Reviews from

in the past

It has some nice variety of puzzles

I've made some people I know play this.

This game improves over nearly every aspect of the first game. Once again, the hint system is absolutely fantastic in that it reveals a little bit of a clue, then a little more if you're still stuck, and so on. Also, this game has a much more interesting (albeit short) ending, as opposed to the incredibly lame ending of the first game.

The first game took me only about an hour to complete. This one took me about 2 hours.

The biggest thing I didn't like about this installment is a certain tedious puzzle that involves you doing the same thing over about 3 times.

Equally good sequel to a really good game. My only gripe is that puzzles are easier than the first game and their presentation is not as good as the first game. Still, I'm giving it a 8/10. Definitely play it.

mm I like that i get to experience escape rooms since i have no friends in real life to go to those real escape rooms!

no but it's cool just like the first one you get all these cool little puzzle boxes that interact in cool ways and it's cool


Another fun one to play with someone helping me out, but I also feel real bad because I'm kind of bad with getting things at first guess. Puzzle games are more try 1000 times for the hopeful 1 lucky find. I like this one though, lil more difficult then 1 but it was very fun.

Interesting puzzles but ran into quite a few bugs that completely stopped me from playing. Realised I could quit the game and come back to reset after ignoring it for weeks.

The Room 2 é uma excelente sequência do primeiro jogo, aprimorando elementos que eu achara fracos no game anterior. As mecânicas continuam as mesmas, um point-and-click unido com quebra-cabeças, porém com ideias novas aplicadas aos puzzles e algumas outras aproveitadas do título inicial. Uma novidade é que os capítulos estão muito maiores e mais complexos, chegando a ter mais de um "cofre" em cada fase para você decifrar. A história aqui recebe um destaque significativo, havendo uma certa linha do tempo sendo contada em notas que o jogador encontra e, no fim, vemos uma cutscene que dá gancho para uma continuação da narrativa a ser lançada. Os ambientes me surpreenderam, tendo uma diferença estética completa entre eles (ao invés de apenas salas, os capítulos são em tumbas e navios). Por fim, a gameplay se mantém simples, inclusive em questão de dificuldade, e curta também, sendo capaz do jogador zerar tudo em 3 horas ou menos. Apesar disso, é um ótimo título! (recomendo começar por aqui do que pelo primeiro jogo inclusive)!

Na lokace bohatší, o poznání delší, ještě více inspirované klasickou Myst formulkou, ale... Ale problém je v puzzlech. Jakkoli jsou nadesignovány dobře a nechybí jim nápaditost ani rozmanitost, tak se jim nedostává byť jen náznaku výzvy. Zmíněné designerské přednosti nejsou totiž vůbec využity, jde o plýtvání dobrými nápady.

Ani jednička nebyl žádný velký mozkolam, ale přeci jen měl hráč pocit, že skutečně něco řeší. Tvůrci však spolu se soustředěním se na „jednu krabici“ opustili i koncept „vím jak to vyřešit, ale nevím kde" versus "nevím jak to vyřešit, ale vím kde“ v neprospěch lokací s více aktivními body, kde vás naoko zahrnou problémy, ale ve skutečnosti vedou přímočaře za ručičku od jednoho problému ke druhému. A jeden je lehčí než druhý.

Výsledkem je příjemná zenová puzzle procházka spíše než regulérní puzzle titul, který je sice o poznání rozsáhlejší, ale díky jednoduchosti jím prosvištíte za stejný čas jako v případě první části; tedy za cca tři hodiny. Stále je to zábavné, ne že ne, ale čistě v ranku odpočinkovém, kdy nechcete příliš namáhat mozek po celodenní dřině. Což je u puzzle hry navazující na tradici Mystem inspirovaných titulů poněkud na pováženou.

Quite an enjoyable little puzzle experience. Compared to the first, the puzzles were not as difficult. I spent more time trying to find the next interactable element more than solving a puzzle item.

I am physically incapable of saying bad things about this game the nostalgia is too real

these games are a blast. i love the simple point and click puzzle game genre, and this one has a very unique way about it.

ótima sequência, zerei umas 3 vezes eu acho no celular, não lembro muito, mas é um bom jogo sim!

tipo o the room 1 só que melhorado, a fluidez de gameplay é muito boa e os puzzles são ainda mais criativos.

A satisfying escape room. Narrative doesn't quite melt, but does wrap around it to some extent. A few irritations where you're basically just hunting around, but countered by the satisfaction of working out some puzzles in advance.

Segunda parte, igual de interesante que la primera.

Mucho mejor que el primero, aunque algunos puzzles me parecieron mas sencillos.

Cresci e meu quarto agora é assim

Se houvesse um jogo do filme do código da vince seria dessa forma. Pra quem gosta de jogo de puzzle recomendo, muito bom

While still pretty solid, I didn't love The Room Two quite as much as I enjoyed the first game. The visual effects are a bit more interesting alongside the scale of puzzle rooms, but the same issue of the plot being incomprehensible still exists alongside a new problem.

That new problem being puzzle difficulty, which has dropped a touch to be a bit easier and thus less engaging. The only puzzles that took longer than a few seconds were the ones where I was simply trying to find which part of the larger playspaces they wanted me to be at. And I could easily admit that half of that was me being blind to obvious solutions.

The story is also giving off the impression that it wants to tell you more, but only once you've finished all four games. Since you mostly get the games as a pack of four these days that isn't a huge issue, but from a release standpoint, that had to be frustrating for the time.

With all that said, there's still merit to playing through this one. If you liked the first game, then you'll no doubt find a lot of the same style here. Like mentioned, the visual effects also are a nice step up with more flair for the supernatural moments. As a follow-up, however, I'm a touch disappointed.

very apt sequel to the first game in that it is the same but bigger and better. Puzzles are more creative this time around because they don't have to restrict themselves to all being part of the same puzzle box. I really enjoyed solving them and I think pressing buttons, moving levers and whatever else with the touchscreen still has a certain magic even after all these years. Story is still whatever who cares, barely an excuse for more cool places to base puzzles around.

Um bom jogo de puzzle para passar o tempo.

I've already written a review on The Room, so I don't think there's too much to add beyond what I wrote there. Do you like visually interesting puzzle games? Did you play first installment? If you answered yes to those questions, go ahead and pull the trigger on this game.

Final Verdict: 7/10

Virtually identical to the first one, only slightly more annoying here and there. The puzzles also seem to be a bit less inspired this time around. Still a really good puzzle game.

Excellent puzzler; relies a bit too much on pixel hunting.

This review contains spoilers

Después de jugar The Room parece que mejoraron en casi todo aspecto, solo tuve que usar las pistas una vez pero en general son puzles que se pueden pensar aun trabandote un ratito, no son extremadamente complejos y cuando empiezan a encajar todas las piezas si te hace sentir como un crack pero hay algunos puzles que si se pueden chitear, generalmente los que tenes que poner 3 números o símbolos y conoces 2, el tercero lo vas ciclando hasta escuchar un ruido. Cumple lo que promete así que no se puede pedir mas