Reviews from

in the past

Extremely short and not very challenging

This is a awesome game I've already unlocked all boss statues and it must of took the developers for EVER to make the game the only part i don't like is that one mizrebel is to hard to beat and two I don't like the storm levels it would also be nice to have easier boss battles but still i give it 5 stars and really hope they make a remake of the remake


Grandioses Remake vom alten SEGA-Klassiker. In meinem Fall baut das nostalgische Gefühl auf dem 1990er Game-Gear-Port. Grafik, Sound und Musik sind wie aus einem zauberhaften Guss. Das Spiel im Allgemeinen ist auch für Kids in der Schwierigkeit "Normal" packbar, nur beim Endboss habe ich da so meine Zweifel... das war kurz vor Schluss dann doch ziemlich knackig!

Für fast drei Stunden Spielzeit habe ich €6,49 bezahlt. Bei weniger Time-Trial-, Sammler- bzw. Achievement-Hurerei und zwei, drei Levels mehr, wäre ein sofortiger Kauf empfohlen. So wie's jetzt ist, eher eingeschränkt. Lieber für 'nen schmalen Fünfer zuschlagen.

I can't remember a damn thing about this game.

Cute and fun game (for the 2 hours that it lasted lol). It could have been more than 2 if I had tried to get all the gems... but I did't, it looks kinda difficult to get them all lmao.

Good platformer in a fun disney setting. Pretty quick if you speed through it. Extras seem fairly challenging if you go for full completion, as was the final boss.

It's nothing really that special; you can beat it in under 2 hours if you know what you're doing. However, it's a charming game with its narrator and level designs, with some tight and fun controls. I can definitely think of worse ways to spend my money.

Good remaster of a classic genesis title. Its very short, and rather pretty to look at. Every now and then I pop it open on Steam to do a quick playthrough. I recommend it if you want a breather game to play.

Considering that a good chunk of the original game's difficult parts stem more from questionable level design, I don't really mind this one being easier, though they could have made it more challenging since this is more of a reimagining instead of a faithful remake. There's not much to complain here, but there's just nothing really outstanding either, it's a harmless, comfy little platformer, which is good enough to warrant a pass.

I only played the demo of this game, and it was so good!! Darn shame that it's been pulled from the store...

Very nostalgic although annoying at times.

In some ways it improves on the original and in others it doesn't. But the moral here is that this game is still good and worth a play for any Mickey fan or fan of the original game. Some of the 3D platforming can be frustrating though because of the sometimes iffy camera.

Me parece un bastante buen remake.
No se limita a copiar 1:1 los niveles del original pero con mejores gráficos.
El apartado gráfico es notable, 2,5D muy colorido, con escenarios bastante dinamicos. Mucha variedad visual en los niveles, al igual que pasaba en el orinal.
Jugabilidad muy pulida, Mickey responde a la perfección, matar a enemigos cayéndoles encima es muy satisfactoirio porque te permite usarlo tambien para plataformear.
Jugablemente es similar al original pero con una agradable puesta al día:
Casi todo el juego es 2,5D en scroll lateral, pero hay zonas y/o secciones en que el juego pasa a ser 3D completamente, cosa que da una variante jugable que entra muy bien.
Otro añadido respecto al original es el loby donde escoges niveles, el propio castillo, en el que te mueves con completa libertad 3D. Los jefes finales se mantienen pero han sufrido una mejora notable respecto al original.
De duración va parecido al original, solo que aquí han añadido 2 coleccionables ocultos por nivel, así como 75 diamantes que tendrás que encontrar (los 5 últimos suelen costar sin guía) para sacar el 100%.
Recomendado. Mejor que el original.

One of the most fun games I've ever played in my life!! the gameplay and level mechanics are very addictive, its characters and stories are extremely interesting and cool, a very tasty farm that gives me many hours of fun

Some of the best 2.5D visuals of the era, although the adventure is a bit of a cakewalk unlike the original.

I mean it's a kids game, I don't know what I was expecting. The platforming is too floaty making it really hard to make jumps, the levels are really generic, oh and I finished the game in 2 hours.... yes I kept count.

I mean if you we're a kid and you really and I mean REALLY love Mickey Mouse I can see you getting some fun out of this, but if say you're a grown-ass man, no you will not get that much enjoyment out of this game.

Lo único que no le perdono a este remake es que hayan cambiado completamente la música de la tercera zona. Por lo demás, es una reinvención muy interesante que, sin llegar a ser excelente, cumple en casi todos sus apartados.

fun little platformer to waste some time in

Honestly really fun, even if lacking a little spice, it's a solid Disney platformer.

Decent Platformer that I've beaten and probably won't ever go back too

I played this for my youtube channel and it DIDNT FUCKING RECORD THE FINAL BOSS

Cute little remake. Would love to play it again.

This is a great palate cleanser platformer that is on the short and easy side but remains enjoyable. Level design takes a safe and typical 90s platforming approach but nevertheless remains fun and controls are very good and precise.

It's a reimagining of the Genesis classic with HD graphics so if you are a fan of the original and also enjoy Disney-themed media this is very much worth checking out.

Awkward that this was probably more satisfying to hop my way through than Epic Mickey a few years prior. Castle of Illusion doesn't make any major changes to the classic gameplay to my understanding and is a bit generic but still not a bad time with just the right amount of challenge for its audience.

100% Completion Guide
Like Always I use the format of XboxAchievements for these
This might be WIP

-Estimated completion difficulty: 2/10
-Online: No
-Approximate amount of time to Complete: ~7.5 Hours(HLTB)
-Minimum number of playthroughs needed: One
-Number of missable achievements: None, chapter select available
-No cheat codes known
-No difficulty settings available
-Glitchy achievements: None
-Unobtainable achievements: None
- Speedrun Achievements: None

Things required for Completion:

- 5 Magic Playing Cards (Collectible)
- 5 Donald's Chili Peppers (Collectible)
- 800 Diamonds (Collectible)
- 10 Castle Statue Pieces (Collectible, assembles 10 Castle Statues)
- 3 Outfits(Knight, Explorer, Magician)
- Castle Paintings
- 12 Achievements

Bosses: 6

A short and sweet remake that does a lot of neat things. The 3D sections were a welcome surprise! A definite recommendation if you're looking for something short.

um jogo curtinho pra passar o tempo, mas possui um problema: o act 1 e 2 do castle é INSUPORTÁVEL e se voce morre volta laaa pro começo 😭