Reviews from

in the past

Taliban resurgence
Tax cuts coming back
economic recession
Bro's 2009 is back baby

Campaign is an improvement over 2019. Enjoyed it pretty well enough despite a couple annoyingly difficult enemy encounters. That said we power through.

“Press LT to de-escalate civilians”

Actually one of the better Call of Duty campaigns of the last decade, and I mean that seriously.

There’s a surprising amount of gameplay variety in these missions, with a few thrown in that echo and expand upon ideas from past entries. If Modern Warfare (2019) was Call of Duty 4 II this is certainly Modern Warfare 2 II, as much as it is a sequel to MW2019. Did that make sense? No? Moving on.

It ups the ante on the past game without going too far overboard. No James Bond snowmobile chases this time, only a preposterous Gray Man style car chase. Many levels play like spiritual successors to those of that game: a prison break, cliffside jumps, an oil rig raid, missions on US soil. Characters and events follow kinda similar trajectories.

The game looks stunning on Series X. The sound design is impeccable. A ton of work obviously went into the little details and making everything feel fleshed-out. Amsterdam and Mexico were particularly strong looking.

The game doubles down on its predecessor’s uncharacteristic mission variety: You’ve got stealth missions with ghillie sniping, stealth missions via CCTV, underwater stealth missions, stealth missions with rappelling, stealth missions with crafting… jokes aside, there are actually a bunch of wild scenarios that were distinct enough in gameplay and visuals to keep me engaged.

At one point in the AC-130 mission I saw (from my black-and-white thermal God’s eye) a mother running and going back for her stumbling child during the hail of gunfire I was raining down on the cartel. I’m not sure how to feel about that, but it was a powerful little moment that I’m sure was scripted but felt real. Civilian casualties are a constant worry in MWII.

The AI is wonky af and kinda ruins some of the stealth; the cartel evidently have x-ray vision and aim like Deadshot (I played on Hardened). I experienced quite a few glitches, but nothing game-ruining. The story is decent, if predictable, and the characters say edgelord nonsense. Soap looks like Zac Efron. The post-credits stinger was cringe.

But I legitimately enjoyed my time with this campaign. It’s a good game with cool missions and an entertaining movie-esque military/spy narrative. My dad has already played through it twice.

Also I speak Spanish as a second language and found the Mexican spec-ops missions particularly cool, but for some reason there was no option to disable subtitles for English AND Spanish. Even with all disabled, it showed subtitles whenever Spanish was spoken

Modern Warfare 2 (2022) is gotta be one of the funniest Cod games yet. The first mission is killing the Iran general Qasem Soleimani, Cod version of himself, fucking hell he even wears the same outfit He had when taking that picture behind the Iranian flag. It’s goes from stopping a terror attack on american soil to being a rip-off of sicario (movie) halfway through.

Oh god, that level where you cross the Mexican/American border to the US and later commit a house invasion while the game gives you a prompt telling you to “de-escalate” the problem by pointing your gun at civilians is gotta be the funniest shit. I love it.

The Idea of bringing back general shepherds, and shadow companies, made me wonder if the average call of duty fans even remembers them at least. God that shitty twist at the halfway point making graves and his PMC grouo the bad guys is gotta be the most retarded thing yet. Who would have guest the bad guys from the original games would be the villains.

Either way the Gun-Play in this is just like any other call of duty game, the try to at least do something fun with levels to make it feel different but failed once like almost 80% of levels is just run and gun. Oh god don’t even get me started on the stealth mission where you have to run and hide from a shadow company.

All I have to say by finishing it off in this is.…it's gotta be one of the most Pro-war Cod games yet. I view it as a Paul Verhoeven movie where he satirizes the military industrial complex but then I remember. "Oh wait this is fucking call of duty" lmao. I Just gotta ask an actvision dev what the fuck where they smoking when making this. So many levels where you commit war crimes. Anyways 8/10 hope activision keeps on making more stuff like this that just keeps me waiting to buy more Cod games later on.

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare II é o que chamam de "a nova era de COD" e isso é uma mentira.

Começando do começo, a campanha do game é muito divertida, se você gosta de táticas militares "realistas" a campanha faz isso tranquilamente.

A qualidade técnica desse jogo é absurda, os gráficos, detalhes, sons, efeitos, inteligência artificial, tudo aqui é feito com maestria.

A gameplay é maravilhosa, fluida ao mesmo tempo pesada, dinâmica sem chegar a ser absurda, como filme de ação hollywoodiano.

A trilha sonora é decente, pouco inspirada, faz seu trabalho e só.

A história é um ponto altíssimo, com altos e baixos, reviravoltas e um toque de testosterona, muito divertida, mas curta, como toda campanha de Call of Duty

Agora vamos falar sobre o maior defeito aqui, o multiplayer.
O multiplayer desse game é bom e ruim ao mesmo tempo.
Não posso dizer que é balanceado, mas na maior parte das vezes ele tenta ser justo.
Todas as armas funcionam bem, alguns Scorestreaks são fracos, mas a maioria é decente.
E os mapas são horrorosos, um pior que o outro, dando vantagem pra quem campera e prejudicando quem se movimenta, tudo muito perdido e rotas sem sentido. Tem mapa que é pior que COD Ghosts, se você achava que o MW2019 tinha mapas ruins e mal feitos, é porque não conhecem o desse jogo, recomendo nem pro meu pior inimigo.

nota referente ao multiplayer do jogo (que testei na beta)

A infinity ward insiste no erro e pior, continua inventando merda.

O próprio armeiro que foi um acerto em cheio, conseguiram estragar: progressão lenta pique Cold War e mesmo tendo uma arma no nível max. tem que jogar com outras pra liberar os attachments restantes 😐

I didn't beat the campaign before multiplayer's launch (what I did play was fun though) but the Multiplayer is really good, a major improvement over Vanguard. It hits that sweet spot between slower, more tactical FPS like CS and faster movement based ones like Apex, which is a niche that the older games filled and this fills very nicely, with good gunplay and map design to boot (and the map design will be even better once they add in all the original maps like they're supposedly doing)

Obligatory fuck Activision though

so, let's start with the good: mw2 is a relatively good looking game with amazing sound design, and excellent feeling guns. its map design is also very good, and i think its progression system is unique.

now for the bad: this is one of the most disasterous launches in CoD history. not quite as bad as cold war but it's way too close.

this game is buggy as fuck, jesus christ. where do i even begin? well for a start, camo unlocks do not get alerted once you complete them. this game crashes any time you try to play with your friends in a lobby, there are no barracks, challenges, multiplayer stats, or anything like that. there is just not enough content herep there are less unique guns and attachments than MW19 at launch, less game modes, no challenges, worse movement and a worse perk systen.

regardless of the bugs and missing content, the game design frustrates me because it feels like a mix of a "tactical" fpses like r6s, cs and faster paced fpses like quake and the earlier entries of cod, but i feel like right now it leans waay too heavily into the tactical side. this entry is trying to be "realistic" and boy does it really want you to feel that way. your foot steps are as loud as an elephant's, which means being slow is the optimal strategy a lot of the time, otherwise some dude sittin in the corner will just hear you coming and shoot you with no counterplay, not to mention the much slower aim down sight strafe speeds, slowers sprint to fire times, slower ads times across the board compared to older games, and you just have a very slow game. this isn't inherently bad, games like CS and R6S are very slow games but are immenesly popular for a reason, but i feel like abandoning cod's former roots as a good mix between CS and Quake is a mistake. it's a mistake in my opinion because being a healthy mix between tac shooter and arcade fast shooter meant the diversity in player indivuality and playstyles were very high, which i think should be considered heavily in a shooter catered to a CASUAL demographic. not everybody wants to be some crack addled 180 fov quake player and not everybody wants to piss in a jar and hold a long in dust ii for 90 minutes after their shitty 9 to 5, and that is exactly the franchise cod was meant to appeal towards. some games in the franchise leaned more towards tacitcal (black ops 1, cod 4, mw3, mw19) and others more fast paced (mw2, advanced warfare, infinite warfare, vanguard) but it's never been quite this polarizing before. all this does is limit viable playstyles which makes it only enjoyable for people who really like that sort of gameplay. i don't, unfortunately.

the perk system is also garbage and never needed to be changed to this degree, but they did anyway to claim "innovation." nobody wanted this.

so let's wrap this up. for $69.99 you are getting a game that is very similar to MW19, but worse in every way, some subtle and some immense. the movement is slower and worse, the perk system is worse, imo the game looks and runs worse, the game currently has significantly less content, has more bugs... just don't buy this right now. just wait for when it comes on sale or just invest your time in the other 20 cod games that are more fun and interesting anyway. ill update this review to see if the game improves in the future and write my thoughts.

Bu oyuna 1000 TL em gitti oyun grafiksel olarak güzel vuruş hisside güzel hikaye ortalama bir hikaye final bölümünü beyenmedim Allah aşkına kim final bölümünü Lut toplamak ekledi aksiyonlu sahneler hala var işte bir call of duty de ne beklersen var kısaca iyi bir oyun yine sıkılmadan oynarsınız ama 1000 TL ye hayatta deymez o yüzden ya indirim gelmesini bekleyin yada belki game pass a gelebilir oradan alırsınız

As a casual campaign enjoyer this had more of what I loved abut the first. A lot more close encounters, and few levels that were a little dull but still a great follow up to what I consider a great action movie. Looking forward to the next installment. Viva Los Vaqueros.

my dad bought this game because he's a cod fan so i tried it for myself.
it's actually really fun to run around the map and do stupid things but... this game is pretty bad and the campaign is just glorified war crimes!

English | Español

Its gunplay is a masterclass and makes the game outstands because of it. The campaign has variety enough, it's less interesting than in the game before though. The multiplayer offers experiences enough to make everyone find something they like in it.

Su gunplay es una masterclass y vuelve a sobresalir gracias a él. La campaña es suficientemente variada, aunque palidece en interés frente al anterior y el multijugador ofrece las suficientes experiencias como para que todos encuentren algo.

Modern Warfare... Again... for the second time!

The Good:

The campaign for this game, as Jeff Gerstmann put it feels like an action movie where they jump from location to location just for the hell of moving the plot forward, wasting no time jumping into the exposition of getting from point A to B or the logistics of jumping from the Middle East in one mission to Mexico in the next, they just did it. Honestly I didn't care too much for the plot, it's just kinda there, but it's not actively bad, which matters a lot! The levels were fun for the most part, though there is quite a lot of "It's a Sneaking Mission" type beat to go around. Infinity Ward made it a point to make the missions feel varied, as you're jumping through all sorts of different biomes and locales with varying objectives and methods of completing them. If you view this more as a blockbuster Hollywood film story, it becomes a lot easier to take in. The AC130 mission runs a bit long, but it was cool!The first mission was really cool! The final mission was cool! Maybe that says a lot about me but I was looking for a whelming + experience, and I liked what I got.

More of the good is the mutiplayer loop, it's more of the same that 2019 brought to the table but with enough positive changes that I'm satiated and not upset like I am with an Overwatch 2. They went all out in creating new maps, new modes, and new guns that don't repeat from the last title. Easy to learn/master maps are a dime a dozen in gaming nowadays but MWII seems to have got it down, with a few runs through each level (and maybe even just one in the ground war levels,) and you'll grow accustomed to the corners, peak spots, and optimal places to engage in combat. The gun play, while the classic CoD arcadey "what is a recoil" mantra, is again fun and a nice break from the realism-heavy recoil games that I play otherwise (like PUBG.)

The Bad:

It sometimes... works? I can't knock the game for the recent Nvidia flickering/stuttering on the newest drivers, but I can blame the game for the crashing in the campaign and assets sometimes not loading in multiplayer. Smoke and dust seems to be on the player side and not on the server, which means if you think you're under the cover of an explosion... often times that is only the case for you. Another item I have to dock from the game is the unlocks feel like they take a REALLY long time. You can unlock some weapons (and all perks/killstreaks/throwables) by levelling up but unlocking certain guns means levelling up with their "base" versions, which seems to take an unreasonable amount of time. I am not putting a ton of hours into the game thus far, with my Steam playtime reading over twenty-one hours, but I feel like I'm not getting enough "new" for how much exp/levels I'm getting.

When it comes to recommending MWII, I'm very much in the "you should play it!" camp because I'm having a really good time logging on after a long day, doing my basic "haha shoot and kills go up," logging off and going to bed. That's really all I want from CoD, what I got from it in 2019, and what I'm getting in MWII's 2022 release. I've had a good time playing ground war with my buds, laughing as we try to hold buildings down, and comparing our KD ratios like in the old days. Over all, it's not perfect, nor is it as good YET as MW 2019 is, but I'm going to continue to play it because it's just what I wanted.

It's just so intentionally, uninterestingly provocative and so mechanically confused. I never want to ADS at civilians to de-escalate them and I never want TLOU-style crafting/combat in COD either. The score is saved by like 3 excellent missions

I only got the chance to play the beta because I refuse to pay $70 for a video game, however I will say that game feel in that beta was excellent, I'd say it's almost perfect however, there's only so far game feel can take a game and everything else was pretty mediocre or lackluster.

Was able to play the campaign early with a pre-order so that's what my review will focus on.

This was a very solid campaign overall; the cutscene and voice direction continue to get better, the set pieces are bigger and more elaborate, and the moment-to-moment gameplay feels tight and entertaining. I appreciated the mission variety similar to MW 2019, although the absence of one character in particular as a major player (no spoilers) was noticeable.

Something that really held this game back for me was the multiple instances of forced stealth/being completely powerless against opponents that can fuck you up. I can appreciate that once in a while, but it happens far too often in a game that should have more explosions and bullets flying. A minor gripe, but it definitely made me enjoy the campaign a little less compared to previous entries.

I'm impressed with the way this Modern Warfare reboot has been handled so far. There are some fun call-backs throughout the campaign for fans of the original trilogy, and I'm excited to see how they build on this and MW 2019.

Modern Warfare II pulls on nostalgic strings while bringing the franchise to new, exceedingly bombastic heights in terms of spectacle. Its campaign is filled with the action set-pieces we've grown to expect of the franchise, while also bringing back iconic cast members such as General Shepherd, John "Soap" MacTavish, and Simon "Ghost" Riley. At its best, MWII slows things down and invites a playstyle more akin to a tactical shooter. Smart stealth sequences, including a lovely callback to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare's "All Ghillied Up." Perhaps to its fault, MWII does take great inspiration from the original Modern Warfare Trilogy (which featured games releasing in 2007, 2009, 2011) and hardcore fans of all the 'Modern Warfare' games will appreciate the subtle and obvious callbacks that litter this entry.

The story if for the most part an enjoyable, well-paced romp. The campaign is not quite as intriguing as the one we saw in its 2019 predecessor. This campaign outing does not speak to the gravity of war and conflict to the same extent we saw in CoD: Modern Warfare (2019). It also struggles to develop its protagonists in a meaningful capacity, despite them being interesting characters at baseline. However, Modern Warfare II excels in other departments. The setting is dynamic and provides unprecedented environmental diversity with breathtaking visual fidelity and care. Even the shortest of mission sequences have a blockbuster levels of tenacious detail. Multifarious mission design invites players to explore and traverse this campaign utilizing many different mechanics. This does result in some peaks and valleys in the overall experience, in my opinion. Not all facets of MW II's game design are equal in fun factor or quality. For example, I found some of the water traversal sequences to be excellent, but my experience was contrastingly marred by questionable vehicular encounters. Sound design feels incredibly high budget, further serving to sell the immersion already offered by the game's stunning visuals. The gunplay and performance has never been better. Modern console hardware runs this game at a smooth, responsive 120fps and offers a much appreciated FoV slider.

This franchise is nearly two decades old, but MW II has managed to deliver a truly contemporary first-person shooter that's core gameplay that outclasses all of its predecessors in its core gameplay and technical performance. Prior to 2019, it felt as though Call of Duty was on the downtrend, but MW II serves as a zestful reminder that this franchise is bigger and more relevant than ever. I fully expect MW II to captivate the masses and dominate the FPS space for the next couple years. Spec Ops, core multiplayer, and Warzone 2.0 should only further solidify MW II as the most definitive Call of Duty experience to date.

Campaign Review: 8.0 / 10.0 ★★★★ - Great
Multiplayer / Spec Ops Review: TBD

Played this and the first new Modern Warfare campaigns back to back.

Takes the stuff that worked about the first game (realism, grit) and turns it into a Michael Bay action movie. Some really great missions and setpieces, and man, the Dualsense handling feels so good. My biggest issue is that some of its additions (the cough crafting system) were kind of annoying and some levels were stretched out a bit, but the good really outweighed the bad IMO. Excited for MWIII, or whatever DLC campaign closes out this reboot/remake series.

Sempre fui fã de MW e essa foi uma ótima continuação para esse reboot, e sem dúvida a sequencia seria tão boa quanto. Gráficos lindíssimos, boa narrativa e uma excelente gunfight

I think I came to the realization that this series story missions are annoying and why I don't want to play the story itself. Very unfortunate because the story itself is pretty solid.

Dieses Waffenfeeling ist wieder einmal Call of Duty Typisch on Point. Deswegen liebe ich Call of Duty und kehre jedes Jahr wieder zurück. Durch die Map schweifen und Leute probieren mit dem richtigen Aim wegzuballern und dann weiter. Mit eigenem Movement und Skill erfolgreich sein. Die Maps sehen auch geil aus, doch schlussendlich kommt es drauf an mit einer selbergestalteten Waffe auf der Map coolen Kraval zu machen. Bei Warzone ist es eigentlich das selbe nur dass man selber noch die Zone einschetzen muss, Loot finden muss und auf der grossen Map klarzukommen, was aber sehr immersiv ist und eifach nice. Call of Duty ist einfach etwas für sich und hat mit abstand das beste Waffenfeeling und Movement im Shooterbereich.
Doch alles was ich vorher schrieb, ist völlig unbedeutend wegen einem wegweisenden Grund, nämlich Skill Based Matchmaking.

I thought hard about buying this game. I'd played Modern Warfare 2 about a decade ago, the first time it came out. MW2 the first go around was my formative online shooter experience; partying up with the boys to go get called slurs and shit after a long day of high school, figuring out the care package glitch and how dumb commando was; MW2 The First was a great time. Pretty dogshit game, but well-suited for a bunch of adolescent layabouts to amuse themselves with.

So because of all that I was thinking about buying MW2 again this year, at least until I saw the pricetag. Seventy fucking dollars? For real? After years of the OG MW2 with friends, moving on eventually to BLOPS, I'd kinda been burnt out on COD games. They just rerelease the same shit every year but with more confusing UIs and shuffled perk and equipment systems so you don't know what the best builds are at launch. When BLOPS 2 (or 3, I forget which) dropped I figured, ah time to move on. Not worth the $60. But now the new one is $70?? What the fuck??

Well, I have no self respect, so I bought it. And whaddaya know, its the same shit! Luckily, they've added a whole bunch of new features to the custom classes this go around, like unnecessary scroll wheels, and increasing the number of gun attachments a hundredfold. No silly "stock" for you, no sir, your gun will have 50 different types of stocks. That's progress, baby.

At the end of the day this game is, its COD. uh. No big surprise there. They've been doing this shit forever, no sign of stopping soon. Whatever.

Epic campaign besides the driving mission. Multiplayer is fun as always but I wish it was a bit more of a step up and less buggy

Lengthy review of Campaign and Multiplayer

Campaign: To think theres a CoD game I usually get hyped as much as the Modern Warfare Series is horrid I know this campaign is really a Moral story of what power america has on foreign soil or our own and to say there’s no character development is dumb there’s ALOT of development between Soap and Ghost alongside the father figure bond Price and Gaz share lets not forget the new characters Alejandro Vargas, Phillip Graves and Valeria Garza are all really well written overall the campaign is good 10/10

Multiplayer: Ah the glorious mode where we all go for honor or go home in in a body bag the Multiplayer in this years game introduces alot of confusing yet innovative ways to get attachments for your guns the platform system allows you to unlock attachments for IE the M4 to use on the AR150 or M16A1 operators are good and diverse this year Roze returns but with a new look 141 is here too (only if you have vault) but the fun here is mostly with the return of 3rd Person Mode allowing you to play in a different way than usual now to discuss the problems as a Live serivce game its bound to have bugs and they’re bad crashing and long as match to game transition the UI/UX but overall it’s Call of Duty they’ll fix it

Now would i say this is worth full price? Depends if you’re wanting to enjoy area positioning

But seriously i had fun and if you pick it up I hope you enjoy it

“Stay Frosty”

A very solid campaign with great use of its characters and set pieces, but overall with a narrative that isn't as strong as Modern Warfare (2019).

there are parts that feel stolen right out of uncharted and the last of us that i thought really rocked and worked for a call of duty game.

and then there are parts that were lifted and remixed from old call of duties that felt staid and boring.

by the end i felt exactly as entertained as i felt bored. there is a futurama episode where bender meets God and God exclaims, "if you do something right no one will think you've done anything at all" and that's kind of what this game feels like.

felt actually like an amalgamation of several different mindsets at play to the point it loses all identity. it wants to be zero dark thirty and sicario but it's a game where the cover character wears a skull mask in every setting. it's a game that's like "we can't do anything with the villain because of laws" and then throws them out the window later on hoping you've forgotten that. i've written a review like this before where i've said, as an expert in being a dumb person and a bad writer, i can spot dumb, lazy writing a mile away, modern warfare ii has all the hallmarks that. it's the equivalent of that horse drawing meme that starts of super realistic and in each installment becomes sloppier and sloppier until it resembles a blind child's depiction of a horse. you could extrapolate some political takeaways from this but at this point it'd be in vain because it contradicts itself through its sheer contempt for basic coherent consistently.

ultimately i think despite looking like a billion dollars it just doesn't play any better than any other call of duty. and i think it's disappointing it fails to really remember what made the first modern warfare 2 so good - the commitment to michael bay levels of balls to the wall action (it gets there in spurts but it's almost more of a reboot of the 2010 medal of honor game than the og mw2).

Pre-ordered it digitally so I got access to the campaign a week before the full game launched and was able to tear through it within a few days.