Reviews from

in the past

A fun puzzler that's just the right amount of difficult.

A very fun little puzzle game, that establishes its mechanics quickly and then spends the rest of the game iterating on them in very inventive ways. The kind of game where you can spend a long time staring at a single puzzle and suddenly have a eureka moment that solves the whole thing.

Very chill "golf" (ball goes in hole) puzzle game using isometric geometry, a limited number of moves per level, and simple mechanics that compound throughout the game. Really enjoyed finishing all 121 levels. Satisfying to pick up and put down when stumped for a bit.

Fun little puzzle game, the latter levels become real brain ticklers though

This was a fun little concept. The level design was solid--lots of good puzzles and a lot of red herrings. There were a bunch of new mechanics too. The graphics were really fun, and the music was decent as well.

One problem is that some of the tiles look kinda similar, and when the game keeps changing colors every world, I kept mistaking tiles for other kinds. And even with the new mechanics, the concept got a little bit stale by the end, but it wasn't too bad. It's a solid puzzle game. It wasn't a very hard puzzle game, but I got stumped a few times for a little bit.

It sure is golf, baby!

Searching this game on Backloggd was how I learned that they were making Golf Peaks 2 btw.

More like Golf Mids amirite

I finished all the primary 9 levels of each world and only a handful of levels were satisfying to figure out, despite only using a web reference for one of them. Lots of guess and check work past the baby tutorial worlds, and once you finally do stumble upon the correct answer, many times you won’t even need to use all the shots you’re given. I find that incredibly unsatisfying, like a jigsaw puzzle with a corner piece missing. The difficulty also wavers. World 7 is where things really started to get hard but World 8 for me was a cakewalk it took me like eight minutes besides the very last level. The presentation is clean and the music is pleasant but it cannot make up for the rest of it.

An easy to learn puzzle game segmented in 10 worlds containing 9 levels + 3 additional more challenging levels each.
Each world reveals and is based on a new mechanique that the game presents to the player, often mixing newer mechanics with older ones.
The gameplay consists in levels made of square grids; the player is given a number of cards which display a movement function for the ball: the objective is obviously to putt the ball using the available cards without going out of bounds or running out of moves.
The difficulty spikes are pleasant, every new world's first levels being an easy introduction to the newly introduced mechanics.
Each world has a pleasant musical theme which vibes with the colors and overall energy of the world.
Bonus points for the easter egg after the credits screen. <3

Very satisfying golf-themed puzzle game (proving once again that golf is a great format for everything other than actual golf). The kind of thing you can look at a gameplay video and instantly "get" and know if you want to play it or not.

I really love this game. It's a golf game but it's more of a puzzle game. I love how it keeps adding on new ideas and the music and art style are both awesome too. It was just a nice and cute golf puzzle game.

I played through to the point I was looking up every solution, and decided to hop off this, but I liked it quite a bit as I was playing it. It is a pretty simple “amount of moves” type puzzle game with a minimal golf aesthetic. Mostly doable and it implements difficulty in waves, which I like. I hate puzzle games where it functionally contains a hard wall that takes a lot of effort to get over. This one will throw you curveballs and then soften you up with a few easier ones. Not unchallenging, but merciful. It does heighten overall towards the end but I blame

1. Getting this as part of a bundle for cheap
2. My smooth brain
3. my miles long backlog

For why I didn’t push through and just beat it. But honestly it’s worth it’s full price if you know you like this sorta thing

Cool golf puzzler that's nice to pick up and play. The HD rumble makes a golf-club swinging noise and I like that. HD Rumble's cool like that.

Ótimo puzzle, onde as suas tacadas são ditadas por cartas com o tipo de movimento e o número de casas que a bola vai andar.
Cada mundo apresenta uma mecânica diferente nos quebra-cabeças. A progressão é natural e gostosa.
Travei em alguns, mas é um daqueles puzzles que você abre depois de umas horas novamente e a solução vem imediatamente (admito que alguns eu tive que procurar a solução sim).

(Jogado pelo Play Pass do Google)

Very cute comfy puzzle game, combining golf and cards was a unique idea that lead to a game that was simply a delight to play.

You’re fucked up if you’re not playing Golf Peaks.

Played this (partially) live on stream on the 15th of April (

Absolute ripper, phenomenal stuff. Deeply engaging, perfect UX, all features and mechanics clearly telegraphed and able to be parsed. Bloody hell does it get hard - I literally couldn't finish the ice world when I first got to it, but luckily you can skip levels to continue proceeding. After completing everything I could I went back and locked down all the ice levels, as well as the bonus levels that I'd missed.

My first perfect score on a game from the Ukraine bundle, honestly there's nothing I can critique here without feeling like I'm looking for faults. It sounds, looks, and plays perfectly. I'll be recommending this to anyone who will listen to me.

It has a fun concept but the fact that I got stuck on a level for weeks and just couldn't skip it kind of ruined it for me as a "play whenever I have a couple of minutes" type of game.
Also the UI is not great for one-handed play (on Android)

this was the second game I had to try from the Ukraine Game Bundle, I was very intrigued, and it wasn’t anything like I expected. It’s a card based puzzle game where you take turns going across sections of land with a golf ball based on the numbers on your cards. You have a specific set of cards for each level and you have to figure out how to sink the ball into the hole. The game relishes whenever it really gets to explore the fun gimmicks it has for each world. Visually it’s also very very fun, although it’s music is nothing special. The sound design is very satisfying though. Overall, the thing that took down this games score a lot was some extremely obscure level design later on. The Conveyer Belts were cool until you basically had to guess which brought you where because they got so spammed. Also there were some questionable hole placements. I remember specifically one hole where the flag was literally invisible. Despite this, the game was another very cute 2-3 hour experience, that would’ve done better to relinquish a little bit of the obscure nature of some of the puzzles.

Very simple puzzle game I played after I found it in an bundle I had purchased. I kinda felt like it doesn't explain some mechanics properly, and could use a hint system for the harder puzzles. But it's fun and nicely balanced, so it's worth a try.

All puzzles completed (109/109). Golf Peaks is a relaxing puzzle game based on miniature golf courses, with gameplay coming in the form of selecting shots from a group of options presented, alongside one of four grid-based directions to aim, with the goal of course of getting the ball into the course's hole. It's a simplistic concept, but works well, with a gradually expanding range of terrain types making up each course to keep things varied - from quicksand that swallows up the call, to slippery ice tiles and automated conveyor belts. With a limited choice of shots for each stage, ultimately everything can be solved by brute-force trial-and-error if needed, but generally the solutions are fairly accessible, while maintaining difficulty for the later stages to keep the game satisfying. With roots as a mobile game, Golf Peaks isn't anything especially ambitious, but it's an enjoyable, relaxing affair all the same.

Golf Peaks is a solid puzzle game that is mostly about counting steps and working each board. Mechanics are introduced at a steady pace through each of 10 worlds and, once I had my head wrapped around each, it was possible to finish each level in a single well-worked try. Possible, but rare – and the trial and error of working through each board was enjoyable. Boards ranged from deceptively easy (especially if worked backwards on many that required an exact solution) to devious.

Great aesthetic and a simple concept! I'd say 70% of the levels are incredibly simple, 20% require a few undos or restarts as I worked through the level, and 10% are genuinely quite challenging. I'm never as great at puzzle games as I like to think I am though so I did have to look up solutions for a handful :/ I love the after credits level <3

a challenging puzzle game with cool mechanics. also a lot of math.

Golf Peaks starts off really fun and fresh, and gradually tapers off to be somewhat annoying and tedious at the end. At it's best, this unique puzzle game steadily introduces new mechanics and unique ways to solve golf puzzles and makes you feel clever and rewarded for getting them right. At it's worst, you have to count lots of squares on a zoomed out map, something that's exacerbated on the maps with conveyors and ice tiles. I ended up having to look up solutions to a good number of the puzzles, but I didn't feel bad because I was getting the "I never would have ever solved this now looking at the answer" feeling. Which isn't great.

I don't want to trash Golf Peaks though, it's a fun time if you're looking for something quick to dabble in, and I don't want to judge the game by its worst qualities. Lots of the early maps are fun and innovative - there's no puzzle game like this I can think of. And it's often really cheap on Steam or bundled with other things.

Cool original idea. Game is rather short.