Reviews from

in the past

I remember buying this because I had just gotten a Vita and wanted to try some games that really took advantage of the system's capabilities. It does that job, and the puzzle design is adequate, but never really inspired and movement is so slow in this game that I often felt bored waiting for the dudes to get to where I wanted them.

From the genius behind Fat Princess emerges a crude hodgepodge of Lemmings and Tim Burton’s 9. Despite being a puzzle-platformer, Escape Plan is more concerned with crafting masturbatory “gotcha” deaths for the player’s two controllable characters, proudly tallied on their bodies, than any semblance of challenge. Seems the comparisons to LIMBO go further than the art direction.

A sitcom laugh track and level titles like “Reach Around” and “Who Darted?” feel callous. Am I meant to laugh? Be laughed at? I can’t shake that it’s all to conjure the image of a devilish game design puppet-master behind the emerald curtain.

meh. Didn't really vibe with the game on a gameplay or aesthetic level, just thought it was okay. Felt like a mobile game. There are probably better things to play on the vita, but I am glad I was able to see what this game was all about.

Clunky, basic and quite honestly not that interesting. Glad younger me didn't beg my parents to buy me this.

Kind of impressive that a relatively small game could create and fully realize a unique art style like this. A pretty solid puzzler that's fun for a quick play session here and there.

The classic launch title game that is made to show off the features of the new hardware, but forgets it is supposed to actually be fun.

Beautiful little puzzle game. Pretty fun and its aesthetics are nice :D

Top 50 Favorites: #30

Games I Like That Everybody Else Dislikes

Always loved the off-kilter, macabre simplicity of this one - its rich black-and-white visuals, classical soundtrack, and lovable silent protagonists among other aspects. What should feel like another one of Sony's underwhelming launch titles instead feels totally invigorating due to all these - on the surface - basic features implemented in the most unorthodox, freakish manner possible. Reminds me of the type of thing I'd come home to from middle school in 2011 and play on Newgrounds for a couple hours while chomping down Pringles and a pack of Starburst. A loving tribute to the flash games my generation grew up on just as the medium was starting to die out - a beautiful mix of kooky gimmick gameplay, deadly sadism, and zany humor. Only the seventh generation of gaming could have produced something so uniquely bizarre.

Not very interesting, decided to just drop it.