Reviews from

in the past

zeeple dome and do you know jack can suck my dick but the rest i love so much. they're always in the Jackbox game rotation whenever with friends

Patently Stupid: Create an invention, name it, make a slogan, then convince everyone else why it's the greatest thing since sliced bread
Zeeple Dome: Unplayable coop game due to connection lag.
You don't know Jack: Jack is back.
Split the Room: Answer prompts specifically to try and get as many people as possible to vote different as to whether they would or wouldn't do what the prompt says.
Robot Rap Battles: Create 4 line raps that are read aloud by the vocoded robots. When the prompts dont fuck you over can lead to some of the most memorable rounds in all of jackbox.

play mad verse city with the kind of white boys who freestyle when they're high and it's very fun. i also think split the room is great but it's never anyone's cup of tea so i never get to play it. as usual, the rest suck cock and balls whole. zeeple dome especially might be the single worst jpp game

If we ignore JPP1, this is the worst one IMO.

YDKJ is too hard to understand, and probably too american in some questions, but i didn't really understand how to play, what to answer, literally nothing, it's too weird in a really boring way. (1/10)

Mad Verse City is really hard to make it work, needs too much imagination and ends being boring and making people leave the game mid round. (2/10)

Zeeple Dome it's pretty good, but for playing alone or with friends in the same room, not in screen share. And gets boring pretty fast. But yeah, it's okay, like a weird angry-bird game. (5/10)

Patently stupid is actually pretty good if everyone follows the rules of the game. Easy to make fun situations and finishing one game makes you want to start another. (8/10)

And well, Split the Room, to be completely honest, is one of the best games Jackbox has ever made. Is extremely fun, easy to make your friends laugh and the same time hard to make the room split. It's great, and makes me really sad that the rest of the games are that bad (except Patently stupid). This is a 10/10 no doubt.

Part of bundle from Humble Bundle for all odd-numbered Jackbox Party Pack games.

Patently Stupid carries this whole pack

Patently Stupid is one of my favorite Jackbox games, and Mad Verse is great fun. Not interested in anything else though, so overall a little weaker than something like Party Pack 3.

the robot rap battle is the most musically talented i will ever be

mad verse carries and pstupid is great

- i am da greatest rapper. everyone hypes me up and then when i suck they act surprised 4.5/5 (be sure you have an even amount of people)
- you don't know jack really blanches in trivia against trivia murder party. 2/5
- patently stupid is a personal favorite, but you gotta be playing will people who will die for the bit 4/5
- my friends want to fuck the cat help 2.5/5 (a bit of fun strategy here)
- nothing worse than when a friend is like "well, hey, what's zeeple dome" and "let's just give it a try". 0/5

As with any Jackbox, trivia games rely on your friends knowing trivia, and improv games rely on your friends being clever/funny. YMMV.
Patently Stupid: Consistently leads to funny moments.
Mad Verse City: Only works if you or your friends are good at improv, but when it hits, it hits hard.
Split the Room: Great concept, deserves a return. Doesn't require as much improv skill.
Zeeple Dome: Straight up does not work.
You Don't Know Jack: Haven't played because my group hates trivia.

Individual game reviews:

You don't know Jack: Not that fun of a trivia game and hard to get a group to want to play it.

Split the Room: Pretty fun game, but the last round kind of stinks and the game is nowhere near as good if you have an odd amount of players.

Mad Verse City: The robot AI voice is funny when it reads your raps, and overall it is a funny game that is easy for everyone to understand.

Patently Stupid: Really fun drawing game that makes this pack worth much more than it would be otherwise. Making inventions and the presentation aspect make it a must-play any time this pack is booted up.

Zeeple Dome: Horrible. Just horrible.

not a review but fuck my friends for not wanting to play madverse city.

how do you follow up something as good as 4? by making this mid shit

YOU DON'T KNOW JACK: i love trivia but literally none of my friends do so i can never play it. its so sad
MAD VERSE CITY: its Fine i just dont like it very much. maybe my friends arent good at it
PATENTLY STUPID: crowd favourite but just doesn't woo me. i think junktopia was a better take on the concept.
SPLIT THE ROOM: can't remember last time i booted this up, maybe it needs more people than i know what to do with
ZEEPLE DOME: i have never hated a game so much

I like this one, Rap Robots make this pack tho

I only like Patently Stupid in this pack but Patently stupid is top 3 Jackbox games so it still gets a decent score

Rapping robots is fun and Split the Room can be too.

Played the rap battle game and it was aight

Don't think there's any stand out bangers in this pack. Still some fun to be had but nothing that makes JPP5 a must own compared to the others.

#1 Mad Verse City - Some of the lamest rap verses ever make for some hilarious back and forth
#2 Patently Stupid - Always enjoy the presentation games and this is a pretty solid one
#3 Split the Room - Hypotheticals are always good content for a room of friends so some good times are had here
#4 You Don't Know Jack 2 - Still not my fav trivia game style but not bad, its decent
#5 Crab Nebula - Honestly don't think we ever played this one

I mainly remember the robot rap battle I played with a Danganronpa server and spit fire incredibly hard. Good times good times.

Another great addition to the collection.
You Don't Know Jack Full Stream: Splendid modern approach to the YDKJ discography. It's unfortunate that making it randomly generated means there are fewer opportunities for designed question experiences (like the wrong answer of the day or making every question about Paul Rudd), but they manage to sneakily insert a few here and there that are executed well. It does make me curious to see what the future of YDKJ looks like though.
Mad Verse City: Hilarious rap battle simulator. I think I'm personally tired of it, but it took a long long time to get to that point. Great for new players.
Patently Stupid: Snake Oil but in Jackbox. The enforced setup can be stifling at times, but not often enough for it to be a problem. I still like it quite a lot.
Split The Room: Good potential, sometimes a blast. A little slower than most Jackbox games, but can be really strong with creative players.
Zeeple Dome: While this one doesn't quite land for me, I'm appreciative that they often dedicate one game in each pack to being a wild card experiment.

mad verse city is mankind's greatest creation

Even when the games are meh, I think I really value the inventiveness of the general Jackbox design angle.