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in the past

Interesting departure from the Capital Wasteland but the novelty wears off quickly. The lack of environments and enemy variety makes this a chore to play through. The handful of somewhat useful weapons is the only saving grace.

Yeah, they were right. This DLC sucks. I don't think it was as bad as Operation Anchorage, but this DLC was still bad. That in itself is a shame because I think basing a DLC around aliens or exploring a UFO would be really cool, but it's just so boring. The novelty of exploring an alien UFO wore off very quickly. There's barely any exploration and the parts that you do get to explore all look the same, but even worse is that there's no interesting or good loot to reward that exploration. There's no enemy variety and you only fight aliens that for some reason absolutely destroyed my T-51b power armor, your ammo depletes very quickly if you're playing a small guns build like I am and the DLC really wants you to use the alien weaponry which would only be good if you are doing an energy weapons build. At the very least I advanced a few levels because killing the enemies rewarded a lot of XP. The only thing I liked about the DLC were the characters. They were pretty shallow, but it was a breath of fresh air to even have NPCs to talk to unlike Operation Anchorage. There are characters from different time periods that the aliens locked up to freeze them and you all worked together to escape the UFO. A cowboy, a soldier from before the bombs fell, and a Japanese samurai who you literally can't understand at all because he only speaks japanese. I thought that was pretty funny. Other than that, yeah, this DLC blows.


I actually prefer this to Operation Anchorage, but both are plagued by the exact same problems. However, this one kinda understands how goofy it is on paper and has fun with it, while I feel OA has the opposite problem, BEING goofy without acknowledging it.

Essa é a pior DLC de Fallut 3 que já joguei até agora, repete os mesmos erros das outras só que muito pior...

Vamos por partes...

O jogo vira um FPS como em Anchorage, porém você mantém suas armas e os inimigos viram... Esponjas de dano, sério? Até os Supermutante Overlord tavam mais fáceis de matar, os alienígenas dessa DLC tem mais vida que um Elite de Halo no Lendário, pois o escudo que da proteção a eles é muito roubado.

Essa DLC tenta trazer novas armas de alienígenas e sinceramente... Nenhuma se provou ser útil, não carregam o mesmo peso que um Tesla Cannon ou Gauss Rifle, as armas são totalmente diferente da Arma Alienígena Op que encontramos no jogo base, chega a ser tosco comparar ambos sendo que... Eram pra tar no mesmo nível.

O level design é horrível, um monte de corredor cheio de sentinela e alienígena, os mesmos dois inimigos replicados toda vez, teve aquela abominação que é bem tosca em si, sem contar de super mutantes, raiders e até deathclaw estarem presos nessa nave. ATÉ NO ESPAÇO TEM ESSAS DESGRAÇA REPETIDAS.

A história era... Promissora, digo na parte dos personagens. Um soldado, um cowboy, um astronauta e um fodendo SAMURAI, cara, as possibilidades eram gigantescas pra isso mas... Não são nada memoraveis, o Samurai tem pouca importância, só serve pra morrer e te dar a Katana & Samurai Armor. O Cowboy é edgylord chato pra caralho, o Soldado é desesperado e o Astronauta já tava morto. Agora os aliens... É uma idéia tão tosca e que se forem tentar dar indícios que o mundo de Fallout e a guerra é consequência desses aliens vai ser algo tão... Merda.

Tipo, é legalzinho ter uma referência a alien e tals como encontro aleatório, o que acontecia nos outros jogos, mas agora todo um plot sobre tentando criar uma história chata e fraca? É a mesma coisa do Ghoul enterrado em Fallout 2 e da Criança Ghoul presa na geladeira em Fallout 4, um é feito pra ser uma piada, o outro força você usar o cérebro e com isso você percebe que é falho e tosco. Meu Deus.

Essa DLC é nota 2, diferente das outras ela não tem nenhuma arminha top que de mais um ponto. Mesmo que a Katana e a Samurai Armor sejam muito belas esteticamente, há muitas outraa opções melhores. So usaria pra tirar um print e acabou.

Zeta is actually the last of the Fallout 3 DLC (there are three others for us to get to?! But that's so many DLC to count in our 52 game challenge! Almost like I planned this...) however we have done it second...? Because that's the order we found them in! There I was, minding my business on my way to Vault 93 to find an old lady a violin, when we picked up a strange frequency on the pipboy. I took myself to high ground and looked about until I found a crashed space ship. Heading over I was sucked up to the sky... poor Dogmeat watched me fly off lol.

Similar to Anchorage I do have memory of playing this DLC on whenever my last FO3 playthrough was - I remember not being too fond of it then and I have pretty much confirmed that opinion now. After being abducted by aliens you quickly get to work escaping from their clutches (and find your gear very quickly, thankfully) and then make your way through hallway after hallway and hangar after hangar of little green aliens until you blow up another ship and head back to good ol' Earth. Who would even want to go back honestly... But we're playing a lady looking for her errant father so that's what we're going to do. Now it might seem like my criticisms of this should be the same as Anchorage, 99% combat 99% of the time, but I quite liked Anchorage. What's the difference here? To put it simply - variety. The Alien ship is VERY samey and I even had to turn back on the dreaded Quest Markers to find my way around because I so regularly got turned around in the metallic hallways and droid bays. The enemies are pretty boring to fight (regular aliens with blasters and turrets make up 85% or so of the enemies, and only a handful are a real threat) and the new weapons are neat but don't feel like something I would keep in my long-term arsenal. Compared to the rewards of Anchorage (fuckin' sweet stealth suit, winter armor, Gauss rifle) the alien 'gear' feels a bit too goofy?

There are some new characters here to talk with who are all people taken from Earth's history at various points leading us to confirm that the Aliens have been watching us for quite some time. There's a Japanese Samuarai who of course only speaks Japanese, a cowboy, an army medic from just before the bombs dropped, and a little girl from just AFTER the bombs dropped. Our main contact though is a woman who is also from the wastes - who we eventually learn worked with slavers... there could very easily be an interesting bit of ethical quagmire here with just how far you're willing to tolerate someone's past if it means to get out of an emergency but.... but nah, they didn't bother. The girl even has a subplot about her missing sister - as far as I can tell it is never even resolved.

While Mothership Zeta has an interesting premise to it, the payoff is just too little and doesn't fit too well into FO3 as it is. There are a few cool setpieces like walking out in space (but with regular physics..), a monster shooting range and unfreezing all of the other people on board but it is far too little to buoy the slog of walking through a spaceships samey hallways for two whole hours and then to walk out with... a kinda cool side blaster?

The hardest and last Fallout 3 DLC is also the most pointless. Mothership Zeta sucks. The novelty of the DLC's alien hook wears off quick, and the level design is complete and total trash, an endless waltz through identical-looking chromium chambers with no enemy or weapon variety to be found. There's barely a plot, there are no moral choices to be made, and in spite of being awfully short, the padded-out and tedious backend of this DLC makes the entire experience feel like an egregious slog. There's also a racist samurai that literally no one understands, not even you. Even if you have 10 Intelligence, you can't understand the gobbledygook this dude spits out, which turns him into a racist caricature, a joke character where the only joke is "haha look at de funny foreigner and his gibberish". Likewise, you can't communicate with any of the aliens either, so their similar gibberish-shtick wears thin as well. This whole fucking DLC wears thin after half an hour.

Fucking awful. I do like the Alien Atomizer, though, and Sally's a charming kid when all's said and done.

id fucking raaather put my dick into the vaccum cum of space then play this piece of shit GRAAAAHHHH


Playtime: 3 Hours
Score: 7/10

Not the best DLC for this game but still fun none the less! The Fallout games always tend to have one wacky, weird DLC with New Vegas having Old World Blues and Fallout 3 having this. The story sees you abducted by Aliens, and then you trying to escape with a group of other survivors. Its mostly linear corridors your moving through with a dozens of Aliens trying to kill you.

I loved the cool alien guns you get in this DLC, with the Disengrator being my favorite which is a cool looking energy rifle. I would have liked them to play up the tension and the survival horror more though, similar to Dead Money in New Vegas where you really feel vulnerable, but here its just guns blazing action. There were some annoying sections and the final ship to ship fight was kind of lame, because you constantly just keep pushing a button while enemies swarm into the room.

Overall though, this was a solid and fun DLC!

Tá bem longe de ser a pior DLC da história igual muitos falam mas tb n é boa, inimigos chatos e sem graça num quest e level design preguiçosos e a história é potencial perdido. Pelo menos eles me dão uma arma pra eu usar a DLC inteira, bom q n gasto as armas q eu uso.

bruuuh probably the best dlc in the game
laughed MY ASS OFF with that Japanese guy
the whole idea of putting together people from different time periods to solve a common problem fucking slaps

the weapons are a nice addition, and the enemies are cool

getting to see the space in a fallout game is cool, and so is the ship itself, but I couldn't get to actually enjoy exploring it for extended time periods.
the level design of the ship is again, kinda confusing. in a different way than the pitt, but still confusing.

Brooooooo who let Bethesda cook?

What a fuckin boring DLC. They made aliens boring.

Another fine DLC that sort of just functions like a shooting gallery, just like Operation: Anchorage. Weapons are pretty cool, enemies were boring, not much else to say.

It looks cool. Does not feel like fallout at all. Does not fit in the game naturally and is literally just a corridor shooter FPS and has no story other than escape. I had fun for like a bit then it just became repetitive as hell. it’s just a bit shit especially for paid content like they charged money for this. disgusting.

So... uh... hope you weren't a small guns user.

Its kind of the same as anchorage in that it becomes a FPS foremost, but this one is worse because its a hallway shooter AND the enemies are way too spongy.

Really cool concept that was executed insanely poorly. Waves upon waves of bullet-sponge (or plasma-sponge) aliens that look like a gust of wind would blow them over. And fuck that ship battle final boss.

Somehow even worse than Broken Steel. When I originally played it, it took me six tries to start the DLC without the game glitching or crashing, with four more freezes coming up later during gameplay.

Was it worth it? Of course not. The setting might have been interesting, but as it its, you're stuck in a loop of kill aliens -> find an inconspicuous switch somewhere -> kill aliens, and said aliens are very resilient to damage and take a while to go down. The sequence drags a bunch, as well. Awful.

With the fourth (and hopefully not final) Fallout 3 DLC we are once again almost as disappointed as the first DLC outing Operation Anchorage where Bethesda mistakenly takes you out of the Capital Wasteland and into a redundant dead world of an alien spaceship. When you get the signal from the downed ship in the Capital Wasteland you get beamed up and stuck in an alien prison cell where you must, throughout this adventure, fight your way off the ship with a woman and a little girl (who causes more trouble than wanted) to a final standoff with the captain of the mothership and finally an epic space battle.

Most of the DLC has you running around places blowing up these “cores” that will shut certain parts of the ship down so you can get to the bridge. While this sounds repetitive nothing is as more as the ship looks. With lots of 50’s cheesy alien sci-fi looking infrastructure, it all looks copied and pasted throughout the entire thing so after about thirty minutes you’ve seen it all. There are three new weapons in this DLC, the shock baton, the atomizer, and the atomizer rifle. While these sound powerful they are, but the aliens are some tough meat if you haven’t downloaded the Broken Steel add-on so you can level up to around 25-30. With me being at 28 I still had a hard time fighting off the various droids, and aliens since some have this invisible looking armor that is a pain to break through.

While there are a few epic moments in the game such as when you get to shoot a death ray to Earth and see a huge mushroom cloud appear…it makes you feel powerful. While not spoiling them all I’ll move into items you can find and these are probably worth more than anything in the Wasteland. Most of the items are alien crystals varying in size, along with some alien food, alien bio gels, and various odds and ends that are worth tons back on Earth. You actually end up with so much that you can’t find enough people with the caps to purchase it all.

Once you do get back to the Wasteland you’ll quickly forget what happened since there isn’t much narrative except for the hidden audio journals scattered throughout the ship. This really isn’t a way to progress dialog in Fallout 3 since most are interactive. After everything is over within the 2-3 hours it takes to beat this DLC you’ll feel like you were ripped off about $5 and want a refund. Mothership Zeta is skip-able, but hardcore fans should really take it for a spin.

Probably the most frustrating piece of content for Fallout 3. You'd think "alien abduction escape" would be prime fodder for the developers to play around with, but the whole thing is woefully underwritten and mostly focused on providing an unexpectedly difficult combat encounters to give the players a handful of new weapons. Very half-baked, even by Bethesda standards.

I skipped this dlc (and only this one) on my first playthrough of this game when I heard it was bad. Now, all these years later, I figured I'd try it since I had it in the GOTY collection and wow, it's bad. Super unfun, bad enemy variety mixed with clunky weapons even by F3 standards, the only redeeming factor is how quick it's over. Maybe if you received an unlimited supply of the alien repair gel at the end then there would be some incentive to play this, in fact I expected that. But no, you really don't get anything of any value.

No puedo odiar algo que me da la oportunidad de rolear que soy el asesino de la katana

literal de lo peor que jugué en mi vida

fuck the karma loss
kill those alien bastards

A Fallout 3 DLC focusing on Fallout 3's weakest element, the already poor gunplay. With combat being the myopic focus of the expansion while adding nothing to improve the glaring existing issues this package was dead on arrival.

This is honestly all just a shooting gallery, The only real things I remember enjoying from this were the characters and weapons, overall the worst of the DLC for FO3.

the best part of this dlc is canada getting nuked

Repetitive, but cool as fuck. Has great characters too