly be regretting.

"Denizens of light, answer this... Why do you hate the darkness?"

Listen imma be honest, I don't like this character that much, his moveset is absolutely nothing to write home about, his music and stage are fine as well, I just, don't like the way he controls like why did yall have to make him feel like he's on butter. all in all, although I'm grateful for everything the dev team had done for this game, this was kinda a disappointment to end smash bros with, for me personally, I get why people like him.


they fucking revealed Doom Slayer (my most wanted) as a mii costume before they showed off Sora, another anime swordfighter with a down b counter

not to mention he plays like shit

back to the Nick All Star Brawl bottle

I think this is good not just because a lot of my friends wanted Sora but it also exposed a porn artist for being a catfish

Not quite my playstyle but a great inclusion nonetheless.

My experience with Kingdom Hearts is limited but I can't deny this inclusion was a huge deal. I have a friend who has been wanting this character in Smash for years and just hearing him freak out over this was priceless.

Sora's playstyle is pretty simple and only really takes inspiration from the first game, but I can't fault this too much as I'm sure just getting Sora in the game already had its share of difficulty. Similarly, his stage and music only takes from the first game, but the choices made were good enough to where it doesn't bother me all that much.

Inclusion: Seeing Sora finally enter the game made me absolutely giddy. I was almost convinced that it was impossible by the usual excuses, so it was satisfying to see that he was not only in the game, but was THE most requested character in the whole game. Kingdom Hearts is very close to my heart, and seeing its representation filled me with so much immense joy.

Fighter: I must have some weird condition that makes me play annoying characters because of character loyalty because Sora's now one of my mains. I think that some things people say are a bit exaggerated, but I can't deny that he has a pretty frustrating playstyle. I do think that his focus on aerial movement is actually pretty fun to navigate with, I don't really get the same feeling as people who say he controls really badly.

Stage: Hollow Bastion is great, there's so much attention to detail around everything surrounding the location. The transformation into Dive to the Heart is also breathtaking, I love all of the art of the characters that shows up during this transformation too. I love how it's also a stage that's perfectly legal, much like Sephiroth's. Easily makes it one of my most played stages.

Music: The music here is really great, Shimomura's work on the series is spectacular, but it does run into a problem I have with Sora's representation in general. It leans a bit too much on KH1 for his moveset and music, when some elements from other games, hell even just 2, would've been appreciated. A few more remixes would've helped too.

Incredibly happy to see him in the game and a great way to send off a game that defined an era of my life. (Also please fix the cover here so it's consistent with all of the other DLC fighters)

I'm just glad how Sakurai really convinced Disney to put this character into Smash, major respect

It's smash. What more is there to say? Though worth noting the online play really suffers from network issues. A real black mark on what is otherwise a fantastic game

The most requested character. I'm not a fan, but that's so fitting. I love it. The KH music is fire too. Why is it on here as a game though?

My first impression day 1 was "wtf is this hot mess". I admit he kind of grew on me a bit as I continue to play with him. That being said, I still do firmly believe that he doesn't only has a lot of design flaws but he also embodies all of the issues I have with ultimate and modern smash bros as a whole. The restricting movement options, the unnecesary down b counter when you force the rest of his potential moves into his taunt, the auto-aimed movement attack, the auto-combos that barely leaves room for expression, the fact that he'll probably be optimal if played spammy and like a puss*.

Anyways. He still is fun casually and not the worst of the DLCs. Certainly not on banjo, min min or hero level. His stage looks pretty nice and the music certainly doesn't disappoint as expected. The fact that no disney thing appears is very funny, considering that 98% of his franchise is disney stuff, but that was to be expected and I bet most people are actually okay with that.

I've generally abandoned the attitude that one should get mad about people who like something you don't being happy about product. Or finding joy in fans of things you don't like being disappointed in product.

There are exactly two fandoms that I'll make exceptions for: Disney fans and Smash fans

i asked Sora for smash when i was a little wee laddy but now i forgot i used to Keep begging for Sora back in the day its cool that he's finally here Shit music choice tho

Quite disappointed to not see any representation of Winnie the Pooh or any of his friends. However, Hollow Bastion is awesome.

I genuinely barely even understand who this guy is, but he made a bunch of my fully-grown adult friends admit to crying about him, which means he holds a special power that deserves a certain disdainful respect. Also, I like his three-hit neutral air attack.

(Lil chibi Doomguy costume that came with this pack is great.)

I randomly bought the "Kingdom Hearts: the story so far" collection the day before Sora's reveal. And now I'm scared of myself.

I don't care about smash nor KH but I find it really funny how this DLC was responsible for exposing an Twitter porn artist for being a catfish

Sora DLC is by far the Game of the Year of 2021