Reviews from

in the past

YOU DON’T KNOW JACK: Full Stream: a MELHOR versão de YDKJ já feita. Tudo funciona muito bem, as perguntas são ótimas, é facilmente meu preferido em todos os packs.
Split the Room: eu acho o conceito bem legal, mas os prompts e, principalmente, a fase final não cumprem tão bem o ponto.
Mad Verse City: não joguei ainda.
Patently Stupid: se você olha só pro conceito, parece sem graça, mas logo que você joga, você entende a genialidade de um jogo de fazer pitches estúpidos.
Zeeple Dome: é bem maluco, caótico e diferente pro padrão Jackbox, mas sofre um pouco dos lags do controle.

mad verse city is the best jackbox game all of the others in this pack are insanely irrelevant

Zeeple Dome Bad but Patently Stupid Good

The second best out of the Jackbox packs.

i just want to insult people as a giant nokia

Patently stupid is amazing and mad verse city is great but everything else is average

rappin robots would be way better if it worked but most times I try to play it network fails after we've written our raps

it's okay, i think a lot of people like this one but imo the rapping one, ydkj, and split the room are okay, the best one is patently, and the last one is pretty bad

Zeeple Dome is unplayable via streaming.
Split the Room is fine.
You Don't Know Jack is way too try-hard. If I'm paying a Jackbox trivia game, it's going to be Trivia Murder Party.
Patently Stupid and Mad Verse City are pretty fun with the right crew.

Split The Room is my favorite jackbox game
Patently Stupid is really fun with right people
same applies to mad verse city
Zeeple Dome??

You're corn on the cob. I'm steak
I bet David gets naked and he takes it like a fruitcake

This is no valentine this is a rabies
I do meet and greets, but you do meat and sheets with babies

great set of games, but only with the right crowd. it was just kinda awkward when i tried playing with my family, but when i switched to my friends it became an absolute blast

You Don't Know Jack: this is just an average trivia game, not much to say. it's not bad, but it's not really anything special.
Split The Room: this game doesn't work well with an even number of people, but it's still enjoyable
Mad Verse City: this game is very fun, and it's the second best game on here. even if you can't make a good enough rhyme, you can still be hilarious with your bars
Zeeple Dome: this has to be the worst jackbox game in the entire party pack- no, the worst jackbox game in general. the controls are absolute dogshit, the color coding is the most tedious thing ever, and its so frustrating with discord delay
Patently Stupid: the best game in the pack, and it may be my favorite jackbox game in general. this may be my personal bias because i love drawing, but seeing other people's prompts, and their solutions to mine, always brings me so much joy.

best game: patently stupid
worst game: zeeple dome
i'd rank it in 3rd place in terms of my favorite packs

YDKJ is always welcome and a delight. Split the room is a great new game and it has got a lot of playtime out of me and my friends. I suck at it but mad verse city is really good too. Patently stupid has created some banging laughs in my groups. Pretty solid pack here.

With Mad Verse City alone this is one of the best Party Packs.

This one has YDKJ and the rapping robots one, so it's quite good

+Split the Room (4) - Writing game where you are trying to create the most divisive fill-in-the-blank responses to what-if scenarios in order to split the room's votes evenly.

+Mad Verse City (3
) - Writing game where you are completing lines in a rap battle. Kind of slower-paced than I'd like and requires a heavy amount of writing for a Jackbox game.

+YDKJ 2018 (3*) - Trivia game with wacky presentation. Nothing particularly noteworthy.

+Patently Stupid (N/A) - Drawing & Live Improv game. Haven't found any willing participants to do any improv-related games, so I can't rate this one.

+Zeeple Dome (N/A) - Never played this one, as everyone I've tried to play it with immediately groans about how bad it is.

Individual reviews (one star for enjoyable game, half for semi)
You Don't Know Jack: A classic and a very fun game to play by yourself cries
Split the Room: Very interesting concept and subverts the standards for many of the Jackbox games
Zeeple Dome: NO
Mad Verse City: Rapping Robots is very fun...anyone could do it and it still is don't actually need to be funny for it
Patently Stupid: Very fun just to make dumb inventions and try to present them

Haven't played: You Don't Know Jack (guess I really don't)
Good: Split the Room, Mad Verse City, Patently Stupid
Okay: Zeeple Dome

The robot rap game is good, but overall I think this might be the weakest one they've done.

YDKJ: Still not a fan.

Patently Stupid: Takes some obvious hints from TKO, and it's not as good, but I still like it a lot.

Mad Verse City: So great, probably one of the most creativity-imploring Jackboxes, which is saying a lot, and it has the chance to get super toxic if you're playing with friends.

Zeeple Dome: Not actually played this one yet.

Split The Room: Love this one as well. Having the chance to make your own super bizarre and uncomfortable scenarios and watching your friend's reactions is always fantastic.

Patently Stupid > Mad Verse City > Split The Room > You Don't Know Jack Full Stream > Zeeple Dome

The best overall Jackbox btw

You Don't Know Jack (Full Stream):
I am not really a fan of trivia but for this one I don't really care for winning because I love this game for being so utterly up it's own ass. Coming back to this game for the ridiculous comedy alone is worth it but that's just me.
This is one I'd recommend to try once or twice to see if you like it but if not then just play the other games. It's here for anyone who likes it.

Split the Room:
With the right crowd, this enigma of a game can be a blast. I enjoy it with my memey friend group but I really enjoy it more when this game is actually taken seriously. When I am in the right mood for it, getting people to really think about the scenario and coming up with answers to split the people your playing with is fun because it requires you to perceive a bit about the people you're playing with and allow that to influence your answer (to me atleast).
Not one of my favourites but when the circumstances align, Split the Room can be amazing.

Mad Verse City:
This game is very hard in my opinion so I tend to play it when I am not too relaxed. I am sad I don't get to play this often because it's one of my favourite games for concept alone but my friend group get mentally exhausted coming up with raps after round one if they're not really in the mood. When everyone and I is pumped up with wit however this game is utterly hysterical.
I couldn't care less about winning which means you have a fun ass game on your hands. Though like I said it is quite difficult to come up with bars in a short amount of time so play this when you feel... I'm just gonna say witty.

Patently Stupid:
I remember someone saying this is a worse version of Tee K.O. and I was like "...They're nothing alike?".
This game is honestly addicting at times and me and my friend group loved every second of it. Like Survive the Internet however playing it in too many intervals can soak up some enjoyment out of the concept. Fortunately, Patently Stupid isn't as bad as that game in terms of those circumstances because the game's concept still offers a lot of comedic value. With that said, I met people who dislike this game and I generally don't get why.

It's sad that this pack only contains 4 games. I wonder where that other game went that I totally am not refusing to remember? Oh well, this pack is really solid in my opinion with 3/4 being definite recommendations and the 1/4 being a game I'd say to try once to see if you like it.

Split,Robot Rap and Patently Stupid are fucking incredible