Reviews from

in the past

All time great game that holds up incredibly well

Todos saben que este juego es bueno. pero siento que no saben que tan bueno es. A pesar de su famosa dificultad el juego quiere que triunfes, Todos los desafíos están bien pensados y el juego te pone en frente las armas que necesitas para triunfar, es un Gocé descubrir lo lejos que puedes llegar con pura habilidad.

Beating this without the Konami code felt incredible!!! A really short but fun and challenging platformer, got a bit frustrating at times but goddamn was it a fun 10-15 hours of learning the ins and outs of the game!!!

probably the best platformer on the NES I've played so far, only other competition for me would be Castlevania 3 or Mega Man 4 I thinks

This game is truly fantastic

Great classic, it's fun to run through it in one go.

Fun but I think just a little insensitive in how they portray the Sandinistas as literally aliens

Joguei no PS2, nostalgia pura, lembro que eu cheguei na terceira fase XD.

This is still one of the best examples of a perfect difficulty curve. Once you get good at it, you can pretty much beat it every time, even after not playing it in years, but it never stops being exciting.

I still think Super C is bigger and better, but there's nothing as consistently great as the first Contra.

PD: The stage 4 boss is stupidly creative. I've never had another boss purposely make me cross my eyes in such a disorienting fasion.

i kinda love this ? the controls are impressively responsive and it's really fun!!

"Two up, two down, left, right, left right, B, A, Start"

— Brentalfloss

Continuando con la revisión de títulos clásicos y memorables, llegamos a uno que muy probablemente, todos los poseedores de una NES tienen en su colección, otro juego de las manos de Konami para el mundo. Contra es un título como Super Mario Bros, uno que te entretiene hasta niveles impensables y te ofrece las mejores opciones para compartir con tus amigos una tarde de sano entretenimiento mientras disparas a todo lo que te encuentres por delante y esquivas todo lo que quiera detenerte. De hecho, estoy seguro que al hablar de una NES, el nombre de Contra aparecería en algún momento de la conversación, resaltando su jugabilidad emocionante y su escalofriante, pero al fin de cuentas moderado nivel de dificultad. Como todos los títulos de la tercera generación de consolas, Contra cuenta con una historia muy plana y sencilla: una raza extraterrestre ha venido a conquistar el mundo, entonces dos soldados armados hasta los dientes inician una aventura que los llevará hasta la inmensa fortaleza alienígena, con el fin de acabar de una vez por todas con la amenaza. Las gráficas de Contra pueden estar catalogadas dentro de las mejores de su época, con imágenes renderizadas majestuosamente que se convierten en escenarios novedosos y únicos, acompañados de un diseño de personajes formidable y un movimiento de lo más natural que se podía ver. Lo único de lo que hay que quejarse en este aspecto, es de las ralentizaciones cuando la pantalla se llena de objetos, y en el pobre diseño de algunos de los jefes de nivel, de resto… todo bien. Al conocer su historia ya nos podemos hacer a una idea de lo que vamos a encontrar en el famoso cartucho: acción por donde se mire. Contra es un título de disparos; manejamos a un soldado (o dos, si jugamos con un amigo) quien con un formidable arsenal armamentístico le hace frente a hordas y hordas de enemigos dispuestos a frenar tu avance a como dé lugar. Lo que debemos hacer entonces es avanzar destruyendo todas las amenazas hasta llegar al jefe de nivel, acabar con él y continuar con nuestro camino para repetir el proceso. La famosa dificultad de la que goza este título es una característica que me encanta, y que de veras quiero que apliquen en los juegos de hoy en día: si te disparan, si te tocan, si te pegan… te mueres. En eso radica la dificultad de Contra. No puedes ser tocado por nada ni nadie, o de lo contrario deberás volver a empezar; y teniendo en cuenta que solo contamos con tres vidas al inicio de la partida, debemos ser muy cautelosos y tener mucha habilidad para llegar hasta los últimos niveles sin ningún percance notable. Si bien no es una dificultad superior a la de Castlevania NES, el juego cuenta con una serie de power ups para nuestro armamento, que van desde un disparo mucho más poderoso, hasta el famoso y codiciado Spreader, que consiste en un disparo que se multiplica hacia el frente, cubriendo gran parte de la pantalla de nuestro televisor. Créeme que una vez que lo consigas y conozcas más a fondo este espectacular título, no querrás perder el Spreader… JAMÁS. El gameplay se desarrolla en un ambiente side-scrolling en prácticamente el 90% del título, salvando algunas secciones en donde la cámara pasa a las espaldas de nuestro personaje y avanzamos hacia el frente con el mismo objetivo de siempre. Esta característica es utilizada en la mayor parte cuando nos enfrentamos a algún jefe de zona o secciones importantes de transición. Los controles de Contra son los mejores de la NES. Los personajes se mueven con mucha soltura y responden magníficamente a nuestros comandos; aparte de todo, podemos atacar en una infinidad de direcciones, agacharnos, saltar, disparar mientras saltamos, etc. La música de Contra es de esas que se ajustan perfectamente al ambiente y las situaciones que se desarrollan en el gameplay. En lo que mí respecta, le hizo falta algo para ser recordada como se debe y entrar a formar parte de las melodías épicas de títulos que hoy en día, cuentan con grandes cantidades de seguidores en el mercado. Lo anterior se puede resumir a que si me preguntan cuál es la melodía de Contra, me limitaría a realizar el sonido de explosiones y disparos, que son los que verdaderamente se llevan las palmas en el aspecto sonoro del videojuego. Preguntarle a alguien sobre Contra, es casi tan similar a preguntar sobre Super Mario. Todos los videojugadores de la misma generación tuvieron algo que ver con esta joya del entretenimiento. Es un título que marcó una época y que definió un género, que hasta hoy en día sigue siendo vigente y continúa ofreciendo la misma experiencia con la que llegó a arrasar el mercado en 1988. Jugarlo hoy en día ofrece la misma sensación, la misma diversión, el mismo sabor de boca que tanto sorprendió cuando fue lanzado, y eso es algo que no todos los videojuegos pueden hacer. Antes de terminar, quisiera adjuntar la imagen del final del título, la cual comparte historia con la de Castlevania para el mismo sistema: Muchos la conocen, pero muy pocos la han visto. Todos pueden hacerlo, solo falta un poco de ánimo. Una consola NES sin un Contra es lo equivalente a una consola NES sin un Super Mario Bros (y lo he comparado muchas veces), son títulos que se DEBEN tener, que se deben jugar y comprender, para ver con otros ojos la evolución de la industria y conocer los orígenes de los títulos que hoy se encuentran en las estanterías de todo el mundo; títulos que no existirían, si Contra o cualquiera de sus otros cartuchos hermanos de la época, no hubieran salido a la luz.

I am very fond of the period in the 80s and 90s where half of arcade games were clearly the result of someone watching a Hollywood action movie and saying to themselves "damn this kicks ass." We got a lot of games that were just Alien as fuck, and we got lots of games about doing imperialist wars for America and pretending Vietnam didn't happen. Then there was Predator, which deftly combined the two. Contra has a lot of Predator going on.

So as the first game in the series and a console port of an arcade game, this one is pretty weird at times. The spread gun is good but only kind of works because of the limits on the number of bullets that could be onscreen. For bosses we got a lot of simple machines, doors, and one very tall man- though the final bosses are big cool alien monsters that you fight in the signature organic zone and that kicks ass. Also it's much better than the arcade version which sucks shit

You probably know what to expect here, it's the quintessential classic run'n'gun. You will learn the levels. You will die many times. You will lose your gun when you die ensuring that your forward progress grinds to a halt. Even so, the guns are actually balanced enough here that I didn't find that aspect as bad as I thought. By balanced I guess I mean bad. The laser restarts if you mash the button so it's just awful. Fire is barely a thing. It's all about spread and machine gun, and while I am ride-or-die spread, the machinegun is better in a lot of places.

A lot of the enemy bullets are just shitty little white things that are hard to see, and the behind-the-back base levels, while a cool tech showcase, are nonsense to interpret visually on any level. You can just duck under all the bullets but there is no way to know that! There's no way to discern depth!!!

Not as hard as I was expecting, I was able to clear it without the cheat code in like 4 tries, though this is after having watched others play it through before. It's hard as hell but very fair other than the above problems and the fact that stage 7 has spike walls that just pop up on your face out of nowhere what the hell Konami.

Conclusion: This is video games. This is videogames. Video. Games.

Heckin fun to blast through with some cheats. Challenge? I think not friend gimme that good good infinite lives.
*Played On an Anbernic Handheld

I'm not overly fond of old-school Nintendo-hard games under a modern lens, but Contra is one I certainly had more fun with than I expected. This is a great conversion from the arcade games, and by combining (and adding to) the content of Contra and Super Contra, along with way tighter controls, I think this one comes out the superior product.

Now THIS is the defining run-n-gun game! Contra on NES really set the roots for what a run-n-gun game should be! It controls well, the music is great, the stages are very challenging without feeling unfair, and honing on your skills makes for great replay value!

Want to know where to start in the run-n-gun subgenre? Look no further! This is included in the Contra Collection that was released on Switch, PS4, Xbox, and Steam. It's a very suitable way to play as the porting team really made it feel 1-to-1 with the original NES experience.

One of the first games I played, I´ve never completed it in my childhood, but a few years ago, I finished it (with unlimited lives :3). It´s a hard and unfair game, however, I like it a lot.

finally beat this motherfucker on 1cc. what a beast of the nes catalogue. music is great, the spritework is awesome, the regular levels are all pretty solid (though stage 7 is kind of bullshit) and the biggest complaint i can suggest is that the 'base' stages are a cool idea and i'm sure blew minds in the late 80s but dear god they're cumbersome now and served as THE toughest part of this run. still this is an obvious standout of the nes catalogue and everyone knows it. chefs kiss,

Contra is a game I have no shame in admitting is too damn hard for me. In true NES fashion, it stretches its length by being brutal, but the games of this era that excel despite their difficulty do so by making the loop of dying and repeating levels feel good. In short, everything I said in my review of Castlevania applies to some extent here, though I think the run and gun gameplay lands with me just a little less than the whippin and jumpin of Castlevania. It is, nonetheless, one of the better games on the NES and still makes for a great time if you can find a friend to play with.

Boss battles are especially noteworthy. It's impressive what they were able to get away with given the limitations of the hardware. Controls are very responsible, simple, and give good feedback. Tying the whole thing together are some pretty sharp looking levels (especially the alien queen's lair) and an incredibly soundtrack that sticks with you long after playing. I'm also a sicko and the behind-the-back fortress levels are probably my favorite in the entire game. Medical science could learn a lot by examining my brain.

My only gripe is that the more chaotic nature of the game and frenzies of bullets makes it harder to learn the rhythm of a level, but I'll concede this may very well be a "me" thing. It's also far from my favorite in the series, which just so happens to not even be on Nintendo hardware, but... we'll get there.

The very first game I beaten in my life. Even today is a lot of fun to play, and it remains very difficult.
Still remember how much I struggled with the hazards on level 6 "Energy Zone" back in the day.

Adoraria escrever uma resenha mais detalhada, porém tenho poucas memórias de contra, apenas me lembro de jogar com os amigos e que era muito difícil, apesar disso era um dos melhores jogos que eu tinha acesso na época.

Don't even think about getting anything other than the spread gun

well this was a fun game to finish. Similar to castlevania this helped start a successful franchise that would go on to be influencial to a whole new genre of games. this time run n gun platformers.

This game felt like a true product of 80s action movies along with nes action games. Great controls, satisfying gameplay and some of the best graphics on the nes.

Unbelievable. Still such a Kickasss game! Unlike Mario it matched my Nostalgia and more!
Superb soundtrack, excellent gameplay, fantastic levels! Just AWESOME!

The start of onee of Konami's best franchises. The controls are perfect, the difficulty can be tough at first but becomes very rewarding with practice. The music and weapons are iconic. Great 2 player action. The konami code is perfect for babies who don't want to git good at their games. The "3D" stages are the only downside to otherwise, a perfect Nes game.

continua extremamente divertido mesmo hoje em dia