Reviews from

in the past

Oh, Elite. How I love you, how I hate you, and how I'm a little disappointed by you.

TL;DR game's been out for 6 years, still missing features promised in the fundraising campaign, and only one activity is worth doing.

Elite: Dangerous offers you a 1:1 scale of the Milky Way and a ton of activities to do around it. Dogfighting, piracy, powerplay (faction wars), bounty hunting, mining, trading, exploration, engineering... the list goes on. It's pretty fun solo, and even more so with friends. The galaxy is shared among all players, and in fact, there's an open play gamemode where you can encounter other players at random.

But there's several issues with all of this. No one who wants to make money plays open, because gankers love ruining fun. But that means pirating is off the table, since there's no one carrying goodies around.
PvP and Bounty Hunting are exhilarating, but the payout compared to repair costs and a rebuy risk? Not worth it.
Trading can get you some good money... except there's no station browser. You have to manually dock at stations to get their info, and THEN you can see commodity info on the galaxy map, but you have to navigate a 3d map to find your stations. Or skip all that and use
Exploration is great... for the first dozen hours or two. Watching loading screen after loading screen for hours to maybe find something weird out there is not really worth it.

That leaves me to mining.
All of the above pays around maybe a few hundred thousand to a few million per run. Now keep in mind, most ships are in the millions, with the most expensive ship being 200,000,000 credits.
Look at the "max sell price" of a mineable resource called Low Temperature Diamons:

That's 1.5 million. Per unit. A single asteroid can net you about 10 Diamonds.

Mining is the only thing that can get you a reasonable amount of money in a reasonable amount of time. But mining gets stale quick.

If you want a proper space trading game with some good combat and a way to build an automated trading empire, check out X4: Foundations.

The pure spectacle of being able to explore a 1:1 rendition of the entire milky way in such brilliant rendition carries this alone. The ships control with impressive tactility and the sound design is stunning. Warping into a distant star and seeing it explode in size, almost feeling it radiating heat into your sealed cabin, never gets old.

Absolutely incredible game. Please don't play it :)

Puede que Star Citizen no salga nunca pero habiendo jugado y hecho la mayoría de métodos de trabajo puedo decir que este es una buena alternativa para los que quieran un simulador espacial.

Los controles son profundos pero fáciles de entender, en menos de unas horas les vas a pillar el truco y son muy cómodos con RyT.

Lo que le veo fallar es un poco de variedad visual ya que casi siempre estas montado en una nave viajando por el espacio. Por suerte estas ultimas expansiones de contenido (Y la que viene esta primavera especialmente) ayudan a aliviar esto. Recomendadisimo

perfect game to play music over

I know you can't really finish this game to begin with but while I did play it for a good amount of time, I didn't even get far enough to buy a second ship. I think it's a good game if you're expecting trucking in space but otherwise a bit bare bones for me.

It is really immersive especially playing with a flight stick, so it can be fun to hop in for the spectacles as the game itself looks great!

I also haven't played any of the recent updates but I feel it'd do little to change my mind.

While a lot of the monetization decisions in this game and their season pass planning have been disasterous, E:D remains a wonderful space flight simulator that I can just boot up and do deliveries. To me, it's the Euro Truck Sim of space.

mejor simulador espacial actualmente pero debido al tremendisimo botch que fue la expansion de odyssey el juego es prácticamente injugable hasta dentro de un tiempo. Good Job, Devs!

I have played this game a fairly ridiculous amount. It is a very slow and grindy experience, but not necessarily in a bad way. In fact, I really enjoyed the almost meditative moments of spending hours hauling precious metals between solar systems. I'm not the biggest fan of procedurally generated game worlds, but as an astronomy student I greatly appreciated how real it felt to my understanding of our galaxy. Space is empty, but floating through the void doing simple tasks can be fun.

Bounced off this once a while back because I didn't have the time to get fully immersed, and even if I did it would likely have shortened my PS4's lifespan, and TBH it felt pretty dry.

Figured I'd give it another go on gamepass and it insisted I sign up for some kind of game-specific account and fuuuuuuuuuuck ooooooooffff I cannot be bothered with that kind of crap. And I still don't really have the time.

If you like to get into things for the vibe and immersion then this is for you. Flying a spaceship around in high definition while being mostly physically accurate (Light speed not included) will never not be sick.

A mystifying product that is firmly niche, but space is so generally appealing that it manages to pull people in from well outside its strike-zone. The process of mastering flight in this game is uniquely satisfying, but the level of engagement with the world around you is shallow, and the developers are far too strict with the game's economy. It does not impact the game whether it takes 50 or 500 hours to max out the best ship, so why make it unnecessarily difficult? There's a point where even the most committed players won't find the ends justify the means.

This might've been fun in a flight sim setup, but as it stood, this game is unenjoyable. I don't understand where the gameplay loop comes from.

Elite: Dangerous is a testament to why realism is not good game design

I've put in an embarrassing amount of time into this game because just being a space trucker really appeals to me, but it cannot be overstated how little there is to do beyond taking in the vast emptiness of space.

honestly stellar presentation (including but not limited to overall polish and graphical fidelity) makes the rest of the game worth it. i still think the economy is a bit wonky and horizons doesn't offer much in the way of exploration, but odyssey seems keen on changing that with space legs

Honestly a massive, beautiful game. Played it with a friend and I'd love to pick it up again.

Engaging movement, but the much praised complexity in the controls just boils down to remembering a lot of hotkeys. Once you've got a grasp of how to fly your ship there's really no challenge left.

Euro Truck Simulator but in space, and slowly but surely growing into what Star Citizen keeps promising people it will be if it ever comes out (it won't).

I truly love my wife and my son more than anything in the world, but if I was still single and unemployed I could just play this all day and that is something to think about.

its a really cool space game

I wish this game was what I want out of a space flight sim which is to feel like Spike from Cowboy Bebop

Enormous, beautiful, and dreadful. Thrilling and mind-numbing. Utterly immersive and utterly soul-crushing. One of my favorite games of all time, and absolutely impossible to recommend.

Любят эту игру за симулятивность. Я тоже люблю симулятивность, но чё тут делать та?

The first 10 hours for this game are such a blast. Never had another experience like it, roaming around the seemingly infinite universe. But pretty soon, it starts to falter and the grind starts setting in and you start to realise the repetition of planets. The game again becomes fun when you start to get really powerful but honestly I already left by that point. Check it out it's pretty fun and you might like it. Might get back into some day

no mans sky for straight people

cool game and concept but extremely grindy and hard to get into

Sure, it might say 'shooter' as one of the categories, but this is absolutely Milky Way Trucking Simulator.

Simultaneously fully and not at all ironic 5 stars