Reviews from

in the past

It's a rhythm game about a girl named Beat who plays in a band with her friends, Clef, Quaver, and Treble. UNBEATABLE [white label] is a demo made for UNBEATABLE. The rhythm mechanics introduced in this game are unique and fun, and the music is astounding, even featuring remixes of the original songs. The animation is also worth praising for its colorful and stunning art style. Throughout the demo, Beat would talk about her past and reflect on parts of her life after completing a track. She is an interesting protagonist with a backstory I would like to learn more about. Overall, UNBEATABLE [white label] is already a great game, even though it's just a demo, and if the demo is this good, then I can't wait to play the full release of UNBEATABLE.

Great game, can't wait for release.

Una demo muy interesante, la musica vale la pena y siento que tiene gran potencial el juego, la verdad lo recomiendo demasiado por favor denle una oportunidad al demo

I like the songs in this rhythm game. One thing this game does is mess with your controls at points while you're playing and I never enjoy those mechanics. It's like reversing your left/right and up/down controls randomly. Not cool on harder difficulties.

A rhythm game with a neat style similar to Studio Trigger and great tracks going for it. It's also free and the controls need a bit more polish.

My favourite anime is Kill La Kill, I love studio Trigger's art style.
My favourite genre of music is pop punk/emo.
One of my favourite genres of games is rhythm.

This game is gorgeous, the songs bang, and the gameplay is addictive. I love love love this game and cannot wait for it to fully release.

good rhythm game and excited for the full game

looks so clean, great potential hopefully the full game is just as good

Really looking forward to the full release. The aesthetic of the game and the OST is good.

Really fun mechanics, but it unfortunately highlights the problem rhythm games can run into. If you don't like the music, the game is NOT gonna be fun. And boy, do I not like this game's music.

Short, free Muse Dash-like which tells the story of a mid 20's Ramona Flowers type girl and her underground band playing music in a country where it's outlawed (Iran probably(?)). The visual aesthetic fucks, with it's grungy yet colorful palette and grain filter set over top of punk flavored J-Rock songs; also props to the devs for putting in a 4:3 mode.

my girlfriend likes this game so i played it while she watched
great for my ego cus she said i was kinda good at it
bad for my hands cus i was kinda going crazy
really fucking good music outside of one song which was mad mid tbh
very good tutorial and learning curve that rewards skill
great aesthetics and characters - wasnt expecting some heartwarming exposition in a demo but here we are
very good stuff

Fun rythym game with a cool art style, good story, and a wonderful soundtrack (please put it on Spotify I'm begging)

Amazing demo for an upcoming rhythm game. There isn't much dialogue but I would already die for all of the characters.

<reposted from my steam review>

An unbelievably charming game, not perfect controls wise but a beautiful visual style with a familiar feeling but overall unique take on the rhythm game genre, all for free! Will definitely be picking up the full release because the game is clearly full of love, effort and passion from the developers

cool style and characters. i just couldnt get fully into it trying to get used to the controls. put it down one afternoon and just couldnt ever pick it back up

Incredible style and interface very reminiscent of the Studio Trigger works. A great soundtrack with some bopping tunes. Characters seem great so far, but I wish we got to learn a bit more about Beat! It was a bit confusing learning the controls at first and it certainly takes some getting used to, but I love everything about this game so far. It's free. You lose nothing by trying it. Certainly looking forward to more!

are you relaxed? you should be, you know

Vamos lá, como explicar Unbeatable...
Unbeatable é mais um jogo que apareceu na minha pagina inicial da steam e eu baixei pra dar uma chance e essa chance só precisou de 3 minutos no tutorial, pqp que jogo lindo, estiloso e sendo um jogo de ritmo maravilhoso.
O jogo tem suas inspirações em muse dash mas com umas mecânicas muito bem elaboradas para dificultar mais os níveis sem deixar aquele sentimento de que você está jogando a mesma música com os objetos vindo de maneira mais rápida.
Simplesmente um jogo que ainda não está completo me deixou extremamente apaixonado em tão pouco tempo de gameplay e pretendo deixa-lo como um dos jogos instalados para quando estiver afim de ficar jogando algo pra relaxar, simplesmente uma masterpiece escondida

Like Muse Dash except you have notes coming at you from both sides and excluding the risqué content (which is a good thing). Even if it isn't fully fleshed out yet, it was extremely enjoyable and I can't wait until the full game comes out!!
Edit: There was a patch today that improves the controls IMMENSELY. The game feels more responsive now and all the charts were remapped to better reflect the progress on the main game! To all the people worried about controls, they did a great job fine tuning them. You can also create custom bindings if you don't like the home keys.

pretty good for a game FOR GIRLS with COOTIES heheh

real crispy crisp rhythm game, story is nothing much I haven't even pieced any of it together, but I just love the songs especially one that I don't remember the name of right now. I keep coming back to this for short sessions, it's addicting

interesting mechanics, pretty cool pop-punk music, I personally couldn't quite get the flow of it.