Reviews from

in the past

I think these games have a joke-per-minute density and hit rate on par with 30 Rock, but since the jokes are never racist or homophobic it's even better! FD3 is the only game I've ever seen that turns a cop into an actually useful member of society, and that alone deserves five stars.

Immediately going into rotation alongside Pikuniku and Donut County in my “sillycore games you can beat in an afternoon featuring charming low-detail graphics, simple gameplay and surprisingly leftist messaging”. It’s a niche genre but baby I’m the target demographic

A small charming and cute indie adventure game in a set of three chapters and a bonus level. Beyond its aesthetics and mood, I have nothing much to say about it as it does not have any difficulty or actual deduction to do. Pretty much talking to characters and finding the item they need usually in a quest chain which is not for me. Given its scope, my only complaint is the delay in animations specially in dialogues since it takes longer to read or move than it has to. Not actively recommending this but this is a chill casual experience to vibe with.

Que juego más tierno y cucki. Es súper corto y divertidisimo, el detective se lleva todo mi cariño y amor.

Ojalá algún día puedan seguir con estás historias <3

Incredibly charming and delightful little game. I honestly cannot believe how much I loved it.

Ok...ri mais do que eu deveria nesse jogo :v

Jogo curtinho, só trocar item com pessoas e ler texto. Em menos de 4 horas vc zera.

Tá no gamepass se quiser passar tempo.

Jogo muito divertido, da pra dar umas risadas jogando ele e a história é engraçada.

O objetivo do jogo é contar a história e te entreter, mas chegou um ponto que um puzzle ou algo assim fez falta, pois com o tanto de dialogo e idas e vindas, comecei a cansar um pouco, mas para o que o jogo tem como objetivo é até dahora.

Name a better game series. I'll wait.

trocar item, ler 5 redações do enem e rir DEMAIS

A collection of goofy little hour long games.

The writing was genuinely pretty funny most of the time. I played all three with a friend of mine and had a real good time solving all of the crimes.

I think the games are all roughly of the same quality but the third one goes a bit long. The first two took me 45 minutes and that felt just long enough for the game to not overstay it's welcome. The third one really pads out the content, but the issue I had was that hearing similar jokes for that long just gets a bit much after a while.

For maximum enjoyment, I'd recommend spacing playthroughs out for sure.

The lack of elements complement to the game aestethic, i like it

These games are incredibly small and quite charming. I found them amusing, absolutely worth the crumb of time, but not really anything I have much to say about. They give me huge freeware vibes - I mean that as a compliment.

My favorite aspect is the dialog writing, it's very distinct from other games, in some ways close to real talking in a way that writing usually doesn't capture. Many of the lines are incredibly brief and the speaker switches quite frequently. These games doesn't cut out the functional exchanges and awkard fumbling that just naturally happens in conversations- and I find that pretty neat. It feels like a great expression of what it's like to have minor social skill issue, but perhaps that's just me projecting.

Frog Detective does a great job of being silly and quirky without ever being bombastic or in my face. It's just doing its own little thing, and I'm vibing along occasionally laughing.
The character notes introduced in games 2 and 3 are pretty consistently funny
Each game begins really well

Frog Detective games feel very expressive. I think this is where I get most of the freeware vibes, it overhwleming seems like what someone just felt like making and there's nothing more to it than that. Yet there's also a subtle quality and effort that does make me understand why these are commercial games

I got bored. Simple as that.

It's cute, but not engaging enough that I want to keep going.

my boyfriend told me that I'm in my froggy era, so I obviously had to play this game and I'm really glad I did! this game was 100% good vibes only and made me chuckle a lot. it was really cute and cozy (although fuck that saloon music, drove me crazy lol) and didn't take itself too seriously. I only wished that the mysteries would have been a bit more complicated, but I still had a great time :)

I wish crime was real so we could execute Lobster Cop and Mason Mole

I caught myself yawning a lot already at the beginning of the first case
3/5 just for the music and art

Definitely won't be to everyone's taste as there's very little 'gameplay' but all the appeal in these games is down to the writing and comedy.

I laughed out loud multiple times while playing through each case and even though I only spent a few hours with them, you get so much personality out of the characters.

I would've liked to see a few more interesting mechanics when it comes to solving the mysteries and it definitely improves as you work through the cases but it can be a little repetitive.

Shame that it seems the series is over as I'd love another case/mystery or even a bigger sequel.

Used it as my Daily Achievement points game ngl.

Played on game pass, incredibly charming aussie indie game. Each case isn't very long and the gameplay isn't the most innovative, but the writing and art design are hilarious, and make this game something special.

A cute Detective game set in a world where crime isn’t real.

Its alright. The first two mysteries were fun and short but when i arrived at the third the game just felt like i force myself to play through it, so i abandoned it. The writing isnt serious and feels like it comes from a desinterested 15 year old, which could be the charm. Its fun and inoffensive but not for me.

i’m worried how many hours i will put into the Tony Hawk mode

Don't really know what to say about this one. Had no expectations going into this game and started it honestly, as a joke. Turned out to keep me quite entertained for a couple of hours. The first two games were funny, legitimately getting chuckles out of me. By the third game I felt a bit tired of the same structure being repeated, but I slogged through it to find a funny ending.

We love a good, cute, and easy to complete in a day sort of indies. These will always come in handy in a pinch. Lovely time.

Huge shout outs to Dan Golding for a geniunely wonderful noir/western soundtrack.