Reviews from

in the past

Very interesting game, the combination of super hot and snipers is just something else, the mouse controls are a bit clunky and would prefer a controller but it's alright.

I loved the cutscenes, the artstyle is very cool and the level design is alright, it's a bit of a puzzle because in some maps you need timing and patience to move on targets, overall it's my type of game and would love to see more when it will launch.

Fantastic game! Full review is over on Geek to Geek Media

I loved the grunge cell-shaded style and how satisfying missions were. I just wished there was more substance. Definitely should've had more variety and more mini games to break things up.

A fun, stylish, grungy puzzle game with a really unique concept. It felt like it built naturally, and I never felt helpless or too stupid to figure out the solution. Cult stories are always really interesting, and you feel the damage you do with each shot. My only complaint is that the bubble cultists were kind of annoying to deal with, as they overcomplicated paths just a little too much, but I overall really loved this game.

Em vídeo:

Você foi criada por um Culto de fanáticos que te usou durante anos por conta de seus poderes sinistros de telecinése. Agora, livre das amarras da fé, começa sua jornada de vingança caçando um a um até encaixar uma bala na testa do líder. Só que nesse jogo, você é a bala.

"Children of the Sun" é descrito como um jogo tático de quebra-cabeça com tiro em terceira pessoa e eu nunca eu vi nada igual.

Dirigido Por René Rother que já fazia jogos bem estranhamente belos e gratuitos no, estreia seu primeiro jogo publicado pela Devolver Digital.

Uma aventura curta, como de costume do autor, mas que vai te fazer pensar em estratégias para derrotar múltiplos inimigos em cada fase com apenas 1 bala. Tendo o poder de controlar a direção da bala em cada acerto, nos vemos forçados a um planejamento estratégico bem semelhante a puzzles de ação como os de Superhot. Porém, por sermos sniper, ainda precisamos de habilidade para acertar cada vez mais em menos tempo e rankear bem no leaderboard global.

Ser a bala nesse jogo é cruel, acompanhar o momento em que sanguináriamente acertamos inimigos assusatados em seus pontos fracos aproximam o interlocutor da pscopatia da personagem principal.

Em meio a isso, o jogo demonstra um domínio de seu loop principal, com inimigos cada vez mais fortes, mas com novas habilidades surgindo na medida que avançamos, o jogo faz o feijão com arroz de um bom design. Ou talvez a melhor analogia seja de um hambúrguer rearranjado em um prato, afinal, apesar de sua estética ser brilhantemente caótica e disruptiva, seu gosto ainda é de um jogo bem nos conformes dos padrões de design do grande mercado. Isso não é ruim, mas devo admitir que senti uma pessoalidade maior em Donata, Rotting Crescendo e I am the Sun do mesmo autor. Este último por sinal, que possui leves referências em Children of the Sun.

Apesar do polimento não característico do autor, ainda temos sua assinatura, com uma trama super obtusa e indireta, mas que contextualiza bem sua gameplay e nos dá um motivo para caçar a vingança da personagem principal me garantiu algumas horas de diversão e uma vontade para descobrir mais artes do René.

E eu te convido a fazer o mesmo

Texto completo:

From 2014-2022 Rick Remender released "Deadly Class." It was a graphic novel series that spanned 56 issues abouts youths whose lives were molded and twisted through the horrors committed by the adults around them. Setting them off on a path of self-destruction and violence.

Anyone familiar with that work will feel a sort of connective tissue with Children of the Sun's presentation. If not for the supernatural element it would be easy to mistake it as apart of that world. Color choices, cutscene framing and of course sound design feel very raw. The act of setting up your shot, pulling the trigger and making contact with a target all have a massive impact. The bullet piercing through the air has this drone noise that overpowers the action. I found myself holding my breath at times, only realizing it when a level was finished at that triumpant exhale.

The story is simple but incredibly effective. Your motive is clear from the start. You are a woman on a mission that can only be accomplished by leaving a trail of bodies in your path. I found myself pulled along for ride not wanting to put the game down.

The main idea of bouncing your bullet between targets adds an addictive arcade feel. On the fly decision making tests your metal with great level design and an effective/straight forward mouse only control scheme.

I highly recommend this one. It's short but it takes its simple concepts and ideas and just runs with it. It's a wild, violent and strategic time.

A game that I enjoyed but I wish had more meat to the bone. just when the levels are really starting to get more in depth and interesting, the game is over. I did like what I played, but with only 3 hours played to completion, I found it a bit too short. Still a good game, though

I liked the demo enough during Next Fest but unfortunately Children of the Sun proved to be entirely style over substance. What starts off as a neat little sniper puzzler with a Killer 7-esque aesthetic devolves into trial and error, tedium, and wonky hitboxes. In some levels you aren't even able to see every enemy initially so you straight up gotta trial and error it. The later mechanics the games adds feel more like annoying gimmicks and the last level is just an absolute slog and I just gave up because I couldn't find the last damn enemy in all the visual noise and didn't feel like repeating all that shit over and over again just to find them. Easy skip and I regret I'm probably past the refund window.



Cortito y directo al grano. Un juego correcto para pasar el rato.

La verdad es que ha estado muy guapo. Personalmente me gusta usar rifles de francotirador en los juegos por lo que el sistema me ha encantado, aunque es cierto que a veces petardea un poco (los sistema temporales de los psíquicos y el sistema de distancia de las armaduras son una mala combinación y el penultimo nivel es prueba de ello)

Aun así una más que interesante experiencia que además no ocupa mucho tiempo.

Children of the Sun is fun puzzle game. It's like if A24 made a Sniper Elite game. It is a pretty short and not super challenging. The story is basic is really just about revenge. Overall fun stylistic and I hope there is a sequel/DLC.

Jogo com mecânica interessante, mas que enjoa com uma certa velocidade.

I love the idea of Killer 7 + Sniper Elite along with this game's art and sound design, but I think the gimmick here runs dry very fast. It's mostly a game of just trying to find your targets since they are usually completely hidden on the map and less of having fun interesting ways of doing collateral kills and combos.

Extra minor complaint, but there's no real grading system in the game, it just puts you on a general player scoreboard so it's hard to even figure out if you even performed well or not.

When I first started Children of the Sun, I was expecting it to fall into the category of many other games like it. Where it either tried to stretch one idea for way too long or didn't spend enough time exploring its many possibilities. Shockingly that isn't the case here, and it's all the better for it.

You'll probably have the game beat in about 3-4 hours, but that ironically feels like the perfect length. The dev clearly knew not to overextend their reach, getting a good bit of mileage out of the idea with a small handful of mechanics and new things to consider, but never tried to overuse that and pad itself out.

When it's at its best, using its mechanics to full effect, it's a tactician's dream as you mark all targets on the map and pick the best route without finding your bullet drilled in a random bit of metal or the side of a building. Thanks to some solid sound design to top it all off, it's quite satisfying.

Only problems I had relate to the story and one mechanic being a little finicky. The story isn't necessarily bad, but it's told while being so in love with its obscurity that it can be hard to follow at times. As for the mechanic, I'll try not to spoil it but it can be very finicky with what it defines as a killing shot (you'll know what I mean when you see it).

$20 is bordering a bit on what I'm willing to pay for a game of this length, but it's still one of the better Devolver Digital games. If you like puzzle games or the odd shooter, it's a pretty fun time.

Un jeu qui m'a charmé lors du Next Fest, la version complète de CotS approfondie le concept de Sniping x Puzzle avec complexité et ingéniosité au travers de ses 4-5 heures de jeu.

Easy recommendation pour moi!

so fawking good are you kidding. the closest anything has gotten so far to scratching that killer7 itch for me. super stylish, fun and just itself. definitely spent way longer than i shouldve on the valley path but thats my fault. its okay.

Excluindo o bug na fase de perseguição que não me permitia avançar de fase e todos os leaderboards sendo apagados quando o jogo foi lançado, Children of the Sun é um puzzle extremamente inteligente, criativo e divertido. A sua curva de dificuldade é muito equilibrada, diferentes mecânicas vão sendo introduzidas progressivamente e o seu enredo é bem pesado, mas só serve como justificativa para suas atitudes. Além disso, a direção de arte é maravilhosa, tanto durante a gameplay quanto nas cutscenes. Grande jogo!

first i thought its sniper stealth game . but turned out to be shooter puzzle game . yet its good

This game feels like it was made exactly for me- A Sniper Game that focuses on the Puzzle of Killing All the Dudes, With A Noise Soundtrack and Neon Grunge Art Direction, wrapped in a Girl Gets Murderous Revenge Story? It's what I call: Peak Art, Baybee!

I did get a little stuck on a couple of the Challenges and resorted to a quick search to see if others found it out. I could've probably figured it out, but it didn't feel like I lost much, as I still had to perform the challenge.

It was also cool to get rather high score placements (a handful of 100 +, two 50+). I could see getting even more hours out of this for score chasing.

I. Am. Obsessed. Children of the Sun is a terrific puzzler, just dripping in the most heinous of vibes. I had high hopes for this game's sniper mechanics, and I am glad to say those hopes were surpassed.

It starts out relatively simple: try to find the right out to shoot a handful of guys. I will say, it was during this phase that I wondered if this game really had meat on the bone, or if it was just a cool premise with evocative art.

After the first few missions though, the puzzles began to evolve at a thrilling rate. The number of missions I ended breathlessly triumphant over clever geometry and mechanics make me positively giddy.

There is also, like, WAY more content than I expected? I went into the game knowing that it was about 4 hours long, but those 4 hours are just so DENSE with fun. The missions don't take long, there are a ton of them, and not a single one feels perfunctory.

Basically: This game is TIGHT and pristinely polished. It's a game where you can feel the developers' fascination with their own premise, and the result is sublime.

E a Devolver segue sendo uma das melhores distribuidoras.
Que pedrada, a arte desse jogo é maravilhosa, gameplay "relaxante", tempo de jogo na medida certa sem se tornar cansativo. Mecânicas bem legais, parecidas com Superhot. Jogão.

Children of the Sun is another in the “unorthodox puzzler” genre, but it’s probably the one with the coolest design and style. It reminds me a lot of Sayonara Wild Hearts in many ways, an incredibly fun and cool central mechanic that evolves in a decent way over 2-3 hours.

Flying the bullet with all its powers is as fun the first minute as it is the last, and the level design is good enough to keep you interested. That said, it’s a bit shorter than it maybe should have been and the story surrounding it is not as impactful, as it hasn’t been given room to breathe.

Why she walk like Sly Cooper tho

Anyway, it's... pretty good! I was so instantly captivated by its moody atmosphere and strong sound design, it only took 20 minutes of playing for me to stop just to tell my friends that they should probably check this out. Part-time Hotline Miami in its surreal choice of colors, and part-time Killer7 in its viscerally gushing fountains of blood. The blend of sniper and puzzle genres is a very unique one, and the emphasis on taking out every enemy with nothing but a single ricocheting bullet leads to some very satisfying victories once you nail down the right order.

Puzzle games are not usually my strong suit, and I grow impatient with them far more easily than I should. Most of the time, my brain just ain't capable of thinking several steps ahead, I think in the moment instead. Despite this, I've found that Children of the Sun's difficulty is relatively lenient for the majority of the game's 3-4 hour duration, and allows for multiple solutions to one problem with a little bit of improvisation. At the same time, none of it felt mindless, and I still felt like I had to put in the effort to clear a good chunk of the stages. The balance was struck very well here to make dumbos like me feel a little more clever, while at the same time leaving the option for more skilled play depending on what you can come up with.

I feel like the only exception to this was the final level, which I think escalated the difficulty way too suddenly from the previous stages. We've gone from somewhat tricky but short-length stages, to a marathon that demanded twice the amount of steps than anything before. Losing here felt really draining, and having to think about replicating everything I just did was even moreso. I think this could've been in part fixed if the game remembered the position from where you fired at, so I wouldn't have to walk over there each time. Hiding a bunch of the mooks inside buildings was also a bit of a frustrating process that led to a bunch of time wasted just trying to scout them out across several failed attempts. I nearly gave up here, but eventually pushed on through and won. It's just a shame that for every single level I felt satisfied in, the finale was the only one where satisfaction was replaced with a feeling of relief instead.

Even so, it can't be ignored that for 95% of Children of the Sun's duration, I had a ton of fun. One subjectively frustrating level aside, this is still a raw as hell video game, and one that paints a very strong first impression for its developer. They're definitely on my radar now, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they'll create next.

O melhor: A melhor combinação de Shooter, Puzzle e Slow Motion desde SUPERHOT
O pior: Alguns desafios extras são um tanto obtusos
Crossover que provavelmente não veremos: Esse jogo com Cult of the Lamb (2022), também publicado pela Devolver

Children of the Sun é um jogo de tiro e puzzle, sobre uma garota querendo vingança contra o líder de um culto. A primeira coisa que chama a atenção sobre o jogo é sua estética: os gráficos low-poly, as cores berrantes (que remetem a outros jogos publicados pela Devolver, como Hotline Miami), os sons distorcidos e muito sangue. Há algumas cutscenes feitas num estilo visual de HQ que dão mais contexto ao que está acontecendo, mesmo de modo geral a história sendo bem simples.

Mas o que ele tem de interessante mesmo é o seu gameplay: Munida de uma sniper com uma única bala, e um poder de telecinese, a Garota deve rodear o cenário de cada fase, marcando os inimigos visíveis, escolher o melhor ponto de início, e atirar. Se a bala acertar um alvo, a mesma pode ser guiada para um próximo. Se errar, é necessário reiniciar a fase. Então, o que pode parecer um Shooter em uma screenshot, na verdade se revela um jogo de puzzle tático, onde o objetivo é descobrir a maneira mais eficiente de guiar a bala pulando de inimigo para inimigo.

Progressivamente são adicionadas mais mecânicas que favorecem tanto o jogador (aumentar a potência do tiro, guiar a bala durante sua trajetória) quanto os inimigos (inimigos com armadura ou com escudos que desviam seu tiro), mas, com exceção talvez da última fase, ele nunca fica desnecessariamente complexo. Até porque é um jogo bem curto, então no momento em que parece que ele vai exigir demais, o jogo acaba. Infelizmente não há muito o que fazer após os créditos, a não ser tentar obter melhores pontuações em cada fase.

É um jogo com muito estilo, com uma mecânica bem interessante, e que pode ser finalizado em uma única sessão em meio a tantos jogos gigantescos. Talvez o preço atual não o favorece muito, pela duração do jogo, mas com um desconto ele é bem recomendável.

pretty fun and short game took me one sit to finish, i usally dont play music while playing games but for the lack of soundtracks in this game i had fun listening ro music while playing

Hellllll yeah. Incredibly rotten style, fantastic harsh noise soundtrack, really unique form of violent puzzle gameplay, it feels like it was made just for me.

Really fun and short Puzzle sniper game (which i wasn't really expecting). You get a single bullet that gives you control after every kill, and later abilities like shifting the trajectory mid shot or being able to 're shoot' the bullet mid air. There was one level that was quite difficult just cause of how the game does moving vehicles which.

Some of the challenges to get achievements dont register half the time (Namely 'Just Passing Through' where you need to shoot through two moving trains) which required a bunch of resets just so it would trigger and another that had a really annoying set up ('Precise deviation might set things on fire' where you needed a Prayer to push the bullet into a car to make it explode without controlling the bullet) that had a lot of trial and error just to find the angle on the one car available to shoot.

Other than that, really fun game with a challenging final level.