Reviews from

in the past

awesome possum believed eco-friendly nfts weren't a big deal and went on to use them; not realizing how they were powering the destruction of the fucking planet

If there were a top ten list of most killable protagonists in video games, Awesome Possum would climb pretty fucking high on that list. It's seriously remarkable how someone actually thought this guy would attract kids who were into Sonic the Hedgehog.

"I'm awesome! I'm so cool!"

Makes you wanna put a bullet in him.

Even more remarkable is how terrifyingly bad the programmers were for this game. The frame rate dips so fucking badly at times that this thing would potentially lose a foot race to Hard Drivin', which is absolutely unbelievable considering this is a really unimpressive looking 2D platformer. The rain forest in the first stage looks so crappy that I thought it looked more like a coniferous forest made of fecal matter. Is this place really worth saving? The stage design has literally no rhyme or reason, just a mishmash of literal shit put wherever, and the water stage was so unbearably boring to the point I dropped the game, especially when the enemy hitboxes are so damn jank that they'd probably annihilate Dhalsim in a game of footsies.

The funniest thing in this is the council of animals (<--bird with teeth warning) judging you as you attempt to answer an environmental question such as where the first recorded use of a windmill was.

I definitely don't recommend Awesome Possum for president in 2024, he'd be assassinated within five seconds of announcing his running. I'd make sure of it.

I played this game because I saw a couple of people I follow play it. This was an awful idea, why did I play this and think it was a good idea? Honestly it didn't help that I think the emulation for it wasn't perfect. Unless it really does run at the worst framerate when going fast and sometimes has corrupted graphics when there's a ton of stuff on screen. I won't even lie, I use the cheat that gives you infinite lives, idc if its cheating. YOU THINK I CARE CAUSE I DONT! This game came out 1 day after the 2nd BattleMania game in Japan. Why did it even come out in Japan?! The worst part is I played it on easy without even realizing and I still suffered! It's like it was made by someone who played Sonic and knew nothing of what made it good. Literally the only thing I can compliment for it is at least the voice samples aren't bad but they're so annoying after a while. I just don't understand how a game this bad gets made.

A bad platformer with unapealing music/graphics. Far from the worst game ever and the genesis has much worse games. Definitely playable, but who in their right mind would want too.

Wonky and uninspired. It had good intentions for sure ... I guess.

bubsy but bad. bubsy is already bad

Saying Final Fantasy 7 is about eco terrorism:
-Incredibly played out
-Ignores everything past the first part of the game where you never do another ecoterrorism
-Will be accused of politicizing popular game

Saying Awesome Possum Kicks Dr. Machino's Butt is about eco terrorism:
-Wholly original
-Demonstrably true, you spend the entire game killing robots responsible for deforestation and other nefarious nature crimes
-Too obscure for anyone to give a shit about you politicizing

thankyou awesome possum :)

Awesome Possum is not particularly a desirable mascot, at least not for a video game company. He looks more like what you would see on cereal boxes when you were like 5 or something, who would have shitty commercials about like a fundraiser or sale. He's more in line with, say, Woodsy Owl or Chester Cheetah, than the intended contemporaries such as Mario and Sonic, or even Bubsy. He does share something in common with Bubsy though, that being constant unprompted quips that get on your nerves in the first minute or two of playing.

The actual gameplay is the true deal breaker here, notably the framerate which sits comfortably at about 5-10 fps. What the fuck is that all about? I highly doubt something like this is pushing the Genesis' capabilities hard at all, so my guess is it boils down to shitty programming. Enemies are as annoying as Awesome Possum himself, they always swarm around you and toss you around, most notably in the already tedious water levels. They also seem to always come out of nowhere because this is another one of those games where the level layouts don't appear to be done with screen size in mind, like Taz-Mania or any Blue Sky Software platformer on the console. I still don't get why that's always such a problem, I can understand it on early handhelds but here I just don't get it.

The framerate is probably the biggest of these issues, and a big part in why I have it quite this low. The game is already a slog in of itself, but with the constant lag it becomes nearly unbearable. It's not even a particularly long game, three levels in four worlds plus a boss rush and it's over, but god, you really do feel every second of it. Awesome Possum is not a winner. That probably goes without saying, but I don't have better things to do in my life than play random nonsense such as this.

You're walking down a dark, dank alleyway at night. Skittish, your fear is apparent in the unease of your gait. Passing assorted dumpsters and turning a corner, you're faced with the presence of a mysterious man. Not one you want to interact with. Hoping you can just get by without incident, you do your best to look like you're busy and avoid any eye contact. Sadly, the man sees right through your facade and blocks your path. His hands disappear into the inner lining of his long, stained trench coat. You can barely make out his face from his scruffy beard and numerous grease stains. You freeze up. He takes one hand out, waving it at you - he tells you to stay calm, he tells you he KNOWS you and knows what you want. Sweat cakes your forehead. He continues, pulling his other hand from his coat pocket with a few rectangular objects you can't quite discern. He tells you that you have two options - the good way, or the bad way. He steps forward into the glow of an old street sign, the light revealing the objects in his hands to be two Sega Genesis games. Your fear colludes with your confusion. He notices your expression twist and tries to dissuade you your discomfort, stating that he's an expert one two things - Sega games and Opossums. He tells you you have a choice, a choice between two games - the only Opossum lead titles. Before you are copies of Rocket Knight Adventures and Awesome Possum. You choose Awesome Possum and die instantaneously.

It's a totally crap-tastic game.

The visuals, the music, the gameplay... they're all ugly. It's functional, I give them that, but the game is still boring.

And dang, the questions in the quiz part are totally out-dated.

Like Bubsy, this is a crappy Sonic clone with an annoying environmentalist protagonist that never shuts up and makes you wish the game was about kicking his butt instead.