Reviews from

in the past

It basically cashes in on the Crash Bandicoot hype, borderline plagiarism in fact. But I have fond memories of the levels - spooky house, ancient temple - and the bosses were pretty cool, I think.

An okay Crash Bandicoot-like game that I have a lot of nostalgia for.

Very basic but shockingly well-executed crash clone. The level design's pretty easy throughout but never falters, with constant movement and essentially no downtime. A really cool game to quickly cruise through.

Recuerdo jugar esto en un ordenador que literalmente parecía que iba a explotar cada vez que cargaba un nuevo mundo.
Realmente estaba bastante divertido, de chikito me flipaba

I gave this one a better shot now, and it is a very cool game. Nothing incredible, but I liked the level design and overall world characterization, being a fan of Donald comics and the lore of Duckburg.
The soundtrack is very weak and the sound design leaves to be desired, but I would recommend this one for a quick good enough time. Also, the high point for me are the side-scrolling stages.

All hail Donald Duck he is our savior in this trying time

Shovelware from my childhood. A mediocre 2.5D platformer.

Completamente igual a versão de 64 mas com cenários mais detalhados, iluminação bem feita e... música melhor! Até instrumentalização muda na versão de Dreamcast então mesmo que tenham algumas estranhas, tem muita música boa.

Was basically my Crash shoe-filler while I had my Nintendo 64.

It adds some extra mechanics to the formula, nothing crazy. Probably one of the best Disney licensed games of that era strange enough. The weird thing is that it did use it's linear 3D map design as an advantage, adding a lot of verticality to it compare to Crash Bandicoot's mostly flat designed levels.

Not the best platformer but, far from being the worse.

There are countless adaptations of this game.

This Kingdom Hearts prequel is pretty solid for Crash clone on easy difficulty. I think I would have loved it as a kid

A dull un-inspired platforming game that copies the crash formula. I would recommend this game for kids because they'll get amused by it, but if you'd really want another game with the crash formula.. its better to stick with the bandicoot himself.

but being fr its a ok game but has a lot of charm especially the n64 version

Maybe I want to be blinded by nostalgia, maybe there's nothing wrong with it actually.

Childhood favorite
This game ruined my life

I think I'm gonna go quakcers at this rate.

Fácil de mais, fechei em menos de 5hs em 100% no retroarchievements.

O jogo é uma mera cópia de Crash Bandicoot, mas não tão descarado.

Versão do N64, as cenas são renderizadas, não tem CGI algum e a trilha sonora é um pouco abafada, provavelmente por conta da compressão do jogo.
Too easy, I closed in less than 5 hours at 100% on retroarchievements.

The game is a mere copy of Crash Bandicoot, but not so brazen.

N64 version, scenes are rendered, there's no CGI at all, and the soundtrack is a bit muffled, probably due to the game's compression.

Crash de Nintendo 64, legalzinho

My childhood. Remember farming lives to 99 and just playing it over and over again. So many great memories.

Apparently it's similar to Crash Bandicoot which I never played but I have the feeling that I have to thank the universe that it was this game instead. The collectable costumes were also quite rad. Went to a friends house to burn a copy for him but I forgot to tell my mom which wasn't a very good idea.

"Mãe, podemos levar Crash Bandicoot para casa?" "Filho, já temos Crash Bandicoot em casa" O Crash Bandicoot:

De qualquer forma, é um ótimo jogo e fez parte da minha infância, cumpriu sua função quando emular PS1 não era uma opção para mim.

Level Design ainda é legal mas não tão bom quanto a versão de PS1. É um jogo mais fácil, mas o maior motivo pra não ser 9 também é que a trilha sonora é bem ruim. Tem algumas músicas boas mas a OST no PS1 é goated e essa não.

amazing, 10/10, the game of my childhood, definetely a good game yep

Mesma versão do Dreamcast, porém a 30fps. Não muda em nada na jogatina.

pretty dull and samey throughout, despite being presented with a mix of linear 3d, 2d, and face-towards-the-camera-run-away-from-something levels. i usually don't care for that last type, but they end up more engaging than the other styles and only appear at half the frequency, so it helps keep things fresh. i went ahead and did all the time trials despite its mediocrity, because why not. its tolerable enough with a video playing in the background. you unlock alternate outfits for your troubles, and they each have their own idle animation, which is a nice touch. unexpectedly, the bosses were the highlight for me. they're all pretty decent and unique. there are five different versions of this fucking game. i kind of want to play them all.

This is Rayman 2 mixed with Crash Bandicoot. This is a very solid game overall.

Even though my step father usually beat every hard boss battle for me, neither of us could win against Milla Magia (Magica De Spell).