Reviews from

in the past

it's certainly gotten better over the last 2 years as a whole, but it still suffers from the major fault that all battle royales have, which is that is still essentially comes down to luck since weapons rarities play such a large part in who wins any given combat encounter

The game I'm currently playing the most. Love when they have new content. Does tend to get stale when the seasons drag on too long though. The battle royale is wayyyy better than Save The World.

It was good when it came out, I played it a lot.

fortnite, more like, the next level of cinema. why else would christopher nolan screen 4 of his movies as well as a trailer for tenet on it?

This game is a meme but there's a reason it's so damn popular.

It gets a extra half star cause of giddy up and bosney

The only game I’ve really played on a regular basis this year. This is the year of me getting back into gaming though

Nothing about this game is worth complaining about. Doesn't matter how you feel about it it's extremely well put together

The gun physics in this game are one of the best that I ever played, but, I really don't like the building factor of it.

tbh just wish the shooting felt better, it's very floaty for a twitch shooter

Fortnite used to be an unpolished battle royale game with floaty shooting and a boring artstyle that was still pretty fun to play with friends. Nowadays it's just a way for huge corporations to advertise upcoming movie.

30/08 - Updating this review - they removed building and we are all playing again! Completely removed the majority of my complaints!

Used to love playing this game with a great group of friends; eventually, we all moved on when we realised that we were terrible at building and just couldn't compete with hyperactive 10 year olds building the Empire State Building in 10 seconds.

Playing solo is also a miserable experience; you just can't destroy buildings faster than they can build them - lost understanding of how this game is any fun.

Not the first of its kind and not the last.

hey i can be a 2 year old every once in awh ile

Despite the memes it’s a pretty fun game

Every time I so much as think of this game I want to kill myself a tiny bit more. Games like this are killing the industry.

my boyfriend turned me into a tumblr girl

Great>>rather stale>>very annoying>>you still play this??!