Reviews from

in the past

A mediocre and ultimately basic metroidvania. The most original idea is killing your past zombified self to reclaim your weapons and power-ups... which I wouldn't know about since I beat the whole game without dying once. Scattering 50 collectibles around the map only for them to award you nothing is literally just padding. Having knockback be a thing you need a power-up to turn off is silly sauce, as it causes some of the vertical platforming to be a chore. Backtracking is a pain because the fast travel points are too few and far between. There's also some slowdown which is unacceptable, even for a Switch version. Lastly, the game doesn't autosave before the final boss, meaning if your last save was from an hour ago and you beat the final boss, it takes you to your last save after the credits. That's a whole point docked what the actual fuck were they thinking.

All that said, everything else is standard Metroid affair. Story is basic, enemies are fine, weapons are good, controls are mostly tight, music is forgettable, level design is competent, and the bosses are a little too tanky. This game is basically Super Metroid but with a different coat of paint and not as polished or expansive. Honestly, the most impressive thing about this game is that it exists at all. A licensed movie game from 2017 based on a movie no one remembers made by fucking WayForward. I guess that Universal Comcast money was just too good to pass up.

Way better than you may expect.
It deserves more recognition. And the OST is awesome!
WayForward is one of my favorite game companies, and once again delivers a pretty solid game.

This game is SO FUCKING frustrating. The biggest obstacle to progression is knock back from dozens of tiny enemies that could be in an area at any given time. So much re-climbing just because a spider or a crow knocked you down a screen or two. There's a cool death mechanic where your body gets possessed and you show up as a fresh, faceless agent that has to retrieve your gear from the possess agent. Super cool early in the game, fucking sucks from the halfway point on. Probably a one and done from me.

Decent enough, with a great soundtrack, but really short. 4:36 with 100% of the map isn't quite enough for nearly 20 quid. Also dropped quite a lot of frames on Switch, even after the performance patch.

It's far from the best metroidvania, but it's still fun and if you're addicted to the genre like I am then you'll probably think it's solid and worth a playthrough.

Wayforward making something actually interesting, only to get completely ignored because out of every single IP they could use to make a cool thing of, they chose the single shittiest Tom Cruise flick.

Metroidvania simplon y facil, solo mori cuatro veces y todas al principio cuando tenia poca vida.

A solid Metroidvania that loses SERIOUS points by having its shiniest collectibles do absolutely nothing in-game.

I scoured every inch of the map, making sure not to miss anything, because that's what I do in every Metroidvania I play. But completion didn't yield anything in this game besides a slightly altered jpeg before the credits roll. The ending itself was weak, and it all felt a bit hollow when it was over.

That being said, the controls are great, the weapons are a lot of fun, and the mechanic of having to kill your zombified corpse to get your stuff back is really engaging.

Very solid Metroidvania. I love the soundtrack, visuals and gameplay, but the main death mechanic is something that nearly ruined the game for me. Overall fun time, and I appreciated its short length.

This game is a very decent Metroidvania.

Such an amazing OST as well.

Maybe for the first time, a game based on a movie is a million times better than the source material.

Good, but sometimes tiring. I'm glad it is a shooter rather than another swordslashing metroidvania.

Not a revolutionary metroidvania, but it knows what its doing and gets in and out in a breezy few hours. Not going to top any best of list, but if you like this genre, its probably worth a play.

Cool retro graphics and gameplay that deserve to be associated with a better film.