Reviews from

in the past

This game is surprisingly fun and visually pleasing even today. The main quest, if a little simple, is very enjoyable, and the combat is pretty decent.

I actually like the characters and story and found it quite interesting for the full story. I wasn't getting uninterested at any point, and the final few battles and sequences were brilliant and kept me on my seat playing without getting up for ages.

I played the GotY version recently using Through the Valley mod pack. highly recommend if you are playing oblivion in 2024, and recent modding tools make it fairly easy to do so with a little learning.

Oblivion represents the first step in a depature from the immersion that really made prior games so special. Deciding to voice characters was a mistake given how little budget they had for voice work after paying Patrick Stewart for his 15 minutes of time alive. The inability to kill certain "essential" NPCs makes sense for a modern game design perspective but it's still very jarring to throw a giant fireball at a room and have everyone die except Jeff the Essential Character who wakes up like it was nothing.

The story was fun, the side quests entertaining with a special shout out to the Dark Brotherhood showcasing just how much they wanted to try with the game engine. Things in the world tended to start to feel more samey with the exception of the Shivering Isles. Truly it seems like this game needed a bit more time in the oven.

Love the Shivering Isles. Wes Johnson as Sheogorath is amazing

Feels old and level scaling just kills whole role playing. But open world is great.

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I've done so much that is NOT the main quest that I don't even know what happens past Kvatch and meeting the Blades. I hope to finish this one day but the way you level is a major setback.

Excellent game. Also the Horse Armor DLC is amazing well worth the 100 bucks i paid for it!

o jogo é muito bom e te dá infinitas possibilidades de criação de personagem, mas a main quest é muito curta e a mecanica dos portais é extremamente repetitiva e enjoativa

Oblivion para mí es como beberse un vaso de agua cuando llegas sediento a casa, como un día fresco tras una ola de calor, como contemplar un atardecer mientras una dulce brisa te acaricia la piel. Soy perfectamente consciente de las carencias de Oblivion, pero la nostalgia es demasiado fuerte. Este ha sido mi juego de reposo, mi lugar seguro durante muchos años. No puedo evitar que me parezca encantador por todos los motivos que ya han sido explicados mil y una veces por personas más elocuentes que yo. Y por si fuera poco, con mods se vuelve un juego verdaderamente bueno.

I absolutely loved this like 75% of the time but when I had to keep using console commands to fix bugs and respawn my disappeared weapons, along with increased crashes, I stopped giving a shit about paying attention to the game. I rushed through the last bit of the main story and both the dlcs and now I’m just glad it’s over. Bug fixes and some minor tweaks would make this an easy 9/10

I like TES IV, but it's a disconcerting swerve back into the mainstream after Morrowind, with Oblivion itself happily pilfering (and somehow messing-up) Peter Jackson's LotR movies. The scaling in it is hilariously broken, too. But it's entertaining! There's a lightheartedness to it, even when it gets darker, and it's hard to not enjoy how much of a meme factory it can get. I once saw an all-out war in the Imperial Market over a stolen piece of bread.

listen, it might be stupidly unbalanced, but GOD i love running around and doing sidequests

I hate to break it but I feel like this game hasn’t aged well but at the same time feels very special compared to a game like Skyrim (which I grew up with). To start of with the bad the voice acting is so bad it’s not even funny and the dialogue system is so horrendous and their facial expressions. The UI or HUD just sucks and look’s really ugly in my opinion. The game also crashes very often on steam. It also takes forever to level up. However what’s good about the game is the story and gameplay (which is not something special by these days standard but is still unique. You also got tons classes to choose from and weapons have limited usage which requires you to reconsider if the enemy you’re fighting is worth wasting your weapons lifespan over.

Goofiest elder scrolls game (and worst voice acting because of lack of direction) but has some charm inside :)

Will always love this game, it feels like going home every time I boot it up.

So dated now but I maintain this is the last of the Bethesda TES/Fallout games which is still a real RPG

The level scaling sucks and makes no sense, the artstyle's extremely generic (especially when compared to Morrowind) and boring, most NPCs are too few and boring to justify them being "unique", the combat's floaty...
However, the quests are fun, the music's good, the wacky AI is pretty neat at times, the shivering isles expansion is genuinely good, and the game gives you freedom. All in all not a bad game. Just get the fan patches that fix bugs and you're good to go.

The game that served as a host to some of my fondest childhood memories. This was perhaps the second game I have ever 100% completed (Achievements) and I loved every second of it. Bethesda put a lot of pride into their games back then and it shows. I could not have asked for a better experience at the time. The Shivering Isles DLC is also still one of my most beloved pieces of extra content. Sheogorath is an absolute mad man and I love him!

Great open world, solid story, okay combat, great gear progression, and amazing iconic side quests. There's so much to do, and so much replayability. This will forever be one of my favorite games ever. Something about being a broken overpowered specialized monster in terms of stats in the end is just great honestly.


besides all the memes this is genuinely a fun game

jogo bonito pero faltaron waifus

Tentei, por diversas vezes, jogar esse jogo. Ou era o meu computador que não aguentava e ficava injogável, ouporque eu simplesmente não conseguia engajar o suficiente para ir adiante. Ainda pretendo voltar para esse mundo um dia, com a promessa do tão aguardado remake (que está, supostamente, em desenvolvimento).

this game is one of my perfect rpgs

and yes the bugs are one of the reason why its perfect

waiting for it to be put in the Skyrim engine

Another of Bethesda's complete edition compilations, but for Oblivion. Unfortunately, for PS3 owners, there is no Mehrunes' Razor or the extra homes, but all the story DLC content is there.