Reviews from

in the past

Modern Warfare and Call of Duty as a whole has always been a series that meant a lot to me. The original MW2 was one of if not my very first video game experiences. My dad was big on xbox and Call of Duty so that's what I spent a lot of my time playing as a kid, yknow way back when you'd still get made fun of for being a girl that plays video games lol. I was never pro level but I got quite (inconsistently) good at multiplayer. But what really mattered most to me was the campaigns. Modern Warfare especially I have incredibly fond memories of replaying the trilogy repeatedly. Sometimes id just replay specific levels that I thought were just that cool.

I eventually fell off on the series as a whole. Especially when they introduced Black Ops 4 as not even having a campaign I just gave up on caring about the franchises direction. But relatively recently I've been replaying the series and getting to ones I've skipped like World War 2 and Infinite Warfare. These are all widely varying in quality but with the exception of BO4 and Vanguard (which i've not tried the campaign) I've enjoyed them all. The real standout for me though was the Modern Warfare reboot. I was both really curious and cautious about rebooting the franchise but Modern Warfare 2019 turned out to be one of my favorite games in the series (can't beat Black Ops 2 though). So I was really pumped for this game. And while it mostly delivered on what I wanted, I can't help but feel a little disappointed overall.

The 2019 campaign can be criticized for relying on shock value and such but for me personally it really worked. One of the first missions I had to put the game down because it got me too emotional. I loved the gunplay and the story and holy fuck Clean House is the coolest mission of any fps since anything from Titanfall 2. Basically all I wanted from this game was to have more levels like that (really I want an entire game of just levels like that) and actually this game does have a lot of similar segments which left me very pleased. I didn't get my dream of Clean House raiding a massive drug cartel compound because they forced that to be an overlong AC-130 mission but I was happy with what I did get. But that's kinda all my positives about the campaign. I still really enjoyed it but it just lacked a lot of what was so compelling about 2019 for me. It really feels like they were taking a step back and aside from a few instances the game as a whole just feels like its playing it very safe. It never hit hard for me like its predecessor. The cast is really good but the main villain is completely forgettable and the more interesting one is dealt with in a very unsatisfying boss fight. The final level also felt incredibly underwhelming and the only cool thing about it was all the sequel bait for the inevitable third entry. Which I am still very excited for. Idk, I'm really conflicted here lol. On one hand its nowhere near as good as 2019 but on the other its still a really solid time as a whole.

The multiplayer is a different matter however. I don't care much for this side of the series anymore but this is just one of my probably least favorite mps ever? Cold War was fucking broken but it was at least still fun. 2019 wasnt great either but it still felt good. This just doesnt have any of that. I don't like the lightning fast TTK and the 15 or so matches i played all just mostly kept putting me in the same three boring maps from the beta. Not to mention the incredibly stupid way loadout customization is set up.

In all honesty though, the worst thing about this game is the UI. It's fucking BAD. Why the main menu has spots dedicated to the other games is beyond me. Its just so cluttered and ugly. When I came back to this game after a pretty long hiatus It took me like two minutes to find where the fuck the campaign even was. Its terrible and another reason why I hate Warzone and its consequences.

The game is also pretty buggy. I think it may of gotten better after the day one patch but there were so many times that a character model would glitch out or the scripting just completely failed. My teammates would just stand there and do nothing. Restarting the checkpoint wouldn't fix this issue either and I had to redo entire levels to get them to work properly which is the bare miminum you can ask for a game.

This has been a pretty negative review. But I do want to emphasis I still like this game. I think its a good game. Just for a franchise this big and with its predecessors being so good I expect a bit more polish. Who knows, maybe when I replay this down the line on Realism difficulty I'll like it more.

I'd give it a 4/5 in a heartbeat if it used the original MW2 soundtrack instead.
Thank's for reading <3

Nancymeter - 75/100
Trophy Completion - 33% (9/25)
Time Played - 19 hours 5 minutes
Game Completion #149 of 2022
Game Completion #3 of December

This game brings out all the demons within me. I start insulting people with insults I didn't even know existed.

I know people wont agree with my controversial opinion but this game reminds me of the Mona Lisa as the developers at infinity ward masterfully crafted their work to fit the mold of what was done in the past with games such as Bloodborne metal gear solid 3 and umineko. I only played the free trial though so its over and its back to mediocrity for the rest of my life instead of this.

"Back then, we were in modern warfare. But now? This is modern warfare 2"

as a halo player I always default to using the pistol and jumping during every gunfight while forgetting everytime that I am not a spartan and I don't jump 8 feet in the air

“Press LT to de-escalate civilians”

Actually one of the better Call of Duty campaigns of the last decade, and I mean that seriously.

There’s a surprising amount of gameplay variety in these missions, with a few thrown in that echo and expand upon ideas from past entries. If Modern Warfare (2019) was Call of Duty 4 II this is certainly Modern Warfare 2 II, as much as it is a sequel to MW2019. Did that make sense? No? Moving on.

It ups the ante on the past game without going too far overboard. No James Bond snowmobile chases this time, only a preposterous Gray Man style car chase. Many levels play like spiritual successors to those of that game: a prison break, cliffside jumps, an oil rig raid, missions on US soil. Characters and events follow kinda similar trajectories.

The game looks stunning on Series X. The sound design is impeccable. A ton of work obviously went into the little details and making everything feel fleshed-out. Amsterdam and Mexico were particularly strong looking.

The game doubles down on its predecessor’s uncharacteristic mission variety: You’ve got stealth missions with ghillie sniping, stealth missions via CCTV, underwater stealth missions, stealth missions with rappelling, stealth missions with crafting… jokes aside, there are actually a bunch of wild scenarios that were distinct enough in gameplay and visuals to keep me engaged.

At one point in the AC-130 mission I saw (from my black-and-white thermal God’s eye) a mother running and going back for her stumbling child during the hail of gunfire I was raining down on the cartel. I’m not sure how to feel about that, but it was a powerful little moment that I’m sure was scripted but felt real. Civilian casualties are a constant worry in MWII.

The AI is wonky af and kinda ruins some of the stealth; the cartel evidently have x-ray vision and aim like Deadshot (I played on Hardened). I experienced quite a few glitches, but nothing game-ruining. The story is decent, if predictable, and the characters say edgelord nonsense. Soap looks like Zac Efron. The post-credits stinger was cringe.

But I legitimately enjoyed my time with this campaign. It’s a good game with cool missions and an entertaining movie-esque military/spy narrative. My dad has already played through it twice.

Also I speak Spanish as a second language and found the Mexican spec-ops missions particularly cool, but for some reason there was no option to disable subtitles for English AND Spanish. Even with all disabled, it showed subtitles whenever Spanish was spoken

There's this always awkward period in the industry following the release of a new console generation where developers find themselves trying to cater to two different markets of consumers - those who have made the jump over to the most recent hardware and those who haven't. History has shown that the gamers in the latter category have to be particularly careful as studios often take shortcuts or cut content to make this possible, which can leave them with an inferior product. I think many are still sore over Black Ops III releasing without a campaign on 360 and PS3 back in 2015 for example. I'm happy to report though that the PS4 version of Modern Warfare II isn't a significant downgrade. I did notice that character models can look a bit Cyberpunk 2077-y at times in the story mode and textures on the larger multiplayer maps regularly take a second to fully load in, but with no hiccups related to the actual gameplay and a lack of technical issues present outside of the visual variety this is still a perfectly viable option for people stuck on "last gen."

I've seen the single-player portion receiving a lot of praise online, and while I think the hype is a bit overblown I must say it is a solid offering on the whole. It sort of plays like a greatest hits compilation for Infinity Ward, delivering more or less exactly the type of thrills you would expect alongside plenty of callbacks, nods, and references to the original trilogy paired with the occasional, not so subtle easter eggs reminding us that titles like Ghosts were a thing at one point. There are some original flourishes however, such as a stage where you're jumping from and hijacking moving enemy vehicles Wheelman-style and, my personal favorite, an entire level where you're stealthily sneaking around crafting tools from junk littering the environment to survive like it's The Last of Us or something. Honestly, aside from the relative absence of true innovation the most disappointing aspect is the writing. Save for an exciting twist about midway through, the plot is a rather bland affair involving the hunt for a generic Middle Eastern terrorist who's stolen some missiles and none of the members of the 141 or their allies are as cool as the team at IW apparently thinks they are (except Alejandro who is G.O.A.T. tier).

As for the competitive half of the package, which has always been the lifeblood of the franchise, I've experienced the same moments of exhilaration with the fast-paced combat and RPG-level of depth in the weapon/loadout customization mixed with feelings of frustration at seeing other players get away with cheap tactics that inexplicably never work for me or losing an objective-based match because several of my teammates decided to leave right as we were about to secure a win that I typically do. There's some Battle Pass bullcrap now (the absolute worst thing Fortnite gave us), but it didn't bother me much. The biggest additions come in the form of a third-person playlist, the new perspective of which radically changes how you play, and the "Invasion" mode that's basically just a larger team deathmatch with AI bots on the Ground War maps and has become my new main go-to.

I've had better luck than most in the past when it came to avoiding the unpleasantness the CoD community is notorious for whenever using mics, but it appears the fortunate streak has been brought to an unceremonious end. It makes me wish muting others was easier. For whatever reason I never seem to be able to select the specific users who need it most, and have had to resort to silencing entire lobbies as a result. At least doing so allows me to dodge that long-running bug where the gamertags of those talking remain stuck on your screen until you logout.

The cooperative options are admittedly the area where I've spent the briefest amount of time, as the buddies of mine who do actually game with me rather than just taking up a spot on my friend's list aren't really fans of the series and every time I've tried to join randoms they've all bafflingly left as soon as the mission(s) started. A shame, because what little I've seen looked diverse, interesting, and nowhere near as crushingly difficult as MW 2019's Spec Ops was/is. Evidence points to there being something worth your time in this department provided you can assemble a reliable group of pals.

As much as Infinity Ward is definitely resting on and to a degree even recycling prior laurels, what's here shows they aren't completely out of ideas yet. Thus the brand remains a great way to get your first-person military shooter fix for another year. I know it will personally keep me occupied for a few months or so until I either get bored or the future updates eat away at too much of my free hard drive space like a few of its predecessors have (legitimately why I've skipped over the past couple entries). Although far from revolutionary, I continue to be impressed by how the shooting only seems to get smoother and I'd argue it has the best sniping of any installment to date. Plus, there's a high chance the right nostalgic notes will be hit for the veterans in the audience who followed the exploits of Price, Soap, and Gaz back in their heyday.


I thought the campaign was great. The missions varied enough to keep me engaged throughout. They largely avoided the drawn out shooting gallery sequences that plagued many of the prior COD campaigns as well.

The multiplayer is a little rough around the edges right now, but the gunplay is on par with MW 2019 which is the most important thing for me.

The comp scene is a major part of modern cods for me but this games rampant cheating and poor servers make playing it so fustrating, alongside this the MP gets ignored for WZ no surprises there also the game pushes shitty cosmetics you will almost never use wayyyyyyy to much

Can't believe i dumped 450+ hours into this trash

Salty players ranting over the mic mid/post-match utilizing every slur in the book is the kind of political bloodsport I live for

Mais um modo campanha que segue o estilo de todos os outros, chega a ser interessante mas ainda tem problemas.

Fazia tempo que eu não encontrava um jogo tão bugado quanto esse, não sei se foi só comigo no meu PC mas tinha momentos que chegava a ser insuportável. Isso quando não estava bugando, ele é MUITO mal otimizado, foi o primeiro game que testei o DLSS da Nvidia e conseguiu ficar feio.

Sobre a campanha em si achei ela inferior ao seu antecessor e muito padrão, apesar de haver um seguimento de sobrevivência com mecânicas de crafting bem interessante, talvez umas das missões mais bem elaboradas da franquia.

Definitivamente melhor que o cold war, que Campanha gostosinha mas tem umas fases que só por Deus pqp

Just an okay game but best COD I’ve played in years.

This game has done way better than most CODs that came out in recent years. While this game does have its flaws I’m very surprised on how well this game was. Playing this 120FPS was a damn good time on multiplayer and I’m not the kind of guy who likes playing multiplayer like that. There are all kinds of modes to play with friends and we all had a great time. And there’s more modes to come in the near future which I will definitely be checking out and playing with friends. I also love the graphics. Everything looks so crisp and realistic, I just love the facial animations that you’ll see in the cutscenes of the campaign.

Story was very mediocre though. I really wasn’t all the interested in the story and unfortunately this was one of those games where I cared more for the gameplay than the story. By the time I got to the ending of the story I wasn’t satisfied but I didn’t feel like my time was wasted either since I had fun.

I’m proud of Activision for at least making a decent COD. This could most definitely been a hell of a lot better but I’m not disappointed honestly. I can’t wait for the future modes and whatever else is planned for COD MW2.

so, let's start with the good: mw2 is a relatively good looking game with amazing sound design, and excellent feeling guns. its map design is also very good, and i think its progression system is unique.

now for the bad: this is one of the most disasterous launches in CoD history. not quite as bad as cold war but it's way too close.

this game is buggy as fuck, jesus christ. where do i even begin? well for a start, camo unlocks do not get alerted once you complete them. this game crashes any time you try to play with your friends in a lobby, there are no barracks, challenges, multiplayer stats, or anything like that. there is just not enough content herep there are less unique guns and attachments than MW19 at launch, less game modes, no challenges, worse movement and a worse perk systen.

regardless of the bugs and missing content, the game design frustrates me because it feels like a mix of a "tactical" fpses like r6s, cs and faster paced fpses like quake and the earlier entries of cod, but i feel like right now it leans waay too heavily into the tactical side. this entry is trying to be "realistic" and boy does it really want you to feel that way. your foot steps are as loud as an elephant's, which means being slow is the optimal strategy a lot of the time, otherwise some dude sittin in the corner will just hear you coming and shoot you with no counterplay, not to mention the much slower aim down sight strafe speeds, slowers sprint to fire times, slower ads times across the board compared to older games, and you just have a very slow game. this isn't inherently bad, games like CS and R6S are very slow games but are immenesly popular for a reason, but i feel like abandoning cod's former roots as a good mix between CS and Quake is a mistake. it's a mistake in my opinion because being a healthy mix between tac shooter and arcade fast shooter meant the diversity in player indivuality and playstyles were very high, which i think should be considered heavily in a shooter catered to a CASUAL demographic. not everybody wants to be some crack addled 180 fov quake player and not everybody wants to piss in a jar and hold a long in dust ii for 90 minutes after their shitty 9 to 5, and that is exactly the franchise cod was meant to appeal towards. some games in the franchise leaned more towards tacitcal (black ops 1, cod 4, mw3, mw19) and others more fast paced (mw2, advanced warfare, infinite warfare, vanguard) but it's never been quite this polarizing before. all this does is limit viable playstyles which makes it only enjoyable for people who really like that sort of gameplay. i don't, unfortunately.

the perk system is also garbage and never needed to be changed to this degree, but they did anyway to claim "innovation." nobody wanted this.

so let's wrap this up. for $69.99 you are getting a game that is very similar to MW19, but worse in every way, some subtle and some immense. the movement is slower and worse, the perk system is worse, imo the game looks and runs worse, the game currently has significantly less content, has more bugs... just don't buy this right now. just wait for when it comes on sale or just invest your time in the other 20 cod games that are more fun and interesting anyway. ill update this review to see if the game improves in the future and write my thoughts.

This is a pretty good babysitter for military dudes while I fuck their wives.

there are parts that feel stolen right out of uncharted and the last of us that i thought really rocked and worked for a call of duty game.

and then there are parts that were lifted and remixed from old call of duties that felt staid and boring.

by the end i felt exactly as entertained as i felt bored. there is a futurama episode where bender meets God and God exclaims, "if you do something right no one will think you've done anything at all" and that's kind of what this game feels like.

felt actually like an amalgamation of several different mindsets at play to the point it loses all identity. it wants to be zero dark thirty and sicario but it's a game where the cover character wears a skull mask in every setting. it's a game that's like "we can't do anything with the villain because of laws" and then throws them out the window later on hoping you've forgotten that. i've written a review like this before where i've said, as an expert in being a dumb person and a bad writer, i can spot dumb, lazy writing a mile away, modern warfare ii has all the hallmarks that. it's the equivalent of that horse drawing meme that starts of super realistic and in each installment becomes sloppier and sloppier until it resembles a blind child's depiction of a horse. you could extrapolate some political takeaways from this but at this point it'd be in vain because it contradicts itself through its sheer contempt for basic coherent consistently.

ultimately i think despite looking like a billion dollars it just doesn't play any better than any other call of duty. and i think it's disappointing it fails to really remember what made the first modern warfare 2 so good - the commitment to michael bay levels of balls to the wall action (it gets there in spurts but it's almost more of a reboot of the 2010 medal of honor game than the og mw2).

Epic campaign besides the driving mission. Multiplayer is fun as always but I wish it was a bit more of a step up and less buggy

Lengthy review of Campaign and Multiplayer

Campaign: To think theres a CoD game I usually get hyped as much as the Modern Warfare Series is horrid I know this campaign is really a Moral story of what power america has on foreign soil or our own and to say there’s no character development is dumb there’s ALOT of development between Soap and Ghost alongside the father figure bond Price and Gaz share lets not forget the new characters Alejandro Vargas, Phillip Graves and Valeria Garza are all really well written overall the campaign is good 10/10

Multiplayer: Ah the glorious mode where we all go for honor or go home in in a body bag the Multiplayer in this years game introduces alot of confusing yet innovative ways to get attachments for your guns the platform system allows you to unlock attachments for IE the M4 to use on the AR150 or M16A1 operators are good and diverse this year Roze returns but with a new look 141 is here too (only if you have vault) but the fun here is mostly with the return of 3rd Person Mode allowing you to play in a different way than usual now to discuss the problems as a Live serivce game its bound to have bugs and they’re bad crashing and long as match to game transition the UI/UX but overall it’s Call of Duty they’ll fix it

Now would i say this is worth full price? Depends if you’re wanting to enjoy area positioning

But seriously i had fun and if you pick it up I hope you enjoy it

“Stay Frosty”

MWII as a full package is solid, Spec Ops is actually fun this time, the multiplayer is the best we’ve had in a VERY LONG TIME, and the campaign is decent. Sadly the campaign is littered with bugs or this would get a perfect score from me, as the gunplay and story is great. But the large amount of bugs combined with one or two vehicle centric missions (which cod has never done well) put it down a notch for me. Definitely worth a purchase though seeing as this game will be around for two years rather than the usual one.

Multiplayer-only review.

I always like progression systems that encourage you to use a variety of tools, and I certainly don't mind making the sweatiest knife-and-riot shield dorks on the planet use other guns so they can unlock attachments. That being said, it turns this game into a massive time-sink, and there's no way for you to be more efficient in getting these unlocks. Sorry kid, you just gotta play the game. While I enjoy this kinda thing personally, I think there's no denying that it's a slimy tactic obviously created to keep people hooked on COD for as long as possible until the next one comes out. The playstyle customization it results in is really fun, but at player level 40 (out of 55 max) I still have the tiniest fraction of options available to me and would have to play five times the amount to both unlock a good number of weapons and also upgrade those weapons.

Worth mentioning too that all the upgrade systems and camos and unlocks are explained, but those explanations are pretty front-loaded in this experience and you'll be clicking through 5 minutes of them as you try to play with friends for the first time, so if you're like me and haven't purchased a COD game in literally ten years you'll still be sitting there ten or fifteen hours in, going "ohhhhh that's how that works". It's not really helped by the menus being laid out so poorly - it's never really clear what actions are possible because you're not sure where you'd even find them, assuming they even exist. I think this is just the result of putting too much strain on the loadout customization feature - clarity would improve greatly by moving challenges of every kind to a single, separate tab in the menu. I can't speak to how confusing this is for loyal Call of Duty fans, but the onboarding experience for new players is not going to win awards.


Other Notes:

- I don't think I've heard this many slurs since playing Overwatch
- Seeing a lot of gameplay elements/gadgets/etc. that have been shamelessly lifted from other games. The people I play with complain a lot about drill charges (for Siege players: think "throwable Fuze charges") so perhaps I'm a fool, but these seem to be categorically good for game health/balance.
- As someone who is fascinated by guns as pieces of engineering, there's something satisfying using the gunsmith and watching a gun transform into other guns from the same family - watching a boring old 7.62 AK assault rifle transform into an RPK, a Bizon, a Vityaz, etc. It's cool! It's half the reason I keep playing this, honestly.
- Can't really see any of these maps becoming "classics", as each of them is downright miserable in at least one of the core modes. None of them are awful all the time, but playing Domination on Embassy could be used as an alternative to community service for well-behaved criminals.
- Still can't get over the awful menus. A $300 million budget with no UX designer.

Was able to play the campaign early with a pre-order so that's what my review will focus on.

This was a very solid campaign overall; the cutscene and voice direction continue to get better, the set pieces are bigger and more elaborate, and the moment-to-moment gameplay feels tight and entertaining. I appreciated the mission variety similar to MW 2019, although the absence of one character in particular as a major player (no spoilers) was noticeable.

Something that really held this game back for me was the multiple instances of forced stealth/being completely powerless against opponents that can fuck you up. I can appreciate that once in a while, but it happens far too often in a game that should have more explosions and bullets flying. A minor gripe, but it definitely made me enjoy the campaign a little less compared to previous entries.

I'm impressed with the way this Modern Warfare reboot has been handled so far. There are some fun call-backs throughout the campaign for fans of the original trilogy, and I'm excited to see how they build on this and MW 2019.

It’s a Call of Duty game, there’s not much else to be said. It’s not remarkable, but it gets the job done I suppose. I do very much think the series has gotten stale beyond belief. The only modicum of fun I have left with this series’ multiplayer is playing online with my friends. There’s really no point to ever play COD alone. Not anymore anyways.

I did however enjoy the campaign. Not my favorite COD campaign, but still very enjoyable.

I know this will never ever happen, but I’d like Call of Duty to discontinue multiplayer and focus on creating longer and more fleshed out blockbuster style storied campaigns. Again I know Call of Duty would be burning money by the truckload to scrap multiplayer, but that’s just my jaded opinion of the series at this point.

I love this campaign but its being abandoned because infinity ward cannot fucking fix shit regarding the damn lightning

I thought hard about buying this game. I'd played Modern Warfare 2 about a decade ago, the first time it came out. MW2 the first go around was my formative online shooter experience; partying up with the boys to go get called slurs and shit after a long day of high school, figuring out the care package glitch and how dumb commando was; MW2 The First was a great time. Pretty dogshit game, but well-suited for a bunch of adolescent layabouts to amuse themselves with.

So because of all that I was thinking about buying MW2 again this year, at least until I saw the pricetag. Seventy fucking dollars? For real? After years of the OG MW2 with friends, moving on eventually to BLOPS, I'd kinda been burnt out on COD games. They just rerelease the same shit every year but with more confusing UIs and shuffled perk and equipment systems so you don't know what the best builds are at launch. When BLOPS 2 (or 3, I forget which) dropped I figured, ah time to move on. Not worth the $60. But now the new one is $70?? What the fuck??

Well, I have no self respect, so I bought it. And whaddaya know, its the same shit! Luckily, they've added a whole bunch of new features to the custom classes this go around, like unnecessary scroll wheels, and increasing the number of gun attachments a hundredfold. No silly "stock" for you, no sir, your gun will have 50 different types of stocks. That's progress, baby.

At the end of the day this game is, its COD. uh. No big surprise there. They've been doing this shit forever, no sign of stopping soon. Whatever.

Nem terminei a campanha ainda, mas também nem me importo muito. O multiplayer é divertido pra caralho e o gunplay de COD nunca foi tão bom como agora.

Perde uns pontos por alguns bugs, crashes e UI de menu horrorosa.

Ainda assim, jogaço.


A typical modern CoD campaign that sets itself apart with its grounded characters just like its 2019 predecessor. Felt like they were having a lot more fun with that aspect of it this time around. The rebooted characters like Ghost, Shepard and Soap all have an interesting spin on them. Oh and the newcomer Alejandro RULES.

Not quite as good as the 2019 game but definitely a worthy follow up.

campanha bem abaixo dos outros MWs, multiplayer fraquissimo cheio de decisão errada

COD certamente q será esquecido daqui uns anos

I spent 10 minutes waiting on the game to open to find out it hadn't finished installing all the updates. It's bull like this that makes you miss the days when you'd pop in a game and it'd just start up.

This was such a crazy experience for me because I decided to play this campaign with a mouse and keyboard on Veteran. That may not sound too dramatic, but as a console peasant this was wild to me. Had a blast.

Love what they’re doing with these reboots, and I’m excited to do it all over again in MW III.

This probably the most well made piece of trash that has been put out in the past few years and I played it for almost a hundred hours simply because I hate myself.

First, let's talk about the obvious problem that's been plaguing Call of Duty for as long as I can remember.... Hackers. Seriously, the hacking is off the charts, the number of times I've been tracked through walls is absolutely incredible, and if it's not tracking through walls then sweet baby jesus I must be playing against real-world marines with 200+ confirmed kills. They all have the aim of a literal god (Cronus Zen and other aim assist mods that the "anti-cheat" doesn't do anything about) so you either find low-skilled newbies that are not of any challenge or fat neckbearded tryhards that have eighteen different aim assist programs. And the reason those ugly bastards at Activision don't do anything about it is because so many of the big streamers are cheating but of course, CoD cant afford to loose their main source of advertisement so they just shut their mouth and pretend not to see or hear anything.

The second most infuriating problem is the spawning. How does a game developer make the exact same type of game decade after decade and still CANNOT figure out how to spawn people? You will either spawn directly in front of enemies, behind a teammate that is already being shot at, or in the middle of the enemy team and get melted immediately/wipe out their whole team from behind. And if you don't get those spawns, you get the complete opposite and the game spawns you 5 miles away from anyone. Not only that but the game seems to do it on purpose. It's been a common theme that once you start doing well in a game, all of a sudden you start spawning in random spots and it messes up the whole flow and allows the other team to take over areas they weren't able to before hand. On another note, the game really seems to nerf in real time. It is common to hear about this and to experience it yourself, too. Once you start doing well in a game mode or even mid-game, it seems to start taking more shots to kill people, footsteps seems to get softer, you start dying to less shots, it just seems fishy.

The weapons are a whole other issue. They are so unbalanced its crazy. Getting two shot'd (often one shot) by pistols but yet my .308 that leaves a baseball sized hole in your chest doesn't kill because "iTs NoT a HeAdShOt". Not to mention, what is the point of having three different sniper (high caliber) rifle classes if all of them are going to be mobile and easy to use? Why is a full size 338 easier to handle than an SPR even with both having the short barrels? I'm not in the military and am in no way saying that I know how weapons should correctly handle, but if my experience with games that simulate real-life weapons is of any help, I sincerely doubt that a pocket pistol would do the same damage as a fucking Fat Man.

Let's move onto sound, another awesome addition to this garbage fire. I don't have the best headset around but it's pretty decent for my standards, mostly because I luckily also get a pretty silent environment as a whole. But by God if that doesn't mean jackshit. Footsteps in this game are horrendous, you can barely hear yourself think due to your own footsteps but enemy footsteps are so quiet Daredevil wouldn't even be able to fucking hear them. The game even makes your teammates louder. You can literally hear your teammate on the second floor, six rooms down better than you can hear an enemy coming through the doorway half a foot to your side. The only mode where that's not an issue is S&D and even then the sounds don't seem accurate. For example, the map where you can swim has really loud boards when you run, I honestly cant count how many times I've been on that map and been like "oh, that guy is still on the boards" so I pop out to catch him but when I pop out, the dude is like 4 feet down the concrete slab and already pulled up on me. Other times, I'll think I'm right behind someone but as soon as I turn the corner to attack them from behind, turns out they're in Jamaica all of a sudden.

Let's move onto performance. I have never had an issue running anything on this PC but this game eats my GPU like a four course banquet. I mean it, constant 98% utilization is unacceptable. NFS Heat doesn't even get that high and that game is less optimized than Callisto Protocol running on a microwave. Not only that but the game constantly crashes. Want to edit your class mid-game? Too bad, you're going to have to force close the game then boot it back up again. Want to go through the store or battle pass while waiting in a lobby? Too bad, restart the game. Want to lag with 25 latency? Well you are in luck! I've never had any issue with a game as much as I've had with this one. All these fucking Delta, Caserma, Rhino, Charlie and who knows what else errors that the game keeps giving you for simply starting it make my blood boil. I don't care that the game crashed because of Error Turdblossom because, even when I look it up online, there is NO KNOWN FIX.

Last but definitely NOT least, the leveling up. I have never played a game where you basically needed double XP tokens to rank up quickly at all. Perhaps Marvel's Avengers, and that is a bar so low that it's underneath sea level. For example, I remember having three games in a row where I got 30+ kills. Anyone wanna guess how many times my weapons and soldier ranked up in that 90+ kill span? Well, my Orbiter went from level 3 to 5, my Revolver went up half a level, and I progressed one XP level as a whole... I mean come on, what a joke.

The game is all around pretty bad, usually I don't care much for CoD but after paying $100 for this game I really feel robbed. I can't even have fun with my friends because whenever we play, it feels like a kick in the balls. No one has fun playing this game except for sweaty dorito-munching nerds that look like boogie2988. CoD is sadly a shell of what it used to be, now more than ever. If you are a toxic, grass-avoiding, stinky predator that plays literally nothing else but CoD, then this game is perfect for you.