Reviews from

in the past

Roadkill was my favorite. Really wish this game had a single battle option.

This is one of those fun edgy games. The concept is fun but I will say that the future games figured out the formula more. This is the kind of game your neighbor would have growing up and insist it's the best thing ever.

A brilliant albeit clumsy proof of concept that does just well enough to warrant a sequel that can iron out the wrinkles. They absolutely should've kept the cheesy live action endings in.

Não funciona. O jogo simplesmente não funciona. Os controles são horríveis, a dificuldade é insana, ainda bem q n pararam nesse e fizeram bem melhor nos outros.

I needed a palate cleanser and wanted to try to get to grips with it, since Americans seem to love this franchise and you should start a series with the first game wherever possible.

If I'd got this on PS1 back in the day I think I'd have been quite put out - there's not a lot to it. Definitely needed more levels. This is forgiveable in the context of its release, wrestling with early 3D development probably plays a large part.

It plays fine once you grasp the controls, and I think it still works visually when actually in a level.

This was alright for the start of the series but 2 is so much better.

Fun concept, but not a lot to do if you're playing single player. I can see it being fun in multiplayer though.

the 2nd one is where the series really gets good.

Even as a kid I hated this game. It played like melting butter in a microwave.

they weren't lying

you would have better luck twisting metal than controlling the characters

Twisted Metal is a cool idea, but its execution hasn't aged too well. In a way, this would work very well, if it were a demolition arcade game cabinet from the 90s, especially with the controls here feeling either too stiff or too slippery, depending on the character you pick.

It's a really tough game, but worth checking out for its weird and wacky premise. Going through each character and seeing their endings with Calypso (who has a really eerie design) is a pretty unique take on adding multiple endings to a game of this nature. Nothing too special, but there's potential here for improvement.

Thanks Sony for NOT adverting updates on your PS+ classic library!

A staple in many people's memories of owning a Playstation, however, Twisted Metal did not aged as well as it's first-year peers and of course it's sequels...

Graphics are really rough around the edges even for an early title game (I have a soft spot for actual low poly graphic games). There are moments in game where it's hard to spot weapon and turbo tokens, thanks to how they camouflage themselves in the LA environment and it's difficult to know what weapon you'll get. It would be very helpful that, at least, SingleTrac could had placed weapon/turbo indicators in the displayed mini-map, they at least had the courtesy to show where health recharge stations are in the map.

Gameplay is no better. The premise is simple: be the last one standing in a free-for-all style deathmatch, by defeating your opponents' vehicle with guns, missiles, specials, collisions (ram damage) and even environmental hazards (ramming them off cliffs). The gameplay can be aggravating due to how the CPU's AI generally work, they always dog-pile on you, the player, with spamming they're infinite arsenal of specials, never bothering to attack other CPUs. They are programmed to pretend to go after other CPUs when they are out of a designated range of a player. It becomes very difficult very fast, especially if you choose the ultra fast/light armoured cars, like Mr. Grimm, Spectre or Crimson Fury, in later levels where you might not have enough lives left. I guess it evens out with how relatively short the game actually is. Only 6 levels with 12 characters to choose, you can easily complete the game in one sitting, thanks to level passwords being universal to all characters.

Music and presentation is where I can give props to SingleTrac. Music is an excellent heavy metal/grunge mix, with a dash of cinematic orchestra, that really immerses the player into a cathartic road rampage against other drivers in the desolated streets of LA set in, a now retro-futuristic world of, 2005. Sucks that audio option is just full on music but with no sound effects, or no music but with full on sound effects. Just got to play it with headphones on or turn up your TV's volumes, just remember to turn in down once you're done playing.
I love the game's presentation, Calypso's Twisted Metal Tournament, the man himself, and the description of how he is presented, is very much a nod to quite a few B-movie cult classics, like Mad Max, and Escape from New York to name a few. It's been widely know that SingleTrac developers intend to have FMVs on the game as Twisted Metal was developed along with another Sony classic, Warhawk), which have a lot of cheesy FMVs we all love so much. Those FMVs were thankfully release to the public with the PS2 port of Twisted Metal: Head-On. I wished they had more time to add back the original FMV endings of each character as it adds more of that schlocky, camp charm I love with the Twisted Metal series in general.

Being the first game of a franchise doesn't automatically make it an instant classic and it shows.
Thanks to how well the game was sold, it being the only Christmas 1995 option does help, lmao. It had all the bells and whistles to make a major improvement and can easily see that with Twisted Metal 2: World Tour a year later.

I loved this game. Its Mario Kart battle on steroids, whiskey and PCP.
Fun maps, great insane cars, a clown with flaming hair for some reason…
Who could ask for more? Apparently fans could, but the games got progressively worse. Until Black. That was fun.
This one, though, has a special place in my memory card.

It's a bit dated and the controls are peak crust, but if you're able to overcome that and set your mind back to 1995 when 2D sidescrollers were still the norm, this was a very welcome change of pace with impressive visuals putting on a large scale display of mayhem and carnage and some cathartic weaponry to blow your friends away in the splitscreen multiplayer.

Twisted Metal was real rough around the edges but I was so into this game and the lore of it all and I beat it with every character and everything.

A brilliant concept. Excellent environment and tone. I loved that every character and every car had a nice backstory. But the control is extremely bad.

It’s aged like dirt. There’s some fun to be had if you played this as a kid. I lost countless hours playing it with my dad in the 90’s, but man have times changed and this was more fun as a time capsule than it was as a game. Getting to the platinum was a chore.

I'm glad that car controls standardized away from whatever the control scheme for this game is. It's like Halo's but really rough. What a great snapshot of 1995 though.

Finally played one of these and not gonna lie, straight up did not enjoy it. Have been told it's one of the series' weaker entries so I'm definitely interested enough to give another one a shot, I'm just absolutely done with this one.

Handling is incredibly slippery, making accuracy a great hurdle to clear. Visually it's really fun, the early designs are extremely weak but the foundations are there. A complicated grab bag of late 90s game design quirks for sure.

muito estressante, muito bugado, zerei com um personagem pq eu não queria passar por tudo aquilo de novo, é legal nas primeiras fases mas depois vai ficando meio entediante

Fun time. The movement feels good and quick. Was surprised that there was only one clown. Always though this was an only clowns game

Interesting, but REALLY hard to look at, just insanely blocky. Part 2 much better.

I guess I was too hyped about this or maybe I was not in a good mood, but wow did this game really annoy me with it's sluggish controls and trying to blister my thumb with it's use of the D-pad for driving. That said, this was most likely because of how early in the life-span it was released on the PS1, before Dual Shock was a thing.

I have no interest in revisiting this unless people make some good argument for doing so, but the interesting story bits I came across online must be present in the later games.

That or the ROM was broken at the time.

Gameplay + Stream

The controls are a bit jank but I liked it despite that. Really cool to check out the first entry.

Most of my experience with the Twisted Metal franchise comes from playing Twisted Metal 2 a lot as a kid and looking back on it fondly. Until now, I had never actually revisited any of the PS1 titles, partially out of fear that none of them would remote hold up in the present day. I started the original Twisted Metal after it was added to PS Plus Premium and originally, I was put off. Oh boy, this did not age well I thought.

My mistake was starting out as Sweet Tooth, whose movement is a bit slower than your average vehicle. I tried out Warthog and then everything kind of clicked. I understood the mechanics of driving and shooting and started actually having fun. I'm not gonna say the gameplay is anywhere close to perfect because it is still outdated, but I had a lot of fun getting the platinum for this. There's a reason this spawned a bunch of sequels and has somehow stayed relevant. It's just a good time.

Platinum trophy #134
Platinum #10 of 2023

Schlocky, silly, and charming!
Still plays fine, well... sort of. Some of the handling can be quite difficult. Sometimes I didn't feel like I was in complete control during battle. Other than a minimal learning curve and some rocky stability in the controls. Its still fun to play, especially if you put a slick soundtrack on in the background.

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