Reviews from

in the past

Sucks SEMC couldn't make this profitable enough to keep it running. Hands down the best mobile MOBA to hit the market. Wild Rift included. I still revisit it.

Vainglory sempre será o único MOBA mobile que eu verdadeiramente gostei de jogar, em que dava para se divertir e ser competitivo ao mesmo tempo. A experiência casual que esse jogo trazia era sensacional, funcionando perfeitamente como um 3v3, cujos controles eram facilmente executáveis sem nenhum joystick, mas apenas pelos toques na tela. Não só isso, os gráficos eram unicamente bonitos, juntamente de um sistema de movimentação e combate cuja fluidez era melhor do que outros MOBAs contemporâneos a ele. Não me lembro de nenhum desbalanceamento entre os heróis, todos eram fortes à sua maneira. Por fim, salvo engano, até existia um universo de histórias se consolidando, reunindo contos de cada herói e interações entre eles, mas nunca foi nada rebuscado o suficiente para se sustentar.

A parte triste, que todos nós sabemos, é como o jogo tentou se vincular às tendências de outros MOBAs, principalmente com a tentativa de implementação do 5v5. É muito óbvio que essa decisão quebrou o jogo. Vainglory funcionava muito bem nos parâmetros que oferecia, porém eu imagino que decisões "lá de cima" desestabilizaram essa boa ordem, culminando em um esforço de meses que resultou num fracasso total. Alguém realmente se queixava da inexistência de um modo 5v5? O eterno modo 3v3 já ocupava muito bem os requisitos de estratégia, simplicidade, diversão e casualidade. Com esse final catastrófico, sempre irei lamentar profundamente pelo futuro que a empresa decidiu trilhar.

Not what it's like on iOS. Buggy, clunky, crashes half the time.

Better off playing it on your tablet.

I have fond memories of this game back in the day when it first came out. It had for the time great graphics, and an interesting twist on the MOBA formula. These days tho the game is basically shutdown as it no longer with get any updates

When this game first released, I played the hell out of it. Despite the sometimes tedious progression system, it did a good job at applying the MOBA-formula to mobile games. The team size shrunk from 5 to 3, there was only one lane with one large jungle beneath it and the rounds were a bit shorter. The hero design was also very fitting for touch screen controls and new heroes just kept coming in. Some day, Super Evil Megacorp added a 5v5 map, that became the standard mode from thereon. In the end, all of the servers crashed, permanently deleting all of the player's progress and killing the game. I recently logged in to see the state of the game, I've been playing five years ago and was simply shocked at what had become of it.

In the first few years, I would have given this game four stars but now, that is unfortunately not possible.

I played this game on a tablet for a long time, the graphics at the time of 2014 were gorgeous, but I was missing something, so after a couple of weeks I abandoned the game, but this was probably one of the first games in the moba genre, so as a pioneer of the genre, the game is more than normal.

Moba legal pro celular. Era melhor quando era 3v3 e mais casual

this was actually the best moba of all time. very well made. shame it had to go. pour one out to a real one

During loading screens, the occasional message that went something like: "Don't let video games take time away from your friends and family :)" would come up and that was genuinely life-changing to read. No large company would ever do that today.

Incredibly fun in the 3v3 days. 5v5 never felt comfortable and games drag on too long for mobile. It's a shame no other mobile-MOBA integrated the tap controls. Virtual joysticks are embarrassingly bad.

This was amazing back when it first came out. I used to play nonstop and have so much fun. Then, then everything went to hell, like with every game that needs to grow and needs to make more money.

as someone who was super into this during its peak I logged back on out of curiosity a few months back and wondered why I ever thought this game way good in the first place

fun when it first came out, then the gameplay got repetitive and now its down in the dumps...o how the mighty fall