Reviews from

in the past

An all-timer, so good that Chris Wilson from Grinding Gear Games is still trying to capture those halcyon days. Diablo is so much more than just the game, it is where I first interacted with the internet.

I remember being 12 years old and sitting in the chat talking to a 26 y/o woman who was going back to school for her masters. I remember getting scammed. I remember joining hacked lobbies (which we had a name for, but I can't remember what it is rn and that dumbass bing ai refuses to tell me it.) and asking for my level to be edited to 99 but forgetting I also needed to up my stats with it, thus bricking one of my characters lmao.

The gameplay, while seen as clunky and obtuse today, was like no other. While others of a similar nature came before Diablo, Diablo created everything the ARPG genre is. And that may be for the worse. In some respects, ARPGs have mostly only lived within the shadow of Diablo II, scared to venture too far off the path it laid out.

I don't even think it's a super bad thing, not in the way some other genres are stuck living as shadows of their progenitors. Tbh, murking hundreds of mobs, grabbing gear off their corpses, developing out my fucked up unviable build, and then repeating ad infinitum is a gameplay loop so pure its only matched by the slightly different flavor of Monster Hunter.

Add in satanic art design, you can't beat it. It seems like 90% of ARPGs opt for a dark, gloomy art design that calls back to Diablo II and I literally never get tired of it. It's too good, and I wish we got to see it more. Sure, we see grimdark shit all the time, moody atmospheres and sad boys, but I'm talking Satan shit, baphomet surrounding by naked dead corpses, pentagrams and sacrifices and demons and fallen angels. That is not often seen, probably in part because Christians are kinda prissy about using their religion for aesthetic. Hell, I think even Blizzard would prefer if they could move away from the satanic art style. Too bad for them, Satanism is Diablo. Dark and fucked up and Berserk-esque is Diablo.

Basically, Diablo II is dope. You know that. Only people who'd read this review are people who cut their teeth on the first, and best ARPG ever made. But if by some chance you aren't, download Diablo II Resurrected, turn on a 5 hour retrospective on Diablo, and accept and forgive it for being made 20 years ago. If you let your guard down, and give it a couple hours to fall into its rhythm, you'll be pulled right down into the pits of hell. Just like the rest of us were, back in those dark, dreary, amazing days.

One time I brought this game over to a friend's house and installed it on their computer. Their desk was weirdly damp. They laid the jewel case face down on the desk, and the moisture wiped away the CD key. Within two days my computer died and I had to buy a second copy of the game in order to play it again. I did that. I shouldn't have.

I don't like that you basically need to restart the whole game to try another spec on your class, but that is a minor issue. It is a super fun game with a great story. Better than D3, solely for the fact that you can play it offline.

This review contains spoilers

I’ve decided to play the Diablo franchise for the release of Diablo IV. Diablo II was one of my first experiences with gaming in my life, watching a family member play it for hours.

This game is a clear evolution of the first one, even though I like the first game’s simplicity, right from character creation we can easily see that this is supposed to be bigger and better. The cutscenes are amazing. Most of the game is non-mandatory which is simply awesome, it is a choice that rewards so much the choice of exploration. To be short: most of what makes Diablo I great is here too, with only a few exceptions and very few downsides.

I wished that back in D2 we already had the ‘respec’ being something normal. I made a mistake in my build for my Assassin and really struggled with most of the latter portion of the game. Diablo II is a weird mix in its atmosphere. The first act is amazing and as good as Diablo I, the second act is a fucking desert (which I can’t wrap my head around why), the third a jungle which is okay I guess and the fourth is as good as the first. And then the expansion is a snowy mountaintop… Weird choices.

My biggest problem with Diablo II is that it feels too big. I think the game is longer than it should and with Lord of Destruction that feeling gets even worse. I had to take a bit of time between finishing the main game and getting to play LoD to ensure I’d not play just to finish it as fast as possible. The game is very fun but it is the exhausting type of fun, the one that even when you are having a great time you’ll most likely want to take a bit of time off.

Diablo II is amazing, worst than the first in some aspects and best in many. A good sequel, a great addition to the franchise, and, for sure, a MUST-PLAY.

This game was so influential in my life, I remember being so excited when I turned 10 because I was finally allowed to play it. My Mexican catholic mother opposed me having this game in the house and I proceeded to get in trouble over and over again just to play this series.

>available for free from Blizzard's website
>still need a fucking key to authorize once you have it downloaded
>have to download
fuck off

So much fun. This game shines best with multiplayer

Warscheinlich der beste Diablo Teil aber Diablo an sich is Müll ausm Biocontainer.

Like D1, but not as good. A lot of features were added, and intuitively that's good, but D2 suffers from the phenomenon of adding features not because they compliment the mechanics, but because they're cool or fit with the dev's vision or whatever. This means you have too many option to choose from, and therefor there is always some easy way to tackle any solution, and the game becomes too easy with minimal creativity on the part of the player.

That being said, the variety of build options, while degrading to the gameplay mechanics, IS pretty cool and fun to tool around with. Art direction is exceptional for the time, environments are varied and feel unique.

It was a million times better than 3, but to me that just means it took slightly longer to get bored. These kinds of games are definetly not for me.

In terms of production value, it is extremely good- everything, from the enemy design, to music, skills and environments has a lot of care. The pre-rendered graphics give it a visual identity that not even the new games can match. The amount of ways to build the characters are great, but the absurd amount of inventory management takes you away both from the action and the ambience, as you keep teleporting to sell junk and upgrade. Its also extremely annoying that you can only reset skills a single time, so you can't try different builds, thus the game ends up getting repetitive by the third act as you can only do the same strategy for everything. Even though relatively short, I had to force myself to complete the expansion.

And the variety of locations as opposed to a single dungeon are cool I guess, but I miss the sense of progression and more focused design Diablo 1 had. Since the enemies respawn every time you load a save and most quests are extremely straightforward I had no desire to explore whatsoever. And for all the time you spend returning to villages, they all feel very superficial too.

Still, if you want to feel like a powerful necromancer and send an army of skeletons kill everything there is probably no better game.


Such an awesome game back in the day. There was a battle net version and like an online but not connected to battlenet version. We used to use a trainer to boost our characters and then log onto the battlenet version to once we figured out our strategy for the level boss.

Would not recommend it to play now due to the lack of QoL but an absolute beast of a game, another game that defined a genre and I don't believe anything supplant though that Path of Exile has been trying and I absolutely have more hours in it.

Boy, this is tough. It's undeniably a 'good' game (i.e. it works fine, looks good, sounds good, lots of polish), but ... it's just kind of ... boring? I don't know, nothing about it is moving me, at all. I feel like I'm just grinding loot for loot's sake.

I specifically fired this up for a little bit of satisfying turn-off-my-brain action, and somehow got less than I bargained for. I guess this is one classic I'm just not on the wavelength of. I think I prefer the first one!

Incredible for its time but has aged quite a bit. Leagues above the competition at release. Expansion and fully patched fixes a lot of issues with it and balance issues. Limited health potions in the shop was the worst if you played multiplayer. It was an excellent experience as a kid when my dad brought home a bunch of laptops from work and me, my siblings and the neighborhood kids would LAN all weekend.

Back when Blizzard actually made video games.

Even better than its predecessor. The game that defined the aRPG genre and my gaming taste ;) Amazing story, phenomenal boss fights (I have nightmares about Baal), even better replayability. It doesn't even scare away with such graphics, especially since there is a really good remaster available on the market in the form of the Resurrected version. A game worth playing!

loved this game so much as a kid, great memories, my first online multiplayer game, i got so much hacked armor and rare contraband from all my diablo 2 boyfriends, then one time two of them met by accident and i dumped both of them

Diablo 2, continuação de Diablo 1, conta a história direta após os acontecimentos do primeiro jogo, o herói de tristam que parte para o leste tendo seu corpo controlado pelo Diablo, e esse pretende libertar os outros dois males que os horadrim aprisionaram, Mephisto e Baal, a jornada se dá pelo jogador como um novo herói seguindo os passos do primeiro herói que derrotara Diablo, porém dessa vez cabe a ele derrotar todos os 3 males.

A obra propõe um ARPG no estilo hack n’ slash, onde o foco principal é enfrentar as hordas de inimigos e utilizar as mecânicas de RPG para customizar a build, o grind é presente durante grande parte do jogo. Mesmo com esse foco claro nas mecânicas e na jogabilidade, Diablo 2 não abre mão de contar uma história intrigante e heróica.

Como qualquer jogo lançado no começo dos anos 2000, Diablo 2 conta sua história em grande parte pelos diálogos com os npc’s, é necessário ler os diálogos para que todo o enredo da obra faça sentido, o Diablo 2: Resurrected, um remaster da obra original, conta com cinematics fantásticas que ajudam na construção de uma narrativa e dá mais vida ao mundo do Diablo contando a história através da perspectiva de um indivíduo a parte do grande embate entre o jogador e os demônios, utilizando esse personagem a blizzard mostra que as pessoas que vivem no mundo de Diablo são influenciadas e influenciam nos acontecimentos, o mundo é vivo e não algo obsoleto feito para o jogador se deleitar com a morte do demônios.

A história é linear sem grandes plot’s, o trabalho empregado nela não é profundo, porém isso não se torna um problema pois ela é complementar nesse tipo de obra, e mesmo sendo complementar os desenvolvedores tem um cuidado em criar algo interessante de se ver e interagir, o que passa facilmente o nível médio das histórias dos ARPG. Ainda falando da história, ela consegue fazer uma ponte entre os acontecimentos do primeiro jogo e um prelúdio do jogo 3 sempre abrindo espaço para mais conteúdo, o que agrada grande parte do público, assim como a mim.

Os problemas que estão presentes no jogo, são problemas comuns à época nos jogos em geral, principalmente os 2.5D, a diagonal ainda é problema gigantesco, seja para movimentar ou para utilizar skill shot, é complicado acertar a trajetória e geralmente ela não segue o esperado pelo jogador. Ainda há alguns bugs tanto visuais quanto de algumas skills que ficaram sem tratamento mas que foram corrigidas no remaster do jogo lançado pela blizzard no ano de 2021.

A sensação de chilling é presente em grande parte do jogo e o desafio também percorre outra parte importante da obra, mas o mais comum é a sensação de satisfação ao conseguir atingir os objetivos, a dopamina liberada é gigantesca ao matar certos bosses ou conseguir certos equipamentos, esse tipo de sensação domina grande parte do gênero de ARPG no geral.

Um ponto na jogabilidade que é comum de jogos desta época é a falta de indicativos de quest, onde ir para completar determinada quest, obrigando assim o jogador a ler as quests, pensar nos locais que ele esteve e se inteirar mesmo que minimamente sobre a história do jogo, acho isso um ponto positivo que talvez falte nos jogos atuais que focam demais na gameplay e pouco na construção de uma história.

O jogo apresenta 7 classes se contar a dlc, isso abre o jogo para diversas possibilidades de estilos de jogo diferentes para se explorar. Ainda falando da jogabilidade, a ideia inovadora do Diablo 2 é a necessidade de repetir a história do jogo 3 vezes para realmente zerar o game, é fazendo o progresso do normal, pesadelo e infernal que o jogador é capaz de atingir o nível máximo e conseguir os melhores itens do jogo, porém ainda é necessário um grind de monstros, matando várias vezes os mesmos bosses e limpando os mesmos mapas para conseguir atingir o nível necessário para enfrentar os desafios.

A variedade de habilidades é gigante com 3 árvores de skills cada classe, dando uma variabilidade gigante para os jogadores, permitindo que se explore a mesma classe de diferentes formas. Ainda é adicionado a possibilidade de se jogar no multiplayer podendo fazer combos de classes para tornar todo o progresso mais divertido e diferenciado.

Esteticamente o jogo conta com um realismo, porém ele é prejudicado pelo gráfico da época que era limitado, mas nem por isso a obra deixa de explorar os aspectos sombrios característicos da franquia, com corpos estirados em estacas e sangue espalhados em poças por quase todos os cenários.

Concluindo, se Diablo 1 abre as portas para a franquia e apresenta um novo gênero, Diablo 2 refina esse gênero com parâmetros de jogabilidade que delimitam o gênero e o torna um clássico. Marcando gerações e apresentando a ideia de grind em um jogo multiplayer, Diablo 2 revoluciona o que se entende por ARPG Hack n’ Slash e dita as principais características que seriam no futuro considerado o “mínimo” desse tipo de jogo.

Algumas boas quality of life em cima do primeiro jogo, admitidamente eu tenho preferência pelo estilo mais dungeon crawler do primeiro jogo, onde você tem apenas o hub principal e dungeons pra entrar, o segundo jogo já começou a ir pra um lado mais "MMO", mas ao menos ainda tem mapas aleatórios, dos quais gosto bastante.

Os inimigos continuam bizarros e a direção de arte incrível, só talvez um pouco mais fácil que o primeiro, mas uma experiência muito divertida e recomendada de se ter solo ou com amigos.

my dad forced me to throw this in the trash before i got the chance to play it, because it's called Devil II

you would think with a name like the dark wanderer they wouldnt just let him wander through towns like that huh

got half way into the game and understood the repertoir, honestly i'm not a grindy person to these kind of games and this seems to be mandatory with these titles, i might change my mind one day but as its stands, it just aint for me, who knows, i might end up finding a mod that makes it more fun for me.

Simply one of the best games ever. The Kanye West of the games

Diablo II establishes that less is more when it comes to both questing and numbers, yet all of its imitations thought they needed more of both.