Reviews from

in the past

Fuck you I wanted a game where i can be cruel towards main character and making bad choices, not another Candy Crush copypasta

It's a fine match-3 until you get to the later levels which then become impossible to beat without using limited (and of course purchaseable) powerups. And even then it requires a ton of luck.

Not to mention that, now all these ads are out straight up lying about the kind of game it is. Also, I just hate this guy's face for some reason.

Played the 3DS version, which was a hidden object game and not the awful match-3 game that is now available on android/iOS. So, with that being said, Gardenscapes was not that bad at all, it follows the same narrative as the android/iOS game where you inherit a house from a dead relative and have to rebuild the garden basically from scratch. In my opinion, it being a hidden object game and every level being called a sale (as in a garage sale) makes a lot more sense than the match-3 versions. Completed it in a couple of days, but even though it was pretty short, it was entertaining.

This was alright before the company began churning out actual evil ads for shitty sequels that genuinely sicken me.

I'm not sure if what I'm reviewing is some new sequel to this 2012 game, but im played the current mobile version of this

My phone installed 4 games on its own when i updated it, and every fucking game is some bullshit for you to play 2 types of gameplay. The second one was Match 3 on al FOUR of the games. Like fuck off man.

I like how Austin the Butler is literally "the face of false advertising on mobile games".

Aparte de ser una copia de candy crush y tener publicidad falsa, a medida avanzas en los niveles éstos son nas complicados y ya se vuelve casi imposible de pasar a menos que tengas varios potenciadores (pay to win)

apesar do jogo não ter nada a ver com a propaganda e todo mundo reclamar disso (com razão) eu acho o jogo em si bem melhor do que aquilo que tem na propaganda
eles acabaram adicionando umas fases extras que são tipo as das propagandas intercaladas com as fases normais e dá a opção de pular e eu sempre acabo pulando
acho bem satisfatório ficar consertando o jardim. tem umas animações bonitinhas. vencer as fases tem um "propósito", não é só ficar avançando por avançar. ainda n consegui achar nenhum outro jogo mobile que fizesse que nem esse.
é um candy crush da vida? é, mas é melhor. o jogo não fica segurando a peça que vc precisa até seus movimentos acabarem que nem no candy crush, e ainda te dá vários power ups pra facilitar, além de te dar uns tempinhos de vida infinita (infelizmente nerfaram essa mecânica e agora vc só consegue em média uns 30 min por dia, mas uns anos atrás o jogo chegava a dar 30 horas sem exagero)
e o mais fascinante de tudo: O JOGO NAO TEM 1 UNICO AD. isso sim é uma raridade. e vc nem precisa comprar nada pra avançar pq, como eu já disse, o jogo te dá vários power ups. depois de escrever isso chego à conclusão de que esse game deve ser alguma lavagem de dinheiro.

homescapes was better dont come at me