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As a Brazilian, I’m really prood of Humble Ganes did on Dodgeball Academia.

Dodgeball Academia looks great. The characters and everything are really beautiful. They did a great job choosing what kind of art they would use.

The gameplay is really fun but you’ll get tired until the end of the game. They add some features during the game but nothing to make you fell you’re playing something different.

The plot is really good and the background is really interesting. I would love to see a cartoon about it. The problem is how they separated the story on chapters with “problem of the day”, just kind of the old series from 2000 with “the monster of the week”

You’ll probably like Dodgeball Academia and if you have an opportunity to buy on sale or play on a service, you should give it a chance.

Dodgeball Academia is what you get if you mix any sports anime with Pokémon like battle encounters.

Though it's a little flawed in places it's overall a charming unique little game. with a lot to like. You play the role of Otto, a new student at Dodgeball Academia, a rather prestigious school but one that underneath is struggling. They have placed all their bets on this years inner school tournament to save the school allowing them to keep the legendary dodgeball and Otto and his band of odd team mates will be a big part of that. Along the way he will play against all sorts of weird characters and situations in which Dodgeball will inevitably save the day! It's a fairly straightforward game in it's 10 hour run but must of the cast are extremely likeable, unique and the dialog is often surprisingly funny.

Each of the games played is set up like an RPG battle encounter as mentioned above. Walking through the campus in the line of sight of a student they will challenge you to a game like Pokémon trainers do. Each character in the match has HP, a super, a charge throw and certain character locked skills. Some catch the ball, others counter etc. It's all pretty basic but the game does throw some things in to mix it up with elemental balls and knocked out characters being able to throw balls in from the sideline to keep an eye out for. Even with mixing things up as much as they can the matches themselves get old kind of fast. Your team mates merely copy your movement ad actions in random to you rather than act on their own. This leaves it all feels a little too basic in some ways yet that shouldn't be mistaken for easy. Far from it, certain battles will have abrupt difficulty spikes where I found myself pounded by balls.

The visual design is a treat, it really reminded me of Saturday morning cartoons in some ways. The characters are all pretty unique but cohesively fit with each other but the game jokes about it in several instances like how npcs look the same or the marvelous chin of George the giant pickle headed receptionist and it all works absolutely to the game's credit and the small Brazilian team behind it. The soundtrack is also a surprising stand out with this peppy upbeat music that match the content and art style perfectly.

This was one of the games on my Sport RPGS list and I'm really glad I gave it a go. The battle system could do with refining and I would have liked more locations than just the Dodgeball Academia Campus (like a nearby town) would have really improved it but even so it's fun, has great visual and music design and is full of wistful charm in a lot of ways.


+ Charming atmosphere.
+ Can be funny at times.
+ Great visual and music design.

- Battles get stale after a while.
- Some odd difficulty spikes.

It's not bad, the presentation is great and catching and throwing balls at opponents is always a good time. Though the main story can feel like it's lagging behind a little since they throw in so many forced encounters of CPU fights that are almost identical. Perhaps I'll come back to this someday on PC Game Pass.

Dodgeball Academia é um excelente jogo no geral, possui uma gameplay divertida e um bom sistema de evoluir os personagens.

Se baseia bastante no mario tennis antigao. O jogo é legalzinho, consegue entreter, nao tem personagens insuportaveis. Mas enjoa rapido, infelizmente. E nao tenho interesse de continuar jogando.

O melhor Anime de Queimado que existe.

Honestamente um dos jogos brasileiros mais polidos que eu já joguei. Escrita muito foda, engraçada e brasileiríssima, arte muito foda, música absurda, gameplay e variedade de poderzinhos e designs dos personagens legalzíssimos. Destaque especial pro ABSOLUTAMENTE MELHOR loopzinho de animação de personagem feito até agora em um videogame: o Diretor da escola puxando aquela lambida que termina num estalo com a mão ûᴗû) husuhgdf muito foda.

Se tem um jogo que é Obrigatório jogar, é esse daqui. Jogue.

O jogo é bom, mas eu tava esperando um game parecido com Inazuma Eleven do DS, que eu simplesmente amo. Ele tem semelhanças bem notórias, mas na questão das mecânicas de queimada esperava que fosse mais divertido.
Agora falando bem do jogo, ele possui um design bem bonito, os personagens são bem carismáticos e os especiais não deixam a desejar em nada.
Talvez pra outras pessoas ele sirva muito bem, no primeiro dia do jogo é bem fácil, mas do segundo pra frente o desafio fica bem mais justo e divertido.

Posso falar com tranquilidade que esse é o MELHOR INDIE BRASILEIRO Q EU JÁ JOGUEI (e o fato deu ter jogado apenas 2 n conta), os caras conseguiram fazer um jogo que envolve queimada ser divertido, os personagens são carismáticos e únicos, a gameplay é simples, os diálogos divertidos. A única coisa q eu tenho a reclamar é que os confrontos contra chefes poderiam ser mais desafiadores. De resto o jogo está de parabéns.

Cara, que orgulho de saber que esse jogo é brasileiro, espero que ele mostre pra outros devs que uma ideia simples as vezes é melhor do que uma megalomaníaca. (Cof Cof 171, Cof Cof RIO)

Gameplay simples e divertida, personagens carismáticos e uma boa história clichê sobre o poder da amizade, trabalho duro e afins. O que mais alguém pode querer? Ah, a estética do jogo também é bem bonita. Por ser um jogo brasileiro, a localização também é impecável, é impossível não dar risada de alguns diálogos.

Pra não dizer que só elogiei, acho que o jogo poderia ter mais variedade nas partidas além das condições das quadras/bolas. Modos diferentes, (além do versus) sei lá, algo assim.

De qualquer maneira, joguem. BRASIL 🇧🇷 SIL 🇧🇷 SIL🇧🇷 SIL 🇧🇷

O jogo é bão, diferenciado e tals, mas eu meio que enjoei depois de um tempo

Visual muito bonitinho, personagens carismáticos e divertidos, gameplay DIVERTIDÍSSIMA incrível mescla de RPG com Esporte

It's fun, light-hearted and like a skilled dodgeball player, the music is very catchy. There are points where things become a bit easy and repetitive but the characters and tone were able to pull me through to more challenging and interesting encounters.

I put 4.5 hours into Dodgeball Academia and didn't feel inspired to keep playing. While the graphics and art design are top shelf, the rest of the game feels bland.

The RPG elements are basic fetch quest errands and are rarely interesting. The dodgeball matches are fun but can be too chaotic at times, leading to some losses feeling more like a matter of bad luck than skill. The writing lacks the humor and wit you'd hope to see in a game like this.

The game is pleasant enough, and I may have been more forgiving of it if I had played it handheld on Switch and didn't have anything else to play. As a Game Pass option though, it's hard to recommend with so many other interesting games out there.

A game that is conscious about its shonen references but isn’t ashamed of them, rather uses their strength to irradiate the energy of being young. Rivals, superpowers and especially rebelling against what you are supposed to be and choosing who you want to be.

But that’s where the consciousness stops. Didn’t reflect too much about anime filler it seems. Something as crucial as the combat system is just sitting there. The most inanimate way to represent dodgeball, obviously blander with each filler encounter, but instead of rebuilding it from scratch, removing it, or at least reducing it, just more variations keep being added hoping to do the coverup. A juvenile talk about being yourself at the same time as it follows the rules of old just because of tradition.

Game pass. Fun dodgeball game. The underground league is the hardest part of the game...

Um jogo brasileiro feito para brasileiros.

É sempre muito gratificante ver como a indústria brasileira evolui cada vez mais a cada jogo lançado, e Dodgeball Academia é um marco muito positivo.

Não apenas como um simples e agradável jogo de queimada, mas como um amontoado de referências e diálogos muito bem escritos que remetem principalmente a nossa cultura.

Seja na presença do pão de queijo como ítem consumível ou na imponente presença da Tia da Cantina, é impossível não se sentir abraçado sendo um brasileiro. É notável o carinho dos desenvolvedores nesse quesito.

A grande maioria dos personagens são incríveis, cada um do seu jeito, e ajudam a contar uma história que, apesar de muito arrastada, é divertida, com foco no companheirismo, trabalho em equipe e descoberta sobre si mesmo e seus próprios sonhos.

Pode ser algo da minha cabeça, mas também notei referências sutis a coisas que causam nostalgia a muitos e muitos brasileiros, como Pokémon e Dragon Ball, com um protagonista muito parecido com o Ash em muitos aspectos, e esse mesmo protagonista tem um fucking Kamehameha como golpe especial, com pose e tudo, maravilhoso.

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 2/10

Dodgeball Academia shows you what school would be like if it was cool and valued the game of dodgeball a bit too much.

Played this through PS Plus Extra and it was a real treat! Very simple, easy game with endearing characters. Nice game that would probably be your best friend.

Esse jogo apareceu na Plus e eu acabei baixando por ter achado o art design dele maravilhoso e agora tô completamente apaixonado. Que jogo maravilhoso, amigos.

É divertido, criativo, a história é engraçada, o diálogo é cheio de tiradas e gírias brasileiras que tornam tudo ainda mais cômico. Os personagens são carismáticos pra caramba (Bexigo e Shoy eu amo vocês) e tu acaba te afeiçoando a eles assim que começa a jogar.

A gameplay é simples, fluida e a progressão de personagem é muito satisfatória. Fico feliz demais de saber que uma pérola dessa saiu daqui do Brasilzão. Tomara que tenha uma sequência, com certeza vou querer jogar!

I have such a soft spot for sports rpgs, this would have inevitably been a win for me. Its such a precise, niche genre that's basically never been done flawlessly, but you kind of have to adore with all the flaws in mind. More of them have popped up in the indie scene, but many have gone for a goofy, slapstick, throw every gag we got at the wall kind of vibe, with less the of shameless sincerity that I think a genre like this really needs to thrive.

The game mechanics themselves are fairly compelling. Throwing balls as your attack. Precise timing to catch thrown dodgeballs (which can move straight, zig, zag, or teleport around the field depending on the enemy type). Dodge roll or a jump depending on the character. A super meter that slowly builds based on time + caught balls + a focus button. All the party members operate slightly differently from each other. Otto is your jack of all traits, Mina counters dodgeballs back at enemies rather than catch them, a later party member has a counter that hit enemies multiple times, but requires a longer prep time for countering. Super moves like electric strikes, Paper Mario-style power bounces, things that get stronger and more elaborate as your characters level up. I can understand how it might get repetitive for some, but for me the gameplay was always just challenging enough to keep me coming back and engaging with it more and more.

Dodgeball Academia is mostly silly, but I think there's some really charming character work used to win you over on the characters. The story focuses on a young boy named Otto, who's run away from Referee school to join the Dodgeball Academy and find joy in the sport he adores so much. To that end, his primary interest is in having a good time. As he gathers people to his team/party, he does so primarily by being such a good sport about things. One of the first party members is "Balooney", the big blue fella on the box art. Balooney is shy and reluctant to fight, so Otto has to force Balooney onto the team just so Otto can enter the tournament. But after he does this, Otto does something really striking. 1. He apologizes for forcing Balooney into something he's uncomfortable with. 2. He promises that Balooney will NEVER have to fight. They'll find a fourth person to join the party and Balooney doesn't have to enter the court at all. And he sticks to this for the next several hours of gametime. Balooney acts as a passive healing support, but he's not an official party member. Balooney himself is the one who decides he wants to join the team for real after seeing Otto stick to that promise for a large game segment.

The game's character designs are so diverse and striking that I had no way of predicting who would join my party or not. I wouldn't be surprised if their choices were picked from a hat. Nearly all the characters ended up winning me over by the end and it gave me plenty of motivation to test out different party set-ups until I settled on my preferred squad.

But the core of the game's narrative has this fascinating kernel that I really wished it expanded upon. Otto's laid-back approach to the sport gets interrupted by an ultimatum. His father plans on forcing him to return to Referee School unless Otto wins the Dodgeball tournament trophy. He's openly mocking, nigh-on verbally abusive towards Otto, and its a great hook to give someone as nice as Otto real stakes to keep climbing the ranks.

Otto's opposed by two main antagonists. Boris is the school's strongest player, who casually destroys you in a casual match where he plays at 10% of his usual power. His parents are not in the picture and, its eventually revealed, they abandoned him and his sister. The initial set-up as a bully reveals something quite vulnerable: he thinks he needs to stay strong to support his sister. He gradually evolves into a supportive, but gruff mentor rediscovering his love for the sport.

But the main rival is Nino. Compared to Otto, Nino actually has a happy home life. His father heaps on endless praise, calling his son the best of the best. And so Nino takes his losses as a personal attack, a fear that he's failing his father that he loves so much. He doesn't have the stakes Otto does, he doesn't have to fear losing his friends or support system for failing. But he's so internalized this need to meet his dad's praise that he resorts to increasingly desperate means to destroy Otto's progress. Its a genuinely compelling rival set-up that I feel like has a lot to say about children and parental expectation.

But when I say "feels" like it has a lot to say, I do mean it "FEELS" like rather that "it DOES have a lot to say." There's something THERE about these children and their parents, but I'm not entirely sure the devs were fully aware of it. Perhaps they were mainly focused on keeping the game's cheery tone. The abuse Otto's Dad heaps on his son is ultimately brushed aside as goofy strict parents and we don't learn enough about the parents of other characters to feel a cohesive theme.

But I think that's also... fine? This game is writing a fun 00s shonen anime for kids. That's all it needs to be. The engaging gameplay and the interesting character work is just a surprise bonus.

Bicho que jogo sensacional e criativo kkkkkk. Jogo de queimada pô, o criador tinha que ser BR, lamento que quem jogar esse jogo em outras línguas não vao entender as piadas e as girias, dei risada pra cacete. Única coisa que peca é do meio pro final ficar bem repetitivo, mas não afeta tanto assim na experiência.

Epic crossover coxinha with cueca freada.

Unapologetically colourful with hyper stylised cartoonish characters and bright fun UI that looks like a modern GBA game.

The game is essentially an enclosed JRPG that uses dodgeball as its combat system - it works for a short while but as it goes on it feels more like a quirky, if fairly limited action combat, rather than a sports RPG. Which is what I expected going in..

The game feels padded - the map is small and sends you backtracking a lot while dotting your way with a lot of pokemon like challengers.

You can't use items during combat but outside of combat you usually have an access to a "pokecenter". You do get a lot of health items and you're encouraged to use them by the very nice taste system (characters have different preferences and items affect them accordingly).
I don't see why the game don't auto heal you between battles? It does for the first chapter and then drops it and it doesn't add much.

The Sports game are fairly superficial and it's not the Mario Tennis spiritual successor I hoped it would be but it has enough merits of its own to at least give it a try.

Dodgeball Academia delivered a genuine story, cute graphics and fun gameplay. Otto and the gang are somewhat cheesy but lovable characters. It took me about 15 hours to complete the game+achievements. I'll look back on this game fondly!

Dodgeball Academia fits nicely into the tradition of Nintendo's various sports-oriented roleplaying games, and wears its influences openly and with a lot of heart. The real issue that keeps me from getting into it is the combat.

It is actually moreso of a fighting game with RPG elements, where your granular reflex and timing are the most important aspects of the game. The RPG elements are "lighter" in comparison, tho they are definitely there, and team composition is very important. I just don't really like the game on a mechanical level.

You're often playing against a team of different enemies, all with differing abilities and projectiles. There can be up to like 8 balls active on the field at a given. This starts to pose an issue when you're controlling 3 units at the same time, who move in sync and cover a lot of space within your side of the court.

The game has serious readability issues because of the exaggerated size of your characters coupled with obnoxious on-hit effects and damage indicators. When theres like 6 different types of dodgeballs flying around, all producing different gameplay and visual effects, it becomes way too chaotic.

I really like some of the gameplay concepts and the different flavor of the party members, but I don't feel like I can really appreciate a lot of the combat due to the chaos and pacing of the battles. So ultimately its not really my thing.

This game feels like a mix of Mario sport RPG and Pokémon. The Mario sport RPG part is in terms of structure. The main battles are through sport (dodgeball), some light RPG elements (levels, equipment) and a simple story to follow that is just an excuse to keep playing. The Pokémon elements are minor but they’re definitely present. Players stop you for a battle when you’re near them, there is a ‘pokecenter’ where you heal your party and both examples have catchy Pokémon like tunes. The battle system has more depth than expected. This game is very charming but it feels a bit repetitive because you keep fighting teams. Many fights feel like excuses just because a certain section needs a fight. That part is not a good story telling. Regardless though, this game is pretty polished. Especially for an indie.

A melhor surpresa do ano!
Dodgeball Academia apareceu do nada na minha vida, durante uma conferência da E3 e pouco tempo depois foi lançado. E ainda veio direto pro game pass, o que possibilitou com que eu pudesse jogar já no lançamento.

É dessas coisas que eu não sabia que precisava tanto, até saber que existia. Desses jogos que parecem ser feitos especialmente pra mim.

Essa coisa meio Mario Tennis do GBA (de um rpgzinho de esporte) me cativou logo de cara, o lance pokémon era algo que eu não esperava, mas fez bastante sentido dentro do jogo e criou uma camada de estratégia simples, mas divertida. E a escolha do esporte, que é algo que todo mundo tem carinho e um esporte tão pouco explorado em jogos.

Achei que todas as mecânicas conversaram bem entre si. Essa salada de frutas poderia não funcionar, mas tudo é bem encaixado. O ato de jogar queimada em si é muito divertido. Começa simples e vai evoluindo com poderzinhos, personagens com habilidades diferentes, itens para modificar os status.

Eu entendo que para alguns pode ser repetitivo. E mais pro final a quantidade de batalhas é meio demais mesmo. Porém, eu nunca enjoei. Fiz tudo no jogo (com a exceção do desafio do submundo, que tentei vencer diversas vezes, mas não consegui). Mesmo com a sobrecarga de batalhas no final eu ainda me divertia jogando elas. É um jogo perfeito pra jogar um pouquinho por dia e foi o que eu fiz.

E eu tenho pena de quem não entende Português do Brasil, porque a maior parte do charme desse jogo está nos diálogos maravilhosos. Usei o modo de aprendizagem de idiomas (uma opção que você ativa e tem a possibilidade de ver os textos em dois idiomas ao mesmo tempo, que é algo fantástico e deveria ter em todo jogo) para ver como ficava em outros idiomas e os diálogos não tem 10% do carisma. O uso de referências e memes nunca foi forçado ou deu vergonha alheia. Os vocabulários diferentes, as gírias, as palavras escolhidas, as piadas, tudo funciona perfeitamente.

O visual, que é uma das primeiras coisas a notar, é um espetáculo a parte. A sensação era de estar jogando um desenho do Cartoon. Lindo demais. E tem tantos detalhes, por exemplo um dos professores é cadeirante, em todas as escadas tinha um elevador para cadeira de rodas. É desses jogos que você sente o carinho, o amor e a dedicação em todos os detalhes.

Eu não tenho nenhuma crítica. As coisas que me incomodaram não são defeitos, são limitações de escopo. Não são coisas que eu queria que fossem diferentes, é só um "é uma pena que não da pra ter MAIS disso". Como por exemplo mais diálogos de npcs (que se repetem o jogo todo), ou mais áreas, ou uns minigames a mais, assim como tem no Mario Tennis. Mas eu respeito demais que eles souberam o escopo que tinham e fizeram tudo redondinho demais dentro das possibilidades que eles tinham. Novamente nem é uma crítica, ou uma reclamação, é só um lamento e um desejo que eles tivessem mais dinheiro ou tempo pra poder fazer algo ainda mais grandioso.

Enfim, gostei demais mesmo dele. Joguei o tempo todo com um sorriso no rosto. Queria mais. E que orgulho de além de tudo ser um jogo brasileiro.

P.S: Bexigo melhor personagem. Ele chama BEXIGO, eu nunca vou deixar de achar engraçado. Te amo Bexigo.

Gameplay is serviceable, if not a little bit repetitive. Art is nice and the dodgeball cosmology that the world revolves around works well enough as a satire/homage of the Pokemon games.

O que acontece quando você mistura Pokemon, Paper Mario, Queimada e um... desenho do cartoon? é, isso é Dodgeball Academia. Um jogo que é super divertido em seu gameplay e poderia ser só isso mas é muito mais.

Cada personagem é feito com carisma e o mundo da escola vive com a historia contada pelos "azarões", as personalidades de cada um, os sotaques e regionalimos de cada estudante proporcionam grandes momentos e piadas bem unicas que só um jogo brasileiro poderia fazer.

No fim recomendo demais, é uma alegria de jogar do começo ao fim com um jogo de esporte arcade que tem poucos por ai

It was way too long for how repetitive it was. It was fun for maybe the first hour but then it sets in that you are just doing the same thing over and over. I was insanely tired of it by the time I was done. The story is fine, but nothing special and the main school theme is garbage I was tired of hearing that guitar riff repeating. Not fun at all only has the gorgeous graphics to hold it up.

Um RPG de esporte e foi feito por desenvolvedores brasileiros. Tem como ser ruim?! Obviamente não