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in the past

Muito bonito, estiloso e carismático, mas sem conteúdo...

As missões se resumem a um vai e vem muito cansativo, o "combate" não funciona bem e a parte RPG é bem rasa.

Talvez algum dia eu volte para Dodgeball Academia, mas estou bem cansado dessa história que nunca sai de algo bobo e o texto cheio de gírias e memes encaixados artificialmente.

I have such a soft spot for sports rpgs, this would have inevitably been a win for me. Its such a precise, niche genre that's basically never been done flawlessly, but you kind of have to adore with all the flaws in mind. More of them have popped up in the indie scene, but many have gone for a goofy, slapstick, throw every gag we got at the wall kind of vibe, with less the of shameless sincerity that I think a genre like this really needs to thrive.

The game mechanics themselves are fairly compelling. Throwing balls as your attack. Precise timing to catch thrown dodgeballs (which can move straight, zig, zag, or teleport around the field depending on the enemy type). Dodge roll or a jump depending on the character. A super meter that slowly builds based on time + caught balls + a focus button. All the party members operate slightly differently from each other. Otto is your jack of all traits, Mina counters dodgeballs back at enemies rather than catch them, a later party member has a counter that hit enemies multiple times, but requires a longer prep time for countering. Super moves like electric strikes, Paper Mario-style power bounces, things that get stronger and more elaborate as your characters level up. I can understand how it might get repetitive for some, but for me the gameplay was always just challenging enough to keep me coming back and engaging with it more and more.

Dodgeball Academia is mostly silly, but I think there's some really charming character work used to win you over on the characters. The story focuses on a young boy named Otto, who's run away from Referee school to join the Dodgeball Academy and find joy in the sport he adores so much. To that end, his primary interest is in having a good time. As he gathers people to his team/party, he does so primarily by being such a good sport about things. One of the first party members is "Balooney", the big blue fella on the box art. Balooney is shy and reluctant to fight, so Otto has to force Balooney onto the team just so Otto can enter the tournament. But after he does this, Otto does something really striking. 1. He apologizes for forcing Balooney into something he's uncomfortable with. 2. He promises that Balooney will NEVER have to fight. They'll find a fourth person to join the party and Balooney doesn't have to enter the court at all. And he sticks to this for the next several hours of gametime. Balooney acts as a passive healing support, but he's not an official party member. Balooney himself is the one who decides he wants to join the team for real after seeing Otto stick to that promise for a large game segment.

The game's character designs are so diverse and striking that I had no way of predicting who would join my party or not. I wouldn't be surprised if their choices were picked from a hat. Nearly all the characters ended up winning me over by the end and it gave me plenty of motivation to test out different party set-ups until I settled on my preferred squad.

But the core of the game's narrative has this fascinating kernel that I really wished it expanded upon. Otto's laid-back approach to the sport gets interrupted by an ultimatum. His father plans on forcing him to return to Referee School unless Otto wins the Dodgeball tournament trophy. He's openly mocking, nigh-on verbally abusive towards Otto, and its a great hook to give someone as nice as Otto real stakes to keep climbing the ranks.

Otto's opposed by two main antagonists. Boris is the school's strongest player, who casually destroys you in a casual match where he plays at 10% of his usual power. His parents are not in the picture and, its eventually revealed, they abandoned him and his sister. The initial set-up as a bully reveals something quite vulnerable: he thinks he needs to stay strong to support his sister. He gradually evolves into a supportive, but gruff mentor rediscovering his love for the sport.

But the main rival is Nino. Compared to Otto, Nino actually has a happy home life. His father heaps on endless praise, calling his son the best of the best. And so Nino takes his losses as a personal attack, a fear that he's failing his father that he loves so much. He doesn't have the stakes Otto does, he doesn't have to fear losing his friends or support system for failing. But he's so internalized this need to meet his dad's praise that he resorts to increasingly desperate means to destroy Otto's progress. Its a genuinely compelling rival set-up that I feel like has a lot to say about children and parental expectation.

But when I say "feels" like it has a lot to say, I do mean it "FEELS" like rather that "it DOES have a lot to say." There's something THERE about these children and their parents, but I'm not entirely sure the devs were fully aware of it. Perhaps they were mainly focused on keeping the game's cheery tone. The abuse Otto's Dad heaps on his son is ultimately brushed aside as goofy strict parents and we don't learn enough about the parents of other characters to feel a cohesive theme.

But I think that's also... fine? This game is writing a fun 00s shonen anime for kids. That's all it needs to be. The engaging gameplay and the interesting character work is just a surprise bonus.

O jogo enjoa fácil, sei lá. É engraçadinho

super fun gameplay, great style, constant stream of stuff to do. finished and loved it

I don’t know if there’s a plan but I feel like if they expand on this (bigger world, more strategic options for the combat, maybe online play etc,) it might turn out to be something very special, because what’s there now is super fun and charming.

played it for about six or seven hours on Game Pass, forgot about it, then it left. neat game!

O jogo é bom, mas eu tava esperando um game parecido com Inazuma Eleven do DS, que eu simplesmente amo. Ele tem semelhanças bem notórias, mas na questão das mecânicas de queimada esperava que fosse mais divertido.
Agora falando bem do jogo, ele possui um design bem bonito, os personagens são bem carismáticos e os especiais não deixam a desejar em nada.
Talvez pra outras pessoas ele sirva muito bem, no primeiro dia do jogo é bem fácil, mas do segundo pra frente o desafio fica bem mais justo e divertido.

Um excelente e divertido jogo, disparado um dos melhores jogos BR que já joguei, muito legal.

A very fun little Brazilian Sport/Action/RPG with colorful visuals and a lot of charm. The battle system can be challenging at first but after some battles you start mastering and it is not so hard. You have 6 party members to play in which you play with 3 in battle, each with their own perks and playstyle.
The soundtrack is mostly very energetic and fast paced, it matches the game perfectly.
The plot can be a little cliché'd and weak overall but the cute characters and funny humor makes it much better

inazuma eleven pero de balon prisionero, muy guay 👍

A generally fun spin on dodgeball with an action rpg feel, set in a charming and colorful place thats more or less a parody of shounen tropes.

The gameplay in itself is pretty solid, with the varied cast of characters offering different abilities in how to approach the game + various items to specialize them further.
However there is unfortunately little variances in the matches themselves. While the game does toss in quite a few gimmicks they all in general feel pretty samey (and in many cases pretty chaotic), with a few notable exceptions.

Beyond that there not much else to it, though the writing does a nice job of keeping the flow going. Fleshing the characters out with usually funny dialogue and building up fun stakes for the actual tournament matches.

This game feels like a mix of Mario sport RPG and Pokémon. The Mario sport RPG part is in terms of structure. The main battles are through sport (dodgeball), some light RPG elements (levels, equipment) and a simple story to follow that is just an excuse to keep playing. The Pokémon elements are minor but they’re definitely present. Players stop you for a battle when you’re near them, there is a ‘pokecenter’ where you heal your party and both examples have catchy Pokémon like tunes. The battle system has more depth than expected. This game is very charming but it feels a bit repetitive because you keep fighting teams. Many fights feel like excuses just because a certain section needs a fight. That part is not a good story telling. Regardless though, this game is pretty polished. Especially for an indie.

O jogo é bão, diferenciado e tals, mas eu meio que enjoei depois de um tempo

charming presentation and premise, and the dodgeball mechanics are fun when they work, but I bounced off this one after a couple hours, no pun intended. dodgeball matches feel too chaotic for their own good (in particular, the crucial catch/counter mechanic simply doesn't work as reliably as it needs to for how much the matches are designed around it) and the backtracking around the small map gets tedious pretty quickly

Gameplay is serviceable, if not a little bit repetitive. Art is nice and the dodgeball cosmology that the world revolves around works well enough as a satire/homage of the Pokemon games.

Infelizmente o jogo enjoa na reta final

Jogo com uma personalidade gráfica muito boa, com uma boa trilha sonora é uma jogabilidade divertida, mas que falta conteúdo que muitas vezes fica se arrastando e se repetindo bastante, mas é uma boa experiência só não rejogaria. Ansioso para a evolução cada vez mais da criação de games brasileiras.

Cara, que orgulho de saber que esse jogo é brasileiro, espero que ele mostre pra outros devs que uma ideia simples as vezes é melhor do que uma megalomaníaca. (Cof Cof 171, Cof Cof RIO)

Gameplay simples e divertida, personagens carismáticos e uma boa história clichê sobre o poder da amizade, trabalho duro e afins. O que mais alguém pode querer? Ah, a estética do jogo também é bem bonita. Por ser um jogo brasileiro, a localização também é impecável, é impossível não dar risada de alguns diálogos.

Pra não dizer que só elogiei, acho que o jogo poderia ter mais variedade nas partidas além das condições das quadras/bolas. Modos diferentes, (além do versus) sei lá, algo assim.

De qualquer maneira, joguem. BRASIL 🇧🇷 SIL 🇧🇷 SIL🇧🇷 SIL 🇧🇷

As a Brazilian, I’m really prood of Humble Ganes did on Dodgeball Academia.

Dodgeball Academia looks great. The characters and everything are really beautiful. They did a great job choosing what kind of art they would use.

The gameplay is really fun but you’ll get tired until the end of the game. They add some features during the game but nothing to make you fell you’re playing something different.

The plot is really good and the background is really interesting. I would love to see a cartoon about it. The problem is how they separated the story on chapters with “problem of the day”, just kind of the old series from 2000 with “the monster of the week”

You’ll probably like Dodgeball Academia and if you have an opportunity to buy on sale or play on a service, you should give it a chance.

Dodgeball Academia took me back to the days of random bargain bin games and the rare gems we played growing up. With action-oriented gameplay and a story appropriate for all ages, Dodgeball Academia puts a fun spin on the tropes of friendship, family, and hard work over talent that we’ve come to expect from the classic JRPGs that inspired it.

The game has very nice pokemon vibes. Gameplay is good but early on kind of clunky. But when you get used to it, it's good. Artstyle is charming and the story is okay.

Posso falar com tranquilidade que esse é o MELHOR INDIE BRASILEIRO Q EU JÁ JOGUEI (e o fato deu ter jogado apenas 2 n conta), os caras conseguiram fazer um jogo que envolve queimada ser divertido, os personagens são carismáticos e únicos, a gameplay é simples, os diálogos divertidos. A única coisa q eu tenho a reclamar é que os confrontos contra chefes poderiam ser mais desafiadores. De resto o jogo está de parabéns.

Parto dal presupposto che non è vero che in questo gioco non ci sia sfida, è vero che non è di certo complicato e il gameplay si fa conquistare in poco tempo però è anche vero che qualche secondaria può generare qualche difficoltà. In sostanza non siamo ad un livello pokemon, ma quasi. Detto questo: stile magnifico soprattutto se apprezzi roba alla gumball ecc, ottima longevità, divertente sia in singolo che soprattutto in compagnia.


Great concept. Support Brazilian devs!

Dodgeball Academia fits nicely into the tradition of Nintendo's various sports-oriented roleplaying games, and wears its influences openly and with a lot of heart. The real issue that keeps me from getting into it is the combat.

It is actually moreso of a fighting game with RPG elements, where your granular reflex and timing are the most important aspects of the game. The RPG elements are "lighter" in comparison, tho they are definitely there, and team composition is very important. I just don't really like the game on a mechanical level.

You're often playing against a team of different enemies, all with differing abilities and projectiles. There can be up to like 8 balls active on the field at a given. This starts to pose an issue when you're controlling 3 units at the same time, who move in sync and cover a lot of space within your side of the court.

The game has serious readability issues because of the exaggerated size of your characters coupled with obnoxious on-hit effects and damage indicators. When theres like 6 different types of dodgeballs flying around, all producing different gameplay and visual effects, it becomes way too chaotic.

I really like some of the gameplay concepts and the different flavor of the party members, but I don't feel like I can really appreciate a lot of the combat due to the chaos and pacing of the battles. So ultimately its not really my thing.

um dia eu termino, ai eu colo nota máxima

Solid game but not something I'd revisit. Fun art style, interesting concept and a decent story, but just not something that personally grabbed me.