Reviews from

in the past

É uma ideia incrível e que usa a tecnologia de uma forma bem inovadora. Digo que o jeito mais divertido de jogar é cooperativamente com os amigos no Discord.

Neat idea, but just a bit of light fun for me. Probably a lot better if you're a geography fan and actually know how to tell places apart...

Also the whole monetization thing they got going on sucks. You can only play a single round for free per day.

tell me where gibraltar is, I dare ya

I just discovered this game at SGDQ and I am extremely bummed that I love it because I cannot bring myself to pay a subscription to play it. I don’t need it to be free, but I can’t pay $3 a month (or $48 a year). It’s just not a thing I do with games.

Otherwise, it’s super fun to be plopped in a random spot and then try to figure out where I am. I’m disappointed that I won’t be able to play multiple games in a row but I’ll probably go ahead check in for that free game every once in a while. I don’t consider myself very good at geography and I think this could be a great way to accidentally get better!

Oddly addicting, but I'm not paying 2 dollars to keep playing lol.

i did pay to keep playing and you know what? it rules. i'm sure most costs go into supporting its multiplayer which i can't give a shit about, but what strange sense of adventure geoguessr gives the player. it's fun to do more modes which bring you to less commonly photographed places. due to linguistic knowledge i can generally tell the difference between european countries, but when they throw me into an arabic speaking country it's very tough!

Amazing highs when your guess is very close to the original location

Terrible lows when your guess is Oklahoma but it’s actually in Singapore

A mi amigo le salió Valencia por fin. Jodió su micro en el proceso. Me reí muchísimo

now finding funny images on Google Maps has it's own game, hell yeah brother

Enseña las practicidades del racismo

This deosn't really count but this is some of the most fun i've had with a game in a while

After Google Maps' API stopped being free I kinda felt this game had lost everything that had me coming back to it, even if it wasn't entirely the devs' fault. Now, the F2P system is a bit better and the game is popular again because of a guy slamming his space key sooooo yeah, let's say I'm back.

I couldn't tell you anything about Ghana but I know that the Google car has tape on one of its roof rack bars.

just a fun little game where u have to deduce where tf u are based on limited information simple but fun

If you could properly play, it would be pretty fun. It used to be. However, they've recently gone super hard into monetizing the game, and it most certainly is not worth what they want.

I get lost a mile from my house, and you expect me to pinpoint a location in Lithuania?

Muito divertido de jogar com amigos no discord.

A tensão do tempo acabando, a procura por pistas. A inevitável sensação de que você é uma pessoa idiota, sem conhecimentos de geografia básica e sem cultura nenhuma. Bom demais.

Love it. Unfortunately the best modes are only available for the subscribers.

i used to think egypt was in europe now i dont and i also know where butan is which is pretty crazy

i loved this game so much. u can spend alot of time in it without realising. SO MUCH FUN
sadly the rating brought down from 4 stars to 1 star due to the fact that you have to have a yearly subscription to play it properly otherwise you get shitty limitations if you want to play it for free :(((
such a shame ;-;

It was a good game to play in school.

fun way to pass the time until they introduced P2P mechanics out of nowhere.

This is Thailand. slams space bar Nice. This is Israel. slams space bar Nice. Lesotho. slams space bar Nice. Bangladesh. slams space bar We'll take that. Malaysia, mainland. slams space bar Nice. 5 for 5, keep going. Keep going, keep going. Eastern Turkey. slams space bar twice Nice, wow. USA. Somewhere in this region. slams space bar Nice. This looks like the A15, or the 15 in Jordan. slams space bar Oh my god it was, nice. This is Kenya. slams space bar Nice. And this is just Ghana. slams space bar Not bad.

Only the elite know the uganda sand meta.

I'm not giving you my credit card details to explore on google maps

I remember having fun with this game when I first discovered it, the few free games you got a day was honestly very generous, and it was more than enough with the way I played this game. In my opinion it's best experienced in a very meticulous, slow way - walking around, picking up little clues, searching (or not searching) little details from license plates, languages, business names - even when I completely missed the bar the process of finding these little trivia bits about little nooks of the world felt like a nice exercise almost in appreciation of the world. I don't really play it nowadays for no particular reason - when I have a rare urge to walk around in Google Maps I just prefer to walk around in Google Maps with no strings attached - but this game has been around for long enough to develop a meta, which has really soured my opinion on this game.

Criticizing a game for its fanbase is a bit shallow and I do have some apprehension about it, but the game itself has definitely acquiesced to the demands of this new wave of players and as such it's worth talking about. All I have to say is I really, really don't like competitive Geoguessr, it's antithetical to the way I appreciate the game, and some random georainbolt clip always seems to find its way to my eyes on social media, I have him blocked on like every site that we both use.

Of course, even talking about it as long as I have is overexaggerating the seriousness of this opinion, it's not an affront to me or anything, it's just a game I don't play anymore has evolved in a way that makes me want to play it even less.

The site used to be a lot better. still fun in concept