Reviews from

in the past

Construção de mundo impecável, narrativa não intrusiva sensacional e tudo de bom de seus antecessores nesse que é o melhor game dessa franquia que definiu um gênero na indústria dos jogos.

Me cuesta valorar DS3. Tiene Irithyll, la Catedral de la Oscuridad, la Bailarina del Valle Boreal, el Pontífice Sullyvahn, Gael... Pero en conjunto lo siento un juego demasiado dependiente de su legado. Creo que teje un buen discurso sobre precisamente esa idea, pero no puedo evitar sentir una cierta decepción cuando pienso en él. Creo que soy injusto, porque debería saber valorar mucho más todas sus virtudes, pero mi recuerdo de DS3 es el más agridulce de toda la etapa moderna de From Software.

DS1 + DS2 but polished
still love the aldrich OST (moonlight butterfly/dark sun gwyndolyn)

platinado no ps4 e no pc =) perfeito.

Linear but the best feeling souls

I é pouco, II é bom e III é d++++++, literalmente.

miyazaki conseguiu chegar no ápice ao fechar a trilogia. dark souls III é um presente para os fãs, o jogo é repleto de referências extremamente nostálgicas e a gameplay foi adaptada para um estilo mais rápido, saindo daquele horror que era no ds1 (e ainda jogou fora todas as ideias merdas do ds2).

isso sem contar em todos os bosses ICÔNICOS!!! um espetáculo em mostrar como QUALIDADE não tem nada a ver com QUANTIDADE.

juro que essa review não é um shade a ds2, mas, até a DLC consegue dar de 10 a 0 no segundo jogo da franquia.

minha Única crítica a esse jogo é a sua platina (principalmente se você tiver que farmar offline), o drop rate de alguns itens são extremamente injustos. fico feliz que - por enquanto - o grind excessivo não está disponível nos filhos mais novos (sekiro e elden ring).

Jogo muito bom, nada fora do esperado de um Dark Souls pra mim, mas não foi tão bom quanto o primeiro, tem bem menos chefes e lugares memoráveis, mas os inimigos são muito fodas, o jogo é relativamente mais fácil que os anteriores, mas a dificuldade está bem regulada como de costume,tem certos chefes em que eu passei mais sufoco do que todos os boss que joguei em jogos anteriores nessa franquia, esperava mais considerando que é minha franquia preferida, mas pelo que me entregou ta valendo muito ainda. Exploração dele é bem inferior que a do 1 também, não vi um level design tão absurdo quanto do dark 1 e sekiro, espero que elden ring e bloodborne estejam a altura já que no momento que escrevo essa análise ainda não joguei.

Marking itself as quite possibly my favorite game ever made, Dark Souls III is one of the most focused action rpg experiences. Fromsoftware are kings of their self made "Souls-Like" genre, and despite this games sort of middling area design, it is made up for in spades with inventive boss design that continues to push the envelope, right until the credits roll.

Es el Souls más pulido de todos y mi favorito para volver a jugar

Um dos meus jogos favoritos com a maior quantidade de chefes bons na saga para mim.

My favorite non Elden Ring FromSoft title. It’s the culmination of the gameplay lessons learned from Bloodborne and the world building of Dark Souls. Banger.

Vor ein paar Jahren spielte ich „Dark Souls III“ zum ersten Mal ganze 6 Stunden lang – ich kam bis zum zweiten Boss, wurde #besigt und habe entmutigt aufgegeben. Nun, nachdem mir Elden Ring das Soulslike-Genre sehr schmackhaft gemacht hat, habe ich mich wieder herangetraut und war stark positiv überrascht.

Nach wenigen Stunden entfaltet sich eine regelrechte Sogwirkung; die extrem flüssige Steuerung, das Aufleveln und Bosseklatschen machen ungeheuer Spaß. Alsbald komme ich wieder bei Vordt vom Nordwindtal an, der mich einst so schmählich vernichtet hat. Und siehe da – beim ersten Versuch geschafft, was man einmal in Elden Ring erlernt hat, verschwindet auch nach einjähriger Pause von der Soulsreihe nicht. Auch viele der folgenden Bosse bereiten mir keine nennenswerten Schwierigkeiten, das ändert sich erst schlagartig beim optionalen Zwei-Phasen-Kampf mit dem Namenlosen König und einigen DLC-Bossen. Um Spoiler zu vermeiden, gehe ich nicht auf einzelne Gegner oder Orte im Detail ein.

Malerisch schöne und sehenswerte Landschaften erstrecken sich rund um die zahlreichen Aussichtspunkte in den einzelnen Gebieten. Natürlich sind auch der klassische Giftsumpf, Friedhöfe, Gruften und gigantische Festungen dabei. Als ganz besonders spannend empfinde ich den Aufbau der eisig-kalten Krähendämonen-Siedlung aus dem zweiten DLC. Dort läuft man auf kleinen Holzpfaden schrittweise immer höher, erst auf die Dächer, dann weiter nach oben. Gestaltet ist das Dorf ähnlich der verwinkelten Untoten-Siedlung vom Anfang des Hauptspiels, so etwas liebe ich einfach immer.

Nicht nur die Angriffs-Animationen des Charakters gehen flüssig ineinander über, auch die Kartenabschnitte sind logisch durch Abkürzungen miteinander verknüpft, sodass sich trotz des halbwegs linearen Aufbaus eine Art Open-World-Stimmung einstellt. Gepaart mit dem gotischen Baustil vieler Gebäude setzt die exzellente englische Synchro die düstere Lore des Spiels schön in Szene. Verständlich ist die Geschichte zwar genauso wenig wie in Elden Ring, wenn das Wiki nicht gerade ein zweites Zuhause des Spielers ist, aber beim perfekten Gameplay auf der anderen Seite fällt das nicht sonderlich ins Gewicht.

PvP ist nicht wirklich mein Ding, ganz besonders nicht in Einzelspieler-Titeln wie hier. Dennoch weiß ich die kreative Wahl des Ersetzens eines NPCs in einem gewissen DLC-Bosskampf durch einen zufällig beschworenen echten gegnerischen Spieler zu schätzen. Das hätte ich wirklich nie erwartet; in den restlichen Gebieten ist mir das ständige Gerufenwerden und Einfallen von PvP-Gegnern jedoch einfach zuwider. Man könnte das Spiel auch komplett offline spielen, so wie ich es bei Elden Ring getan habe, also ist es kein so wichtiger Nachteil.

Wo ich gerade bei weniger guten Spielelementen bin – ein nerviger Bug ist das Verlieren des Lock-on-Fokus, wenn ein Gegner zu nahe kommt. Das Problem hat mir schon ein paar Bosskämpfe versaut und ist in Anbetracht der ansonsten tadellosen Steuerung inakzeptabel. Der einzige andere Bug, der mir über den Weg gelaufen ist, hat mit dem Rennen zu tun. Wenn man dabei gegen einen festen Gegenstand läuft oder kurz an einer Wand hängenbleibt, „rennt“ man dauerhaft mit einer sehr langsamen Geschwindigkeit weiter, bis man den Knopf loslässt und erneut losrennt.

Insgesamt eine sehr lohnenswerte Spielerfahrung, man wird auch außerordentlich schnell süchtig davon. ;)

Achievements: 100 %
Gespielte Fassung: Windows-Version (Deluxe Edition) unter Linux

Please, if you are gonna play this, at least play DS1 beforehand. The amount of fanservice and call-backs in this elevated my enjoyment much higher.

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Um ótimo final para a franquia souls, o ultimo chefe, Soul Of Cinder é memorável e nostálgico, e Gael com certeza está entre os meus chefes favoritos.

INTRODUCTION: The souls franchise is one of my biggest passions in life, I started playing for the DS2 that after a while I ended up discovering that in the view of the fans of the series it was the worst of the franchise, but I always continued to enjoy the game until today, at the time that I finished the second game I ran after information about the previous game and the subsequent one of the 2, with that I ended up watching some videos and got very interested in the third game (DARK SOULS III), I bought and went to play this wonder that would soon become my favorite game in the franchise.

GAMEPLAY, GRAPHICS AND SOUNDTRACK: The gameplay of Dark Souls 3 is wonderful, the game has the same formula as all the souls franchise that always takes you by surprise and keeps you stuck in the game, hit, roll, heal, kill the boss and sit on the bonfire, in this the game does not miss, however the healing factor that is very intertwined with that of bonfire leaves this game pathetic compared to the first in the series, in BloodBorn the author of the game Miyazaki implemented a system where when you kill a boss, Bb's bonfire is in the middle of the arena causing that you can go back there whenever you want, he thought this idea was so good that he repeated it on the DS3, however DS3 has a life and game mechanics totally different from BloodB that caused one of the biggest memes of this game, the absurd amount of bonfire in a game map, Faroon Keep and the last game map has so much fire that you can reach from one to the other in a few seconds, totally taking care of life because you will always have this and taking a little bit of exploration of the game, there are ways that I only noticed after years of playing because I ignored it because there was a bonfire in the area I wanted to get to. But in other aspects of gameplay such as the amount of armor and weapons in this game is really cool, there are so many weapons and armor that you can do a multitude of builds for this game, you will rarely get weak building something different, I myself have played pyromancer mage with a greatsword imbued with magic and with a bizarre armor, the fashion souls this game is definitely the best, both for the amount of armor and the infinity of builds you can do to match the look. The game for a beginner is long and difficult but very rewarding and satisfying, the bosses are outstanding from Gundyr to Gael who is one of if not the best boss in the game, everyone has their unique details, the areas are beautiful and very different from each other, even having a sense in the game map (unlike the DS2 that simply has a fire castle after a poison swamp lol), it's really good to discover secret areas and maps, the enemies common are difficult but by memorizing their moves you don't suffer and the same goes for bosses, in the gameplay factor he only sins in the thousand bonfires during the game. The DLCs greatly complement the evolution of the game since its launch with enemies, stories, weapons and perfect bosses, playing the dlcs after killing the last boss of the base game is extremely enjoyable and makes you very curious to know the end.
Btw the replay factor of this game for the reasons above (builds, weapons and etc) is very big, just like in other souls games, with the time you decorate the map you have more and more desire to play, no wonder I have more than 500 hours of gameplay. In terms of visuals, for the time when the game was released, it is very beautiful, with striking visual effects like the last boss, striking and nostalgic areas like Anorlondo and some boring but environment-friendly like Faaron Keep, or practically all the DLC maps that have a FOOLISH look with an even more badass ambiance, and how to talk about the environment without mentioning the OSTs that are mostly striking and beautiful, the one of the second boss of the game is one of the best with the rhythm break in the second phase of it, or the legendary Gwyn, Lord of Cinder (or for the closest: Plim Plim Plom) who has his own remix in the last boss of the base game, in these last 2 points the DS3 doesn't fail, having soundtracks and maps compared to perfect with DS1 in my opinion, but it misses a lot in bonfires and in the life factor, you will rarely see yourself with the same suffocation of the DS1 for not having enough estus for the boss ahaha.

Lore and NPCs: Probably the best thing Dark Souls 3 has to offer, great NPCs with their own lore more complex than the player's and with unique characteristics, a great example of this is Sigward Of Catarina with his cute charisma and innocence of a brave child that when you discover his lore you get to be thrilled, throw the first stone whoever was never thrilled with him fighting beside you in Yorhm at the end of his quest, or the blacksmith who, like Sigward, was brought from another game to make you the improvements of his weapon, the Fire Keeper who also has your lore, the patches you get closer to in the DLC because of your mental dissociation caused by losing the sense of being an undead, you can even get married in that game, in a SOULS GAME or even the bosses themselves like Gael who was a slave, the souls franchise has never sinned in its Npcs and it would be no different on the DS3 and the same goes for lore that just like in other games, you only "understand" doing Npcs quest and researching on the internet what leaves you free to ignore if you don't like game with story or make you brave the long lore of everything in this game that is perfect.

CONCLUSION: The game is good, there's nothing to worry about, you can find some problems that I didn't mention here but this will never affect the immense desire to get to the end, this game is a work of art just like the others and I highly recommend it Play if you have any doubts :).

That was amazing.
But DLC levels were just hell to go through. The bosses made it worth it, but I still feel like it was unnecessary.
Base game is goated tho

Hand it over, that thing, your Dark Soul

Hidetaka Miyazaki really said: "What if Dark Souls... but Bloodborne?"

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Presque que des boss iconiques.
Gros + pour Sulyvhan qui est beaucoup trop haut par rapport aux autres boss.

Dark Souls 3 is the bombastic return to form that the Dark Souls series needed. It’s equal parts innovative and nostalgic, and it leans into the strengths of both. The pace of play and viciousness of bosses make it almost unrecognizable from the first entry, and the scale and spectacle show just how far the series has come. Dark Souls has never seen such gorgeous visuals and consistently well-produced music, and they work together to elevate the already stratospheric levels of tension in boss fights even farther. The bosses are incredible and their presentation is immaculate. It’s all capped off with an incredible, delayed subversion of expectations that preys on the player expecting one and then letting down their guard when it isn’t immediately evident. Awesome game.

Also let the record show that (by some miracle) I first-tried Gael but died like 15x to Greatwood, so therefore Greatwood is the true final boss of the series

PVP alive, unfair bans alive 10/10.

Dark Souls III traz simplesmente a melhor jogabilidade, bosses e as músicas. Infelizmente, a troco disto, temos o dark souls mais linear e com menos abordagens possíveis e para mim, o mais fácil da trilogia (se você está acostumado com jogos mais rápidos).

O melhor de todos os Dark Souls
Te amo, DS3