Reviews from

in the past

O humor e estilo de arte metalinguísticos e absurdos combinados com sua velocidade frenética, personagens icônicos e inesperados (principalmente a novata Ashley) e uso integral das funcionalidades do DS tornam esse jogo um obrigatório pro console; ainda mais dada a duração curtíssima.

WarioWare sempre é o ápice da criatividade, desta vez com minigames que referenciam seu predecessor de forma engenhosa, assim como clássicos e consoles da Nintendo. Alguns minigames utilizam a tela de baixo do DS como um controle, enquanto o jogo é apresentado na tela de cima. Outros que são adaptados diretamente do seu predecessor, mostram um GameBoy Advance e em vez de jogar apertando os botões do DS, joga-se clicando nos botões do GBA na tela (o mesmo acontece com o GBA SP, o jogo é meta assim).

Cada grupo de “microgames” se encaixa com o personagem que os apresenta, por exemplo: Ashley possui uma personalidade entediada, então seus minigames são baseados em arrastar coisas com a stylus (um trocadilho com a expressão em inglês “drag”, que é utilizada em momentos de frustração ao realizar tarefas chatas, mas que literalmente significa arrastar), ou Mike (Mic, microfone), um robô mestre do Karaokê que apresenta jogos envolvendo assoprar no microfone do console.

É conceitualmente muito simples, mas na prática fornece uma variedade visual e de gameplay diferenciada, ao mesmo tempo em que se evolui gradualmente em dificuldade e complexidade; é uma aula de game design.

Só não sei por que fizeram o número 6 parecer um b.

uncle wario touched me in my nono zone!
also ashley first appeared in this game, and i can guarantee someone playing this game for the first time when it came out realized they were a pedophile when they first saw her

Very short and easy, but also irreverent and a whole lot of fun. It is indeed a game that works fantastically with the DS, and is worth picking up if you enjoyed the NSMB/SM64DS bonus minigames.

who decided mic minigames were so important that they needed to have a whole ladder for them exclusively

mike's games SUUUUUUCK!!! this is the game that introduced my daughter/wife ashley though so it rocks

Joguinho extremamente intuitivo, criativo, ousado e cheio de personalidade, utiliza muito bem as funcionalidades do DS (mesmo eu jogando no mouse) e apresentou personagens muito bons pro resto da série.

Música favorita: 9-Volt's Jingle
Personagem favorito: Ashley

This one's a really solid warioware game. Minigames are wacky and easy to do with the stylus or microphone, story is alright but doesn't need to be and an overall fun game to have on the go, with two screens!

Wario Ware Touched (2004): Es una tontada, pero que con tan poquito sea capaz de ser divertido me parece admirable. Son microjuegos que duran menos de 5 segundos pero que se captan al instante y que casan a la perfección con el sistema de doble pantalla de DS (7,05)

Even more charming than Twisted. Not a fan of the microphone games though.

Stupid blowing into mic games. Stupid artstyle for cutscenes. Bad humor kinda. Cant skip cutscenes. And have the album where u gotta play games over and over but repetitive. Idk why it stops u from playing at the boss stage. Forced replay value. And i dont like having to replay boss stages. The minigames all use the touchscreen. Abt as good as gba warioware games.

But best thing ever. U have the toys. They r the most gimmicky shit. Its shit like spinning a yoyo or playing with clackers. Its actually amazing. Best thing by far and the game feels like theres more content (even tho not really). I also love how just like gba, its made to look very early 2000s with the tabs and menus.

With the stuff u can unlock and the stupid toys this ones more replayable

My first wario ware and for the longest time my favorite, competing for highscores in this with friends was an amazing expirence. All of the toys where a great time waster and each characther is charming as charming can be, would only go on to be bested by GOLD

This to me is where Warioware was at its best. It really takes advantage of the ENTIRE console for its microgames, with some modest and charming art in every one. Nothing feels dragged out, and while yes the extra bonuses this time aren't that good, you'll MORE than be occupied with the main game and how much fun it is with gathering high scores even after you finish the last batch.

The mic minigames are the weakest part, but outside of that it's a genius game.

too easy overall but still enjoyable. mike's stage sucks but it's funny and it's been argued he "rocks well". in kat and ana's stage i wrote
___K (without the _s of course)
because i'm a 10 year old then the dialogue goes "i just saw your note! let's hurry!" gamers truly rejoiced.

All gold crowns, all toys, all mixes beaten. Amazing experience whole way through, absolutely creative and lovely.

Story Complete, All Silver crowns obtained, All possible toys obtained.

All the other early DS games I've been playing have felt like they don't get the console. They have one gimmick and think it's enough to carry the game when in reality it's boring as hell. Warioware Touched gets why the DS can be fun and goes full throttle with it. It's such a joy to play has so much personality both in the minigames and the fun little cutscenes all while feeling like the last time Nintendo was happy to be a little rough around the edges. Just a must play for the console and feels like a justification for the DS to exist.

Hi my name's Mike and my level is all about blowin'!

Louco, divertido, rápido, bonito, interessante.
Antes de jogar, não esperava ser tão legal assim.
Me surprendeu bastante.

my poor ds touch screen xD but other than that Touched is my favorite warioware title! the sprites are just so charming!! :3

you just have to imagine how many ppl got like into some kind of armpit or tickling kink bc of that one mini game lmaooo

cute stuff I like it a whole lot more than the gba one. presentation here is sooo cute and reminds me of tamagotchi party on which was a big childhood fave for me. I like that every time u complete a characters’ levels they then go hang out in that little bar and you can see them wandering around the level select screen bumping into each other, similar vibes to the wiiu menu screen. tbh the ‘pathetic’ soundbite from this should be used as frequently as the shake shake one from mischief makers. love the usage of multimedia stuff for the animals, real cute