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boom boom bang bang, fuck director's cut challenges


A fantastic light gun game with tons of personality and charm. Do wish it was a bit harder and the bosses weren't so easy but still a great time from beginning to end.


I kinda hate the grindhouse vibe but I do like clicking on my keyboard.

listen i love typing of the dead but this is NOT the same don’t be fooled it’s fun and u get to type and kill zombies and friends but it’s just not the same without G and da boyz and the dreamcast graphics it’s DIFFERENT

They made a lot of QoL improvements to this one, the time slowing power-up, the margin of one error before resetting the multiplier, collectables. That's nice and it still feels good just typing the random shit on screen as fast and shooting the mutants down.

The atmosphere being more dark and at night compared to the original TToTD was a little meh, it made it hard to see somethings- but I guess it fit the more modern takes on zombie apocalypses. The detective is my favorite character a lot of the time, he does just keep saying fuck as part of his character, but sometimes he does say it on comedically timed moments.
The levels with the girls are alright too, their motive isn't great, but they were still fun.

Also no way they made Chrischan an actual character in this game!!!!!!!!

É muito divertido, eu num fui até o final mas ele me divertiu demais

Overkill would be my least favourite HOTD if we excluded HOTD1 by virtue of being old.
The grindhouse vibe just isn't for me, combined with zombies being ridiculously slow, scarce and lacking in class variety.

A really fun little game to keep you entertained
Also play with mods, it makes the game infinitely better

Unironically THE campiest game I've ever played and it's so, so good for that. Combining the corny charm of 2009's The House of the Dead: Overkill with the even "dumber" idea of TYPING to shoot, it creates a genuinely batshit insane game. I love this game so damn much. Played it while streaming to friends and we all had a blast despite the fact that I was the only one playing. Why? Because this game has the funniest cutscenes ever, and the funniest prompts for a typing test ever seen.

We screamed when I was asked to type "Better Call Saul".

It's a shame that this game has never went on sale on Steam since 2017. This is a hidden gem for anybody who enjoys pulpy, campy, B-movie feels. A genuine masterpiece, and I could not ask for more.

The Typing of the Dead is a oddly charming, addictive, and rewarding with its simplistic "typing tutor" based gameplay loop, that can be endlessly modded to include any text on the planet. NameBrand.

Typing Overkill is honestly a really competent game and fairly competent typing tutor.

On the one hand you have a really polished game, with mechanics that make sense, an addicting gameplay loop and flow, and a narrative that's crazy enough to keep you chuckling and entertained for at least your first time through.

On the other hand you have a relatively competent typing learning software, where you can improve your typing skills by being put under pressure to type faster, and more accurately than you may ever have before, giving the player a score to accurately reflect how they did within each stage.

The marriage of these two ideas into one makes for a really compelling game in and of itself. But the Steam workshop makes this such a better bargain. Being able to mod in whatever words and phrases you want, to appear in the game, is such a welcome novelty, and really makes it so you can change how the game plays whenever you're playing. You might be limited in the number of prompts per stage, but you could go from typing the whole bible out on to some of the most famous movie quotes of all time, or whatever.

While the modding is a neat talking point though, I can't stress enough that it just feels so cool to destroy those prompts. The devs 100% nailed that, and that's why I'll come back around after all is said and done.

Even if none of this is interesting, I still think that the inclusion of the shooting version "The House of the Dead Overkill" is a nice touch and adds some length to your time. If you're trying for that completionist rating, you'll have to play through the story at least 4 times... once through on typing, then hardcore typing, then once through on shooting, then hardcore shooting (plus challenges). But yeah!

I will remark this one thing: This game... having been released in 2013. It's not worth 20$. And it probably never will be lol considering the last time it went on sale was 2017. Go to a key resale site. Get it for cheap. That makes it an easy recommend for me.

man what a fun game, also G and Isaac are boyfriends

The House of the Dead was a hit zombie light gun game back in the 90’s in the arcades. This huge Sega hit spawned a game called Typing of the Dead that featured Agent G and heroes wielding keyboards instead of guns. The game was highly addictive as words and sentences popped up on enemies. If you typed everything correctly the zombie would die. A reimagining using the Wii hit House of the Dead: Overkill takes the main game and turns it into a keyboard typing fest and it’s a blast.

The story and voice acting are intentionally left to be cheesy to make fun of the absolutely abysmal voice acting from the original games. It adds a comedy factor. While it’s not nearly as bad as previous games it’s still enough to bring back memories. Agent G and Washington are after a man named Papa Caesar who has somehow killed Washington’s father and released a zombie virus among the world. Along the way, you meet various characters, but none of them are really memorable. The wacky story and over the top adult content such as swearing and gore is a blast.

The game is on rails like any light gun shooter. As zombies pop up you just type away with what you see. Each level is unique with its own themed zombies and bosses. The zombies are well done and the game can be sometimes downright gross. The bosses are both funny and disgusting to look at, but overall the typing portion of the game is only as difficult as your typing skills permit. Thankfully you don’t have to include punctuation or anything like that. Just type what you see as fast as you can. Sometimes you have to save civilians for more points, but outside killing zombies there’s nothing else in the levels. If you spam the Tab key you can get all the hidden extras which makes it much easier to unlock everything.

Thankfully this is only half the game. The other half is the actual light gun game using the mouse to shoot. Basically, it’s two games in one, but if you play through one it will be tough to get through another due to repetition. It’s not like you can choose another ending or go down multiple paths. The game is really only good for one playthrough unless you are extremely bored. The extras aren’t really anything worth unlocking either.

For what it is the game offers a lot of content for the small price, but playing through the game twice in different modes just doesn’t seem appealing for the amounts of cheese the game layers on.

A shooter on rails where you shoot by typing words and eventually phrases correctly, a great game to improve your typing skills. Completed the main story but didn't 100%. When getting this one you also get the "main" version, House of the Dead Overkill, which is a regular shooter on rails that you shoot with your mouse or joystick.

Campy, silly, and fun enough. Very easy to put in your own custom dictionaries, which makes this much more enjoyable when you see the goofy stuff you have put in yourself.

are you shit at typing? do you like zombies? want to improve your typing skills?

this game is for you

A Westernized take that tries its best, but comes nowhere close to the classics. The music can be pretty great at times but it's overall a pretty sleepy experience. Incredibly late '00s.

Fun, silly and memorable. A remnant of a past long forgotten, this lightgun or type-gun game cannot be taken seriously and that's what makes it so special.

Clement more than likely fucked his mother... And not once...
Not once did you call him "motherfucker"... When indeed he was.

Often as fun as someone reminding you of a joke you told the last time you watched this movie with someone else.

Games that feature Unbirthing: This One

Made me laugh a few times, but real shame about the female characters all being awful and/or dying, two main characters also have weak writing, but gameplay for the typing is fun at least, PC port is also quite lacking, just has resolution options and AA on/off, detail is quite low overall.

This game is fun thanks to its cheesy storyline and characters, a regular occurrence in the House of the Dead games. I enjoyed the different gameplay angle of this game that makes use of the keyboard instead of the regular light gun type of gameplay.

Typing works incredibly well and it's fun to look for collectibles in each level. The game also includes a classic mode (no typing) and mini-games that add to the replay value.

A fun style of gameplay that is just a bit too edgy 5 me in its treatment of everyone. I get that it's supposed to be doing an exploitation movie thing, but some of the stuff feels tongue in cheek, and other stuff just feels unironically shitty.

this game was ok, the yahoo answers mod made it better LOL

Like a rail shooter, the gameplay is terrible, the plot and cutscenes are long and stupid, visual is awful, but the "typing" gameplay is very useful for skills

Estaba entretenido, pero no hay mucho más una vez te pasas los primeros capitulos y entiendes el rollo

The sentences I had to type had me laughing and crying in their complexity as I was being eaten