Reviews from

in the past

this is the Dark Souls game i come back more often, its not my favourite or anything like that, but its just a genuinely good game!

Simplesmente historico, ds3 faz um otimo trabalho de exigir o suficiente de vc pra que vc fique imergido e investido o suficiente pra apreciar cada detalhe

Tem os melhores cenarios que eu ja vi, a gameplay mais fluida e completa, e os boss mais impecaveis de qualquer franquia

É basicamente uma perfeição artistica, mas infelizmente o começo do jogo é extremamente chato e sem muita armas ou armaduras legais, mas ja da metade pra frente, e principalmente as DLCs, é garantido que vc ache a estetica mais criativa e linda da sua vida

DS3 é a historia sobre um imperio quase que perfeito, e ver como ele esta decadente e destruido é algo surreal, livrar ele das efiges que governavam esse imperio e restaurar uma era de luz e properidade até que o ciclo se repita

melhor souls de todo, vou voltar pra platinar e jogar as dlc

Show de bola, os bosses mais consistentemente bons da franquia, apesar de poucos. E também tem as carcereiras, que brigam forte para piores inimigos da franquia.

i really dont think there is a single feeling i enjoy more than remembering all the hours i spent on my xbox one, playing dark souls 3 with my friends during the winter season. this game and series as a whole got me through some really fucked up times in my life, and i genuinely dont think id be alive without this game in particular.

thank you dark souls

Really good game. I dont have much more to say or anything necessarily new to add that I haven´t written before in the reviews of the previous two Dark Souls games. And that´s good and bad at the same time. It mantains the best elements of the series and it does it better than Dark Souls 2, it still holds up graphically with some great visual design (though the overall theme of the game is very gray, which can make certain areas look and feel quite bland), it streamlines some gameplay elements, it brings back the "circular" or shortcut-based level design from the first one and it manages to freshen up the combat by making it a little bit faster, which after having finished both Bloodborne and Sekiro is a very welcome change. I don´t tend to play with magic in these games, but i hear that the new FP based system is very well liked, and i´ve seen that they kept it in Elden Ring as well so i´ll assume that it´s a positive change too.

Honestly the negatives I see in this are few and very personal. Maybe it´s because I have finished 5 From Soft games in 4 months, each one of them for the first time (they are rather addicting what can I say) and at this point this one didn´t offer a memorable experience as much as i wanted to. I´ve just beaten it and I have a hard time remembering the areas and levels, yes some bossess are memorable and fun to fight, but maybe I have finally gotten good because I can only recall one that presented me with a real challenge. The story is even more nonexistant than in previous games. I mean, i get that is all built by lore through hidden texts and stuff like that, i like that, but i also like to understand the objective. And NPCs are pretty much impossible to find and follow their questlines without a guide, which i get that it´s a series staple as well, but whereas in previous games I could interact with them even without doing their quests and they would show up every so often as you progressed through the levels, here they basically just disappear with no explanation. The levels still have their shitty moments, plenty of locations, enemies, bosses and characters are just retreads of what we´ve already seen. But thematically it is a fitting conclusion to the trilogy which i´m thanful for. I hope they put Dark Souls to rest for good and keep experimenting with this formula in other ways as they´ve shown that they can do so well.

Overall as I stated before, I really like this game and I really like this franchise, it offers something that no other franchise offers, I still find it tremendously fun and addicting, and I hope more people get to enjoy them as well. I can see this one being someones first From Soft game because it´s more modern feeling, polished and less clunky/janky than the previous entries in the franchise, and graphics look good, people seem to like that. And that seems like a good choice honestly, yeah the older games might seem worse and harder to play, but whichever game gets you through the door i´m sure you´ll end up just as hooked as me. Just buy it and play it, it´s worth every cent. I´m a dumbass and paid like 40 bucks to get the Deluxe version with the DLCs and i don´t regret it. It took me 50 hours to beat, no need to wait for a sale, it´s still a bargain at full price.

It´s a pity about the online though. As i understand it the servers will be back up soon, but still, if you are very into the PvP or Coop scene maybe it is worth to wait. I personally don´t engage in the multiplayer element of these games so i don´t really care about that. The only From Soft game i´ve played with an online connection was Bloodborne, and the messages are rather annoying, and i only tried summoning a player for help once which was fun while it lasted but a true pain in the ass to set up, so I don´t think you are missing much by playing offline.

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Its a mastahpiece. Fuck proof of concord kept.

Vor ein paar Jahren spielte ich „Dark Souls III“ zum ersten Mal ganze 6 Stunden lang – ich kam bis zum zweiten Boss, wurde #besigt und habe entmutigt aufgegeben. Nun, nachdem mir Elden Ring das Soulslike-Genre sehr schmackhaft gemacht hat, habe ich mich wieder herangetraut und war stark positiv überrascht.

Nach wenigen Stunden entfaltet sich eine regelrechte Sogwirkung; die extrem flüssige Steuerung, das Aufleveln und Bosseklatschen machen ungeheuer Spaß. Alsbald komme ich wieder bei Vordt vom Nordwindtal an, der mich einst so schmählich vernichtet hat. Und siehe da – beim ersten Versuch geschafft, was man einmal in Elden Ring erlernt hat, verschwindet auch nach einjähriger Pause von der Soulsreihe nicht. Auch viele der folgenden Bosse bereiten mir keine nennenswerten Schwierigkeiten, das ändert sich erst schlagartig beim optionalen Zwei-Phasen-Kampf mit dem Namenlosen König und einigen DLC-Bossen. Um Spoiler zu vermeiden, gehe ich nicht auf einzelne Gegner oder Orte im Detail ein.

Malerisch schöne und sehenswerte Landschaften erstrecken sich rund um die zahlreichen Aussichtspunkte in den einzelnen Gebieten. Natürlich sind auch der klassische Giftsumpf, Friedhöfe, Gruften und gigantische Festungen dabei. Als ganz besonders spannend empfinde ich den Aufbau der eisig-kalten Krähendämonen-Siedlung aus dem zweiten DLC. Dort läuft man auf kleinen Holzpfaden schrittweise immer höher, erst auf die Dächer, dann weiter nach oben. Gestaltet ist das Dorf ähnlich der verwinkelten Untoten-Siedlung vom Anfang des Hauptspiels, so etwas liebe ich einfach immer.

Nicht nur die Angriffs-Animationen des Charakters gehen flüssig ineinander über, auch die Kartenabschnitte sind logisch durch Abkürzungen miteinander verknüpft, sodass sich trotz des halbwegs linearen Aufbaus eine Art Open-World-Stimmung einstellt. Gepaart mit dem gotischen Baustil vieler Gebäude setzt die exzellente englische Synchro die düstere Lore des Spiels schön in Szene. Verständlich ist die Geschichte zwar genauso wenig wie in Elden Ring, wenn das Wiki nicht gerade ein zweites Zuhause des Spielers ist, aber beim perfekten Gameplay auf der anderen Seite fällt das nicht sonderlich ins Gewicht.

PvP ist nicht wirklich mein Ding, ganz besonders nicht in Einzelspieler-Titeln wie hier. Dennoch weiß ich die kreative Wahl des Ersetzens eines NPCs in einem gewissen DLC-Bosskampf durch einen zufällig beschworenen echten gegnerischen Spieler zu schätzen. Das hätte ich wirklich nie erwartet; in den restlichen Gebieten ist mir das ständige Gerufenwerden und Einfallen von PvP-Gegnern jedoch einfach zuwider. Man könnte das Spiel auch komplett offline spielen, so wie ich es bei Elden Ring getan habe, also ist es kein so wichtiger Nachteil.

Wo ich gerade bei weniger guten Spielelementen bin – ein nerviger Bug ist das Verlieren des Lock-on-Fokus, wenn ein Gegner zu nahe kommt. Das Problem hat mir schon ein paar Bosskämpfe versaut und ist in Anbetracht der ansonsten tadellosen Steuerung inakzeptabel. Der einzige andere Bug, der mir über den Weg gelaufen ist, hat mit dem Rennen zu tun. Wenn man dabei gegen einen festen Gegenstand läuft oder kurz an einer Wand hängenbleibt, „rennt“ man dauerhaft mit einer sehr langsamen Geschwindigkeit weiter, bis man den Knopf loslässt und erneut losrennt.

Insgesamt eine sehr lohnenswerte Spielerfahrung, man wird auch außerordentlich schnell süchtig davon. ;)

Achievements: 100 %
Gespielte Fassung: Windows-Version (Deluxe Edition) unter Linux

My favorite non Elden Ring FromSoft title. It’s the culmination of the gameplay lessons learned from Bloodborne and the world building of Dark Souls. Banger.

Um dos meus jogos favoritos com a maior quantidade de chefes bons na saga para mim.

Es el Souls más pulido de todos y mi favorito para volver a jugar

Marking itself as quite possibly my favorite game ever made, Dark Souls III is one of the most focused action rpg experiences. Fromsoftware are kings of their self made "Souls-Like" genre, and despite this games sort of middling area design, it is made up for in spades with inventive boss design that continues to push the envelope, right until the credits roll.


Linear Level Design
Annoying Mob Enemies
Darkeater Midir

A perfeição em forma de jogo. Uma das gameplays mais gostosas de jogar, um ótimo sistema de combate, um excelente aproveitamento de quantidade vs qualidade de chefes, cenários belíssimos, desafios épicos. Só tenho elogios ao jogo, sinceramente. Nem vale a pena tentar entrar muito na questão tecnica, é simplesmente um jogo perfeito que dá uma aula de como sintetizar o gênero que aborda.

Migliore chiusura di un ciclo

O melhor da trilogia! Obra de arte, com a melhor OST sendo a tema do Soul of Cinder, eu quase chorei na primeira vez que ouvi. RECOMENDO MUITO!!!
Obs: zerei com 46h

O terceiro jogo da franquia Dark Souls corrige todos os pontos negativos dos jogos anteriores.

O que já era positivo, como o gameplay, o elemento de RPG e o level design, continuam excelentes, com a vatangem de ser mais liso e fluído ainda.

Os bosses, ao contrário do seu predecessor, são divertidos e recompensadores de enfrentar. Em que pese serem mais difíceis, a dificuldade vem do design criativo e força do próprio boss, e não de elementos adjacentes inseridos no contexto da luta.

A ideia de ter um santuário para reunião dos NPCs também é interessante e economiza tempo do player, que pode resolver tudo em um só lugar.

O jogo explora bastante o universo de dark souls estabelecido no primeiro jogo, dando uma noção de continuidade pra trama - algo que o segundo jogo da franquia não fez.

Como ponto negativo, tem a ausência do power stance - que foi uma das poucas coisas que o Dark Souls 2 acertou em cheio - além do fato de muitas armas de boss que possuem apenas dano físico normal, somente pelo fato de serem de boss, não podem ser infundidas ou bufadas, o que prejudica bastante o uso para players que utilizam de qualquer dano elemental.

As DLCs seguem o mesmo padrão do jogo, com ressalto que a DLC The Ringed City traz uma dificuldade que rememora Dark Souls 2: excesso de inimigos exageradamente fortes que, muitas vezes, ainda ficam escondidos; áreas de travessias desviando de ataques e gank boss. Aparte disso, os bosses da DLC são memoráveis, com destaque para Sister Friede, Knight Gael e Dragon Midir.

No geral, é um excelente jogo que terminou muito bem a franquia.

O melhor de todos os Dark Souls
Te amo, DS3

Dark Souls III traz simplesmente a melhor jogabilidade, bosses e as músicas. Infelizmente, a troco disto, temos o dark souls mais linear e com menos abordagens possíveis e para mim, o mais fácil da trilogia (se você está acostumado com jogos mais rápidos).

PVP alive, unfair bans alive 10/10.

Dark Souls 3 is the bombastic return to form that the Dark Souls series needed. It’s equal parts innovative and nostalgic, and it leans into the strengths of both. The pace of play and viciousness of bosses make it almost unrecognizable from the first entry, and the scale and spectacle show just how far the series has come. Dark Souls has never seen such gorgeous visuals and consistently well-produced music, and they work together to elevate the already stratospheric levels of tension in boss fights even farther. The bosses are incredible and their presentation is immaculate. It’s all capped off with an incredible, delayed subversion of expectations that preys on the player expecting one and then letting down their guard when it isn’t immediately evident. Awesome game.

Also let the record show that (by some miracle) I first-tried Gael but died like 15x to Greatwood, so therefore Greatwood is the true final boss of the series

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Presque que des boss iconiques.
Gros + pour Sulyvhan qui est beaucoup trop haut par rapport aux autres boss.

Hidetaka Miyazaki really said: "What if Dark Souls... but Bloodborne?"