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in the past

Another novelty yugioh game, a little more complicated where it doesn't need to be (customization) and too simple where there should have more depth (the driving).

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Yugioh 5DS getting a racing game is such a great idea as the anime’s main gimmick was CARDGAMES ON MOTORCYCLES but the execution of this game is dogshit, first off AND MOST IMPORTANTLY there’s no drift the one thing essential for a lot of racing games which makes turns feel really clunky like hell so you’ll be bumping into the wall a lot.
This game out during 5DS first season aka The Fortune Cup arc which imo is 5DS weakest season so it uses that as a base for what this game has going for it and it’s story mode is a more cut up retelling of season 1 with your player character inserted into some scenes from the anime, SPEAKING OF PLAYER CHARACTER you can only play as them for the whole game YEP YOU DONT GET TO PLAY AS YUSEI, AKIZA, OR THE KING HIMSELF JACK ATLAS YOU ONLY GET TO PLAY ASS THE BLANK SLATE CUSTOM CHARACTER THE WHOLE GAME and for the roster? Of course you have the main characters Yusei, Jack, Akiza, Leo and Luna, Greiger of course would be there too, Lazar? Sure why not. SUDDENLY that one guy who was head if the facility if you’ve seen 5DS you probably know or don’t remember who he is and I don’t blame you, facility man has nothing on the little Sector Security guard that could.
Time for more game mechanics, your deck and cards work like items from Mario Kart so let’s say you get a spell card like Dark Hole, instead of wiping out monsters like in the TCG it just makes you spin out which is one thing I think is neat the cards as powers ups is a really cool idea I like from this game. Monster cards also work as power ups only you see them “battling” other CPUs/players monsters above your head.
I still think this game is ass but if you’re a really dedicated Yugioh fan or you like Mario Kart you can emulate this game on Dolphin or buy it this game isn’t too pricey online, personally don’t think it’s worth a buy so emulation is the way to go.
TL;DR Mid gameplay, don’t care for story mode, weak roster, just a quick cash grab while 5DS was originally airing.

I honestly find this game way better than it actually is. Poor story, badly programmed races where you bounce into every wall because drifting isn't possible, and literally no information on how to unlock certain cards. But in the end, this game is still satisfying to play because it is a bit similar to Mario Kart, but based on one of my favourite animes back then. The survival races are by far the best part of this game.

Sometimes I think "it would be cool if Konami was still putting out weird Yugioh games with unusual gameplay styles" until I actually play one of said games and experience the definition of licensed third-party shovelware. The developers were probably given the terms "Yugioh" and "kart racer" along with a 6-month dev cycle and had to make the most of it, which is why the game's "meta" consists of summoning Sonic Chick and holding on to 3 copies of Rush Recklessly until the final lap so you can stand a chance against the comically overtuned rubberbanding. The game is over in 2 hours and little Timmy's christmas is ruined.

I only rented this game, but I really liked it despite not being a fan of the show. By some miracle the card mechanics actually worked, and the nunchuk controls actually made sense as it gave you access to more functions than the classic controller did without having to resort to the claw position. Flicking the remote to face the other way (drive backwards) made me feel like a pro. I also found the handling in this game to be weirdly satisfying. Any game that makes you feel cool while playing it is a-o-k in my book! Great music, too.

I was looking forward to playing this one due to the bizarre concept. Card games on motorcycles is... a very interesting idea and this was a very interesting game overall.

Imagine Mario Kart with awkward controls and a card game system in it, but the game had an incredibly limited budget and had to be made incredibly quickly, and you have this game.

Your deck must have a minimum of 15 cards (but could have more) and naturally the card effects wildly vary. You could also summon a monster and attack with it.
However, with the way the game is designed, it's best to make yourself a deck that slows down your opponent and speeds you up. The only monster that should be running is Sonic Chick. It basically nullifies all damage you take, an invaluable effect that lets you circumvent so many headaches, making it the MVP of this game.

The controls are awkward and it does not help that this game felt like it was designed to heavily punish you for playing it how you'd naturally think it should be played. The opponent can catch up to you incredibly easily if you are ahead, so it's discouraged to be ahead. Why should you then make a deck to slow your opponent down and speed you up? Well, that final nudge comes in handy at the end of a race. Activate all your cards, gain a large surge of speed, and speed through to the finish line. You'll be hitting a lot of walls and generally having a lot of difficulty maneuvering during the race, but that hardly matters if you keep those cards towards the end.

A very bizarre game, which has to be experienced to be completely understood. It's not good, but it's intriguingly gripping, in its own way.

Nothing really special about this one, it's just 5D's as a racing game. It's not awful but not one I would play that much. Cool opening though.

Bad controls and miserable gameplay. I absolutely hate this game and everything it stands for.

The best racing game with trading card game mechanics I’ve ever played.