Reviews from

in the past

I prefer its predecessor a lot more but I still had a lot of fun. Really thought the striker system was neat

The PS1 Version is better than I excepted. Of course you have loading times after each round but on the plus side you get a ton of concept art (including cool unused sprites) and you can recolor all of the characters.

Also you have the option to assing four of your special moves to your controller buttons. This probably breaks some of the balance since charge characters don't need to charge anymore with this feature but it might help beginners get into the game :)

Because I gave KOF '00 another chance, I decided to give this one a chance too. I liked it enough. Most of my thoughts are on my KOF '00 "review" though. Although the new mechanics in this one feel way more unpolished. It makes sense since it's the first game they're trying a new thing with.

(One thing I did forget to mention is how much I LOVE the OST and stages for both games)

This being K’’s first game is pretty cool. I'm not too big on the added mechanics to the game though.

Good game, but this is the start of the downfall of the franchise.
Amazing sprite work in characters and scenarios. The characters' presentation and artwork are amazing, and the color edit is a fun touch in the series. K', the new protagonist, has some charm and charisma, but the rest of his team makes no sense. The new characters have good designs, but they don't blend well with their teams. And about the gameplay: why did they make the controls so stiff? Back in the day, I was shocked at how hard it was to make a simple special move compared to KoF 97 and 98. Good game, but it's just not better than 98...

com o final da Saga Orochi e o começo da Saga Nests, acabamos conhecendo o novo personagem destaque de KoF: K'
tivemos a mudança de 3 personagens por equipe para 4 e a introdução de diversos novos characters, a gameplay não é tão boa quanto seus 2 antecessores, mas ainda é um jogo concreto


Gameplay esquisita porém a ost é mt pica, fora os cenários super bem feitos, KOF volta a ser campeonato de rua então todos cenários são bem urbanos, atrás de restaurante, no meio de um parque público e etc, plot é legalzinho mas clone do Kyo é super brisado.

After you play this game you'll only be able to walk with your hands in your pocket

probably the most underrated game in all KOF saga

KOF '99 is such a strange entry in the franchise to me. The mood of this game is strong, you can really feel the rise of the NESTS and their technological advancements (a great example being both of Krizalid's boss themes, as they use mechanical sounds as instruments). Many of the backgrounds are a bit more muted in color compared to the bright and colorful environments of '98.
I'll hop into gameplay and stuff a bit more before I discuss some story elements. Unfortunately, KOF 99 does not feel as good to play as '98. The striker system, while cool, feels somewhat underutilized, and most of the time they didn't help very much (although maybe it's just a problem with the enemy AI always reading my inputs). From what I've heard, 2000 actually expands upon this mechanic and is much better, so I'll look forward to that. Aside from the striker system, KOF 99 feels like the last game but just slightly gimped. You can't even use advanced mode (temporarily making you stronger and giving a better super move at the cost of one bar stock) like in the last few games, which is disappointing.
But what had to be my favorite thing about this title is what is going on with the cast/story. Kyo's character in this game is so engaging, he's a modest hero who's now at his lowest point, due to him being mass cloned and missing for two years after the defeat of Orochi. His theme "Tears", perfectly encapsulates this portrayal of the character, it's amazing. '99 is also the introduction of some popular characters, most notably K' (the protagonist of the NESTS saga who is a clone of Kyo), and the new Ikari Warrior member Whip. The fact that SNK had the balls to replace such a popular character as Kyo with a NEW protagonist is very honorable, especially compared to other fg protagonists.
And of course, the soundtrack is boss. What else is there to say?
Overall, KOF '99 is a solid game, but the actual "game" part of it feels like a step backwards from '98. I love the presentation, the characters, and the story, but I find playing this one a bit disappointing. Still solid, but also less impactful then the last game due to the gameplay feel. At least K' and Whip are based.

I used to hate the striker system but as I got older, I've grown to appreciate it. As for the plot, its a little under par from the orochi saga. This is definitely a very good saga though.

I love kyo in this game, Tears might one of my favorite tracks of all time. Gameplay got super stiff and clunky. Good ideas on the story but weak ideas, compare to the orochi saga.

The new protagonist is too edgy and the striker system is very boring to use, it doesn't fit into KOF's quicker combat

só deus sabe o que o Krizalid fala, é tudo menos o que é pra ser.

It has Whip and that sells it for me. Also I think the backgrounds are breathtaking.

From this KOF onwards they go in a more Edge Sci-Fi direction which is pretty cool imo.

They added the Striker System which is super fun. Basically you select a Fourth Team member you can then call as an assist during the fight.

Dodging Backwards is weird in this game though as it makes you hop forward automatically right after.

Marcando el final del milenio, SNK, en los últimos momentos de su era dorada decide dar inicio formal al siguiente paso en la línea evolutiva de Kof, no solo con el prólogo a una nueva saga con una nueva cara protagonica, si no que con un nuevo sistema jugable que llegaría a cambiar las reglas ya conocidas.

En Kof 99 es que hacen su debut las alineaciones de 4 miembros por equipo, con tres siendo los ya típicos activos en combate mientras que el cuarto integrante hará asistencias activas en el round a través de una combinación de dos botones, siendo llamados formalmente como Strikers.

Dicha mecánica es la gran revolución en el platillo y se presta a expandir tus combos con ayudas externas que debes calcular a detalle.

Cada Striker tiene sus atributos y tiempos de reacción además de ser recursos limitados por lo que no bastará tratar de spamear a tu helper.

Sumado a ello, Kof 99 también bifurca el modo Max a dos usos totalmente opuestos.

Por un lado tenemos el armor, de 10 segundos de duración y que te brinda defensa mejorada al grado que un ataque o especial sencillo no bastará para interrumpir tus animaciones de ataque y el daño será menor a lo normal, todo para ser lo más ofensivo posible en dicha brecha mientras que el counter te permitirá acceder a mejor ataque y daño además de cancelaciones de tus supers para optimizar los huecos que queden o al fallar los mismos dejarte menos vendido.

SNK trabajó, de nueva a cuenta, a dar un lavado a su jugabilidad ya establecida sin sacrificar poco o nada realmente, los Strikers son un sistema estelar y poder variar entre dos modos de max permite un flexeo de estilos muy peculiar.

Para concluir el juego se muestra ambiciosa incluso en su trama.

La saga de Orochi fue un relato épico promedio de tus series de acción con el crescendo a tope mientras más se acercaba la llegada del Dios destructor, un hilo narrativo muy directo aunque con sus sorpresas aquí y allá mientras que 99 con el inicio de la llamada "Saga de NESTS" busco apantallar de otras maneras.

Kyo y Iori se encuentran perdidos por lo que la batuta de líder pasa a manos de K', un enigmático chico que será acompañado por Benimaru, Shingo y otro Newcomer malencarado llamado Maxima para avanzar en este nuevo torneo y encontrarse, no solo con la sorpresa de que parece ser un clon imperfecto del nuevo jefe final Krizalid si no que además este tipo forma parte de un cartel criminal que, habiendo secuestrado a Kyo, forma un ejército de clones en masa para conquistar el mundo.

¿Ridículo? ¿Raro? ¿Poco común? Pues todo ello, pues con todo y el poder de K', incluso la saga empieza con el equipo siendo derrotado y es el Kyo original quien debe imposibilitar a Krizalid para que el Hero Team pueda escapar y, con la tormenta calmandose, una desconocida miembro de los Ikari Warriors remate a Krizalid entre lágrimas, con una trama que te entrega una bomba de información muy densa aunque incompleta, dejando expectante al próximo capítulo de esta nueva historia.

Y eso es a grandes rasgos The King of Fighters 99, un paso inicial que fue con todo y muestra que las personas de Osaka andaban aún con todo su potencial, los cambios mecánicos luego de haber alcanzado la casi perfección con 98 muestran una valentía y ganas de no estancarse envidiables y el resultado final es un Kof único, bien pulido dentro de lo que cabe y con una nueva identidad, esperemos que la saga se desenvuelva tan limpiamente cómo su antecesora.

1998 and 1999 really were golden years for SNK and this game continues to prove that. While the roster is smaller than 98, as this game begins the NESTS saga, the polish both in visuals and gameplay is just as good here as it is in 98. This game even has 4-person teams which is nuts. Unfortunately, the strain of pumping out banger after banger within those two years plus the decline of arcades would eventually spell the end of SNK... What a ride though.


O jogo é meio estranho. A partir daqui começa a saga NESTS, mesmo ela sendo uma zona, eu gosto dela. O visual cibernético é até que bacana, os cenários são bonitos, a OST é bem ame ou odeie, tem umas legais e outras bem ruins.

A gameplay também é bem ame ou odeie, pois a partir daqui a gameplay vai mudando drasticamente a cada jogo. Agora o jogo tem um "Striker" que é o assist do jogo, não chega a ser tag, mas esse assist QUEBRA O JOGO DE FORMAS ASTRONÔMICAS.

Ademais, o feeling do jogo é meio estranho, não sei explicar, parece que é um pouco mais lento que 98, mas whatever, ainda é um jogo sólido até, que tomou uma direção bem ousada pra série.



You can't write heterokaryon without k.
Think about it.