Reviews from

in the past

what's up with that Neil guy, huh? anyway, it's an RPGmaker story with neat puzzle elements, play this for linear story where you get to interact sometimes

I'm not really sure what the point of this game was.

To The Moon was pretty barebones, but it could get away with that through its novelty. It may not have had much depth to it, but it introduced some neat ideas and wrapped it up in a story that was pretty good given its brevity.

Finding Paradise has much of the same core as To The Moon. The core concept of a machine that can rewrite memories shortly before death, the same two characters overseeing that process, and a dying patient with some sort of lingering regret that they want fixed. But a sequel needs to do more than share the same core. It needs to either go deeper (exploring the original's concepts and ideas in greater depth) or it needs to go wider (introducing additional ideas that somehow mesh with the original). The problem with Finding Paradise is that it does neither of these things, instead resting on the laurels of the original game without anything new to say about them.

Even putting the lack of new ideas aside, the core story still feels like a downgrade. The patient is far less interesting of a character and the stakes are far lower. More attention is shifted to the machine operators, Rosalene and Watts, but I honestly found this to be the worst aspect of the original so the increased focus here is honestly a net negative.

I suppose if you really loved To The Moon and want more of the same, this might still be worth your time. But to me, this was a pretty unsatisfying way to spend a few hours. Its not terrible but its definitely bland and that's quite a disappointment considering how much room there actually was to innovate on what made the original game good.

I enjoyed To The Moon for what it was despite the clunkiness of it, but I never had any technical issues. The Switch version of this game is incredibly buggy. I had to reload a save and then had it freeze within the hour. I wish I could have actually experienced this, but unfortunately this port is what's holding it back. I've read a synopsis now and I think it would have been great to experience this rather than read it. If the sequel to this comes out for Switch, I will have to pass just due to the poor quality of this port.

Sequencia digna do To The Moon e A Bird Story.
Soundtrack maravilhosa como sempre e uma historia incrível.

Os caras sabem como contar uma história, não tem como.

La secuela de To the Moon es otra pequeña obra de arte que te llega a tocar la fibra sensible. Aprende de los errores de jugabilidad de la primera parte, haciéndola más variada y divertida, y sigue apostando por darle la importancia a la historia y guión, sublimes.

En el apartado gráfico hay variedad de escenarios y personajes lo que es de agradecer, y un cuidado detalle por cada pixel. Pese a las limitaciones del motor gráfico lo hacen realmente bien para que quede muy bonito.

La música es excelente, perfecta para contarnos una emotiva historia.

Muy recomendable.

outra história absurdamente íntima sobre ser humano. Admiro muito como esse contou uma história mais única do que o primeiro jogo e ainda assim conseguiu nos aproximar aos sentimentos contados tão bem quanto.

A OST é uma das minhas favoritas que existem em jogos e Wish My Life Away vai tocar no meu funeral

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Collin Reeds is by far the least interesting individual that the Freebird trilogy has focussed on. His is a life with little real trauma or turmoil outside of his early loneliness, rendering the services of Sigmund Corp largely redundant. In fact, the removal of Sigmund Corp was the key to unlocking Collin's final wish. For that reason, this game is likely my least favorite of the three.

However, the great thing about finding paradise is that is also likely the most relatable of the three. Collin has already lived a full and happy life, and the beauty of this game is allowing Collin, in his final moments, to see it for what it is rather than what it could have been. Collin built a family, learned to fly, taught countless co-pilots, and grew old with someone he loved. By all accounts, it was a full life. This game balances the dichotomy of the heavy weight we place on our individual choices with little clarity as to their wisdom with the ultimate meaninglessness of these regrets in the grand scheme of a full life. We all live with regrets and confusion as to where we might have ended up, but, at the end of it all, Finding Paradise illustrates that contentment comes from positively affecting others and seeking out value in the world around us and our place in it.

Solid follow up of to the moon. Once again a nice, mysterious and at parts touching story (that I won’t spoil). The puzzles encountered in this are of a slightly different format to the first game but are very straightforward. If you enjoyed to the moon it’s very much more of the same.

it's cute.

I think To the Moon is better since it's more of a separate experience, and this kinda focuses more on an overarching story that I don't really care about (sorry!)

But I realized from playing this that I'm actually terrified to replay To the Moon... I fear that it won't be as good as I remember and teenage me would perish the thought.

Like the previous entry, the humor might not be everyone's cup of tea. But beyond that lies a nice heartfelt story, that unfortunately doesn't hit as hard as its predecessor due to the more unconventional "jumping back and forth" time travel in this title. The soundtrack is as beautiful as ever.

Lots of game breaking bugs on Switch that makes it hard to recommend. Interacting with story "!" would cause the character to get stuck and progress would have to be reset. Closing the game or reloading from current spot would not fix the issue. However, if you enjoyed the story of their previous game then you'll likely enjoy the story here too! (just not for this system)

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Assim como o primeiro, muito original e emocionante, e ainda assim uma história completamente diferente partindo da mesma premissa. Tem seus momentos divertidos, tensos, curiosos e confusos, mas com certeza o jogo se supera nos momentos emocionantes e tristes (confesso que derramei algumas lagrimas).
A parte toda da Faye ser amiga imaginária dele e ter que ir embora para que ele pudesse viver mais na realidade, e depois volta pra proteger ele e finalmente conversar com ele sobre a vida dele foi muito lindo e sentimental. Amei em especial os personagens e as músicas. Um jogo realmente incrível.

It was hard to beat To The Moon, but this game will still leave an impact on you.

Sad but great just like the first game!

beautiful story buy this game asap

Esse jogo me fez chorar tanto que meu deus do céu

I think it's a real step down from To The Moon, and totally misunderstood the balance of its individual pieces that it mastered with that one, but! credit where credit is due:

I was open-faced sobbing at the end, harder than I believe I ever have for any story on any platform, so: ya got me there!

damn you kan gao, fiquei a chorar novamente

Bitirdiğinizde 'vay be' dedirtecek oyunlardan.

Well-told. No bubble chasing like in To the Moon, and such a good ending. But in hindsight, it fades out. How much of it is just good writing, and what does the actual story say? Looking at it now, it relies on a cliché ending, and I'm not sure what it's saying. Everyone needs a friend? Maybe.

porra do kct hein. jogasso. trilha sonora impecável e história muito pica. segundo melhor jogo da freebird

Man, that ending hit different…

Not quite as good as the To The Moon, but has a compelling story

Obra de arte (To the moon ainda é meu preferido, mas esse é bom também).

seria 4 estrelas mas por causa de ter jogado A Bird Story primeiro, aumento um pouco minha conexão com a história