Reviews from

in the past

the best reason to own a nintendo ds

This game is just a very hard game of musical chairs.

Still haven't defeated the final boss btw.

the gold standard for remaking a game. i used to greatly want square to remake V and VI in this style. now, i don't want them to bother, because this was lightning in a bottle.

FF4 é um excelente remake com gráficos atualizados que lembra a qualidade do PS1, se aproximando de clássicos como FF7.

O ritmo do jogo funciona muito bem, as mecânicas são bacanas e o roteiro também é bem bacana. Infelizmente perto do final acontece um deslocamento para um lugar onde os inimigos são muito fortes e não há pontos de salvamento próximo, aumentando muito a dificuldade em vista das maratonas de andares das dungeons sem ter como salvar e recuperar rapidamente HP/MP.

Essa parte final me deu uma puta preguiça e acabei abandonando o jogo.

I enjoyed the difficulty, the music was good & some of the party members were solid but this game pulled the fake deaths and mind control a little too much for me. World & character growth(stats) felt extremely linear as well

A good remake. The final boss kicked my ass for like a year, but after beating it I'd say the experience overall was amazing. I didn't even use a guide for a majority of the game.

de mis RPGS y Final fantasy favoritos

End stretch is one of the greatest fumbles of all time but otherwise good game

everyone dies but they don't.

this game is shit.

Added some cool additions to the gameplay, but ultimately FF4 in general is too hard for me.

Solid classic RPG with impressive pacing for most of the game. The self-sacrifice trope is used to the point of parody, but overall the story moves the game along nicely.

That is, until the end game where things become a nearly unbearable slog. I hear other versions are easier than the DS remake so maybe consider the other versions before trying this one out.

Toda vez que tento jogar nunca termino, muito difícil!

The 3D graphics and voice acting are cute, but not quite as timeless as the original pixel art.

This version eschews the GBA's option to swap characters in and out for your final party and instead implements this Augment system that's geared specifically towards replaying the game ad nauseam. An absolutely bizarre choice in a super linear game with no story branches or alternate endings. Feels absolutely lousy not to be able to really get into this feature if you're not up for grinding your face off.

Replaying this one after a decade

Cecil Harvey is the quintessential WHAB

it's cool that it's harder but also the graphics are a meme and it's not like making a FF game harder means it's good

I don't like fearing death on the short trek to Kaipo. Other than the difficulty, eh. Same feelings as the 2D version.

There's a door in the dev room that says the following riddle
"What starts with S, ends with X, and has an E in the middle" and like come on it's so obviously SQUARE ENIX didn't realize this was a baby game

This DS version is the one to play. The SNES/GBA/PSP were easy mode and this version retains something more akin the original Japanese difficulty. If you play on DS there's only one difficultly but the Steam version has Normal and Hard. Hard is the DS difficultly and Normal is somewhere between Hard and SNES/GBA/PSP. I still recommend the Hard mode as it makes for the best combat in the series. It's not a grind, you actually get more Exp than in the Easy versions. The PSP version comes with the After Story but its writing and combat is not nearly as good so I'd say skip it. The 3D models look nice and the soundtrack is great. The voice acting is pretty good. The script was entirely redone and sounds great. They speak somewhat old English but not to the point where it gets annoying. Overall this is my favorite FF game mostly for the combat but the rest of the game is great too.

Paladins in space.
What? You're saying it's not?

Depois do XII é o meu favorito.
EN: My favorite after XII.

I technically skipped like two secret bosses and a few of the items, but whatever.

This really delivered a good experience for me, and remade a classic FF game, and added some needed improvements.

Final Fantasy IV for DS is a 3D remake of the original SNES game, featuring cute low-poly graphics and much higher difficulty than its source. It's a pretty old-school RPG, with tons of random encounters, long dungeons and tough boss battles.

In general, I loved my time with the game but the high-difficulty got very frustrating at times, especially towards the end where even regular enemies become extremely strong.

Still, I completely recommend this game. I imagine any version of FFIV is fine but I liked this one a lot.

some of the bosses at the end hurt me real bad owie owie but it was a good time overall

I really think the chibi 3D artstyle does not go well with FF4. The gameplay is mostly the same. It has some modern features but I'd rather play a different version myself for it's art style alone.

Even though FFIV isn't among my top Final Fantasys I always find another reason to replay this game. This time it was "in preparation" for FFXIV: Endwalker.

I know many people think this version is not as good as the others because either of it's difficulty or because they don't like the chibi art style. While I agree, that it does loose some of the charme it Amanos artworks, I still like the voice acting and overhauled translation. Just gives the whole thing a theater-like vibe, even though it is not the deepest or most innovative fantasy story out there. It's very imaginative though!

For the gameplay I actually prefer this version over the others just cause the augment system is so much more fun for customizint your team! Which is funny cause I'm usually no-one that prefers the more difficult game and I rarely play games on anything other than "normal"

Anyways I'm curious to see what reason I find to replay this one again next time