Reviews from

in the past

It's like Cookie Run Battle Cats Clash of Clans. It's very cute and has a fun story and characters but it's way more scummy than Cookie Run's gacha. Missed potential for a true Cookie Run RPG like it advertises itself. I didn't play much but from what I can tell, it's not for me.

They never let me log back in, screw you DevSisters 😡😡😡

Disappointed to announce that I'm addicted to the cookie gacha game.

UPDATE: Proud to announce that I'm no longer addicted to the cookie gacha game.

Picked up because my friends are into it and abandoned.

- Beautiful art.
- Funny story if you bother to read it.
- Devsis is pretty generous with their premium currency and you can play the game for free without much of an issue if you don't care about being competitive or buying limited edition decorations.
- Character animations are very fun to watch.

- Resource management is so tedious it made me want to hit things. And it never ends. You're going to be reissuing sugar cube mining jobs until you're dead.
- Most early story battles feel like they're just there to be there. There's no challenge and I've won at least 15 using the auto fight feature. I don't understand why this isn't classified as an AFK game.
- There are so many things to keep track of. 3 or 4 different currencies, several gacha shops for seemingly similar items, cookie stats, cookie special ability stats, cookie toppings and topping stats, etc. I wouldn't have a problem with this if what everything did was stated explicitly.

sure is a mobile game. some insane difficulty spikes in the story mode that were pretty frustrating and grinding to level up characters gets absurd near the end.

i dont care for mobile auto rpgs, i just got this cus i simp for espresso cookie

No es que me lo pase mal jugando, pero realmente me cuestiono si me gusta o si simplemente lo juego por una mezcla de hábito y el gacha (obviamente), porque cuando tengo más acceso a otros juegos se queda muerto de risa, parece que solo lo uso para matar el tiempo y no sé si es lo ideal.

Apenas juego a gachas y este es bastante generoso dentro de lo que cabe, pero lo que no me parece especialmente aceptable es el nivel de cosas aleatorias que puede parar tu progreso, y desde luego hay un esfuerzo en que te gastes dinero para evitar o facilitar todo lo que sería grindeo, porque puedo intentar farmear los polvos que me hacen falta de support o gastarte 13 euros (me hace gracia como los de mayor nivel son mas caros en la tienda pero son los más faciles de hoardear imo), ah y odio que haya que expandir el inventario, hay un punto en el que es constante y zzz.

Uno de los peores aspectos es si intentas que tus toppings estén bien (de verdad) vas a tener que rollear upgrades (que pueden fallar) y tener la suerte de que te toquen 3 veces seguidas los stats que deseas, yikes, yo he llegado a un punto en el que no me quedan searings raspberry M porque de las que tengo que no estén ya +12 es que no me merece la pena subirle el nivel.

En el battle arena la verdad es que no sé cuantas temporadas seguidas llevo llegado a master pero nunca se sintió como un logro, tampoco siento me lo merezco cuando llego. Sé de composiciones y qué personajes son buenos junto a qué hacen, la mayor parte del tiempo me hago una idea de contra que equipos voy a ganar y perder y pero tampoco creo que sepa mucho, quizás es que no hay mucho que saber.

Del modo historia no tengo mucho que decir, aunque casi me lo pasara la mayor parte del tiempo que estaba "jugandolo" estaba mirando a otro lado, me limitaba a hacer composiciones, ganaba y avanzaba como un loco hasta que dejaba de hacerlo y vuelta a empezar del ciclo, a veces encuentras la clave (queriendo o sin querer) en dos partidas, otras veces tardas semanas.

No sé qué haré, tarde o temprano probablemente desinstale el juego, pero sorbet shark seguirá siendo lindisimo y me acordare de el y sus sabias palabras.

(review escrita en el april fools de las mushrooms)

i only played it to build my kingdom thats it and even that took too much time

every new update makes me want to uninstall this game

EDIT: this game literally bricked my ipad so. i uninstalled the game one way or another

Not really my style but I had like ~3 hours of fun on it before I got bored.

One of the worst fanbase I have ever seen, it's crazy how some people lose their mind over pronouns about a fucking COOKIE

Got very bored of it very fast

Played this on a whim because I couldn't sleep one night, chosen specifically because its art style is kind of stellar. The character designs and lavish amount of unique animations therein are the perfect concoction to bring Ruby Gloom ass kids into the realm of gambling - welcome to the world of vice and brain rot, children. The first three hours or so is literally just tapping Next on tutorial prompts, which is hilarious considering this game essentially just plays itself. You've seen it all before, base building character upgrading stat treadmill that will only end when you, dear reader, physically perish. Deviously designed quests that reward JUST beneath what you need to meet your next progression requirement, spurring the lizzid brain into Just One More Mission fancy. The bare minimum level of player input combat that runs at like 15fps tops, just spitting upgrade items into units until the numbers cease to mean anything and you're left completely zombified. Mobile games are so good dude.

The dream is that maybe this studio will use what I can safely assume to be their incalculable "fuck you" profits to make a game that uses these designs for something less like a pachinko machine, but maybe i should just get really into cartoon network instead.

if you want to have sex with the cookies you are insane

Bem, gostoso de jogar, comecei pelo elenco de VA JP, mas parei pq era mais um gacha pra arruinar minha vida

This game is really fun but again falls off later in the game

fuck dev sisters all my homies hate dev sisters

Cute little game, fun as heck, love the cookies and love the content that comes in. Guild gave me a reason to keep playing, just waiting for something new and exciting to pull me back in at this rate. Raspberry Cookie my queen augh

This game has cute characters, amazing art, and surprisingly good voice acting, as in, this entire mobile game has full voice acting. It is all very well made and could have been a fun game. But the town building felt bland and apart from the art style had nothing unique, the gameplay is flashy but really boring, and it's a gacha game which instantly makes awful. I want the game to be fun because the style and charm of the game is great, but anyone can tell the moment they start playing that it is designed to waste your time and make you spend absurd amounts of money.

mi juego de la galleta preferido 🥰🥰

the gameplay is boring and the story+character design even more so but it was all precisely calculated to make the developers a bajillion money and give them loads of attention. and it worked.

I only play it in short bursts which prevents me from rating it high but I still like it.
I like Almond Cookie