Reviews from

in the past

Come play The Lost Stars, we have

-Bubble Butts
-"FiNd ThE mIrAcLe BaLl"
-The S p a g h e t t i Z o n e
-"A A A A A A A A A A A A A A H H H H H"
-astrologist ellis island

It plays a lot like the first Adventure Island. I hate the first Adventure Island.

You can bait niggas with this game not just with fried chicken.

After the release of the original game, fans of Alex Kidd didn't have to wait long at all for any kind of follow-up, because literally just 1 month after the release of the first game, we got a sequel (of sorts) in the arcades known as Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars. For the sake of this review, I am going to be referring to the Sega Master System version of the game, which is different from the original arcade release in numerous ways (I assume, anyway), and not always for the better.

As mentioned in a previous review, I wasn't really too into the original Alex Kidd, even though I still considered it to be a good game. However, with this game, I can say that I had a much better experience playing through it then the original game. Now, with that being said, despite the fact that I really like this game, and I prefer it over the original, I wouldn't say it is that good, as it has plenty of problems.

The story is practically non-existent, aside from collecting the Zodiac signs with another character that we don't see in the entire game (at least for the SMS version), the graphics are significantly better than the original game, even if the arcade version does look nicer, the music (and once again, I mean like the two or three songs there) is pretty good this time around, with some songs sticking with me after playing, the control is ok, although your movement is kinda fucked, with the speed you move at ranging from slow to fast depending on how fast you move, and it is kinda awkward to get a hang of, the gameplay may be more traditional compared to the previous game, but I honestly prefer it overall, and I had a good amount of fun with it, and finally, the game actually has voice acting! Not much of it, but when it is there, it is nice to hear.

However, with that being said, I do have several problems with this game. First of all, your punch is gone in this game, and instead, you fire these... wind projectiles to take out enemies, but you have to get the ammo yourself from powerups, which isn't really that fun or convenient to use. Sure, it isn't that big of a deal, but it's a weird change considering the punch worked well before, despite having a short range.

Secondly, this game decided to pull a Ghosts 'n Goblins and makes the player beat the game twice in order to collect all 12 Zodiac signs to beat the game. The game itself isn't long at all, so I don't see why they couldn't have just made 12 stages instead of just making you play through the game twice. Yes, you could argue that since it is an arcade game, they felt it didn't need that many stages, just to get money, but since this is a port, they could've developed more stages for it.

And finally, this game is WAY too easy. Sure, the game itself isn't too easy, but unlike the original arcade version, this version gives you infinite lives, so it is practically impossible for you to lose at this game. Not to mention, there are no bosses in this game, so there is no real threat to stop you in your tracks, aside from a sun-from-Mario-3-like enemy at the end of one stage, but you don't have to kill him, so it doesn't feel as intimidating as it should be.

Last thing I will say before I end off this review is that, whenever you get hit or die, Alex Kidd lets out a scream, and it is HILARIOUS. Seriously, if you haven't heard it, look it up for yourself, it is gold.

Overall, while it is objectively worse than the original game in plenty of ways, I managed to have a great time with this game, moreso then I had with the original one. Maybe that means I have shitty opinions, but I am sticking with them.

Game #58

Nunca passei tanta raiva aos meus 7 anos quanto nesse jogo com essas letras do CARALHO

Also a side scroller like the first game, but with far less punching. The levels are certainly varied, even if some of them are very bizarre. Overall too simplistic to be particularly worthy of praise.

Insuportável em vários níveis e fiquei irritado depois de terminar, mas não tem como dizer que não divertiu de alguma forma, principalmente no momento que comecei a jogar.

Every now and then I give it a replay. It's not amazing, but it has a certain chill factor that keeps me coming back.

Instead of taking another crack at Bio-Hazard Battle I decided for whatever reason to play an Alex Kidd game. I assume I was in the mood to hear the little shit squeal like a pig every time something even mildly inconvenienced him.

The voice quality on here really ain't bad for Master System, it's just a shame most of the memorable moments will be "FIND THE MIRACLE BAWL" and Alex Kidd's screams of agony. It actually feels like the developers knew how funny it was, and took their time to make a laughing stock out of their supposed mascot by placing machines that attempt to end Alex's life with nothing but a simple poke of the index finger. I guess it's not too surprising that Sega wouldn't think things through and besmirch the pajama pants fucker's supposed reputation by having him get owned by a bowling ball shot out of some dancing nudist's ass, but what do I know? Maybe the big wigs asked for it and knew something I didn't.

It's telling how they had no idea what to do with Alex Mid when they constantly change his gameplay style and insert him into random environments. One day he's kinda just okay and obsessed with jankenpon, then the next he's doing his best impression of that baseball cap wearing shithead and screaming like a toddler stubbing their toe on a coffee table. I will say I welcome the non-existence of jankenpon, though it's a shame Alex's obsession would resurface later around the time he started wearing banana slugs for shoes and slamming his face into car windows.

It's just a super easy Adventure Island knockoff with a very fantastic Ghouls n' Ghosts-like attempt to pad the game out and make me replay levels that have maybe a smidgen of more enemies in them. If the game didn't entertain my sadistic glee of seeing this guy get a spear shoved up his crotch I probably would rate this lower, but it never fails to crack me up. Seriously, why do some characters jump while splitting their legs open like that? That's fucking weird, you're begging for an accident with that shit buddy. Get real.

That bit-crushed scream sound effect though.

Not the best Alex Kidd game, but it's still a decent and very easy-going side scroller. In fact, the game may be just a little too easy despite the fact that you have to finish it twice to get an actual ending. I just wish Alex didn't scream like he dropped the soap in the prison where they keep all the forgotten mascots whenever he's hit, though. Somebody thought to make an (admittedly adorable) mod that adds Alex's girlfriend Stella back in, but not take that out? Sheesh.