Reviews from

in the past

Ojalá todos los juegos malos sean así de buenos

the best yoko taro game far and away. i don't give a shit. i don't give a fuck. the gameplay is fine and riding the back of a dragon never stops being fun and enjoyable. the story is obviously the shining part of this game, and it's worth playing blind for that alone. it's a massive deconstruction of fantasy stories with a hero who slaughters thousands. but more importantly, it's weird. and weird things are good.

I'm pretty sure I hallucinated this whole thing. Trying to get all the endings scarred me for life.

Mostly rating this five stars to be an asshole but I do fuckin' love this game. It's a maddening experience and you should either commit entirely to finishing all the endings or not really bother (how I fee about Yoko Taro games in general). Gameplay is broken but can still be weirdly satisfying. Score is super cool and unnerving. Characters and story are unhinged. If you like works by weird auteurs then you should check it out.

Este juego te sueltas muchas movidas muy tochas de repente y lo bueno es que encima va todo in crescendo, me lo disfruté como un enano.

I get it, Yoko Taro is a funny crazy man who makes "bad" games and this one is very intentionally meant to be a drag for its tone. But artistic intent doesn't make it any more interesting to bother finishing or completing.

This game doesn't suck, in fact this game is absolutely incredible.

Una historia increíblemente sólida y turbia con un buen estilo de combate aéreo cuyo estilo es poco realista y con un sistema de batallas en tierra que no es que sea pésimo, sino lo siguiente. Es una pena, porque es un juego que pide a gritos un remake manteniendo la historia y mejorando de forma orgánica lo demás.

I hated playing this game but i kinda like it

The perfect amount of chaos in a storyline. Playing this game feels like listening to a skipping CD.

Drakengard attempts an ambitious reversal of both JRPG and musou tropes, presenting the protagonist (and many others) as a hysterical psychopath who serves well to frame the game's mission. Its meditations on human conflict evoke the long line of political war-based JRPGs, but dispensed of the politics in favor of a cruel, nihilist spleen. Its quirky, yet crushing atmosphere benefits from the use of classical music samples, odd dark fantasy elements, and disturbing character subplots that viscerally expose stereotypes. Yoko Taro and Sawako Natori certainly paint a bleak, terrifying context to both video game and player habits - and when it works, they transform the story into a surreal, theatrical tragedy replete with colossal pathos.

However, the gameplay is where its vision falls apart. The mission oriented hack n' slash combat is clumsy at best, nigh-unbearable at worst, and the flight battles forming the other half of gameplay only further highlight the issue. In addition, its brutal difficulty, awful camera, and tedious missions add to the torment. At least the weapon variety, unlockables and multiple endings remedy some of the repetition. Conceptually, it's sheer genius, but the gameplay fails to keep up with its artistic ambition.

this is the best bad game ive played

Jogo quebrado, frustrante, feio e incompleto. Uma das partes literalmente rusha porque acabou o tempo do desenvolvimento. E por que a nota está tão positiva? A subversão artística, a ambientação assustadora, a desconstrução do que é um videogame... A INSANIDADE COMPLETA que é esse jogo torna ele uma experiência única, com sensações que nunca vi em outro jogo. Isso já faz ele estar acima de qualquer jogo medíocre para mim. Se curte horror, isso é como jogar uma creepypasta real. O modo que fizeram partes jogáveis que complementam a história em um musou é bem louvável. Como permitiram que um jogo tão perturbado fosse feito?

One of my first PS2 games. I quickly fell in love with this trippy game, especially the fucked up soundtrack is one of the best I’ve ever heard. The gameplay is very monotonous and sometimes the story seems to be a bit indiscriminate. But thanks to the games nostalgia, I can look over all these small problems. I never beat the last level though.

a legitimately transgressive and excoriating formal provocation that, kind of by necessity, totally blows to experience

you're not gonna like this game, but if you stick with it and let the stockholm syndrome kick in after a while you'll see why it's a masterpiece. pure insanity

The best Drakengard but that doesn't mean it's fun to play

Man, this game is such a mess. The gameplay is absolutely terrible, plagued with all the problems that an RPG game of this flavour can have. Repetitive combat, uneven difficulty with spikes and valleys and boring gameplay for the most part. However, the story has to be one of the craziest I've experienced in a long time, and I believe it's accented by how the gameplay is. How many games have you played where the main characters consist of a mute guy who loves to kill people, a pedophile, a child cannibal, a misanthropic dragon and among those, a pretty normal child. It's so fitting for a game where the gameplay really doesn't make you feel like you are the good guy, and that's a big plus. I will admit that some segments of this game were pure pain to play through. And I couldn't bother to collect all weapons for ending E, so I just watched it on YouTube instead, but this game was a worthwhile experience despite its lackluster gameplay. It would be a crime to give this game anything less than an 8 in my opinion because of how deeply authentic it is.

What a miserable, bad, embarassing, absolutely interesting game.

Any Yoko Taro fan will tell you with a straight face this game is shit and should not be played. Cool story and insane music though so look up stuff about it instead if you're interested in the lore.

Best 3/10 I have ever played

This was the worst thing I have ever played. The main cast copnsists of a sociopathic mass murderer, a cannibal, a murderous priest, a pedophile, a psychotic fairy, a depressed kid, and a dragon who just fucking hates everything. At no point do you ever feel good about the things you do in this game, slaughtering retreating soldiers, innocent creatures who know no better, and even fighting to murder a fucking child all as its amazing but haunted soundtracks pounds into your head over and over. The repetitive gameplay, the horrors of the whole situation of the story, those fucking god awful dragon missions, the bizzare difficulty dips and spikes, the missions that never seem to fucking end make this experience so fucking miserable but its almost as if this was all completely on purpose because no person should ever feel good playing as Caim. Idk if yoko taro intended the gameplay to be this awful but it sure ass hell adds to the experience of this cursed chaotic evil mess in a way i have never experienced in game. you dont want to play, but you cant stop. you have to see what happens next. you have to see how insane yoko taro gets. you cant stop until you know the limits of this fucking game. im definately glad i experienced this even if it at times made me go insane. its one of the most unique experiences ive ever had playing a game.

this game is disturbing and cursed and no person should ever play this piece of shit. its one of the best games i've ever played

VERY fucking unique, the only problem i have is that it takes 4-5 chapters to really get going proper and doesnt keep it up on a chapter by chapter basis. the highs are high and frequent enough to MOSTLY excuse

Torn between being mind-numbingly genius and mind-numbingbly boring. Still I appreciate the effort; all these years later it remains a one-of-a-kind unique experience.

Don't get me wrong, this game is bad. It's mechanics are constantly teetering the line between being mediocre and terrible. Yet, when combined with its bleak, discordant and shocking aesthetics, there's a masochistic pleasure to be had through its madness. Its a miracle a game like this was made in any capacity.

Everything that you've been told about this game is true. Play it. Experience it. Suffer it. You'll thank me later.