Reviews from

in the past

I first played this game when I was 6, and I still have memories of how much the game terrified me. Everything is great, from the gameplay driven story, to the fast paced combat, and even the imperfect Xen levels can be enjoyable, especially Gonarch and Nihilanth. This game has had an eternally lasting impact on me.

A pesar de lo innovador que fue en su momento, actualmente no es nada del otro mundo (lo normal, pero es comprensible), pero eso sí, la IA de los enemigos está mucho mejor trabajada que la de muchos actuales y la historia es bastante interesante.

The start of it all. Half-Life brought environmental storytelling and a continuous narrative to the FPS genre to a great yet primitive effect. Still a banger tho.

Still one of the most refined shooters today, the pacing of it's story along with the fast and dynamic combat feel fresh even in modern day.
A classic that has outlived it's sequel in terms of raw playability and fun. The only section of the game that feels rough is the Xen portion, which is a shame since it can leave a bad taste in players mouths, but everything before that is a blast.
The graphics can certainly be a turn off for modern players, but get past that and you will still find an absolute masterpiece of a shooter

I keep coming back to this game and trying my best to like it but every time I'm just disappointed.

It's clear why this was innovative at the time, but it does show it's age in many areas. Definitely worth a playthrough.

Shelved, mostly because Xen was so unfun to play through. Apart from that though, the game was incredibly fun, and I can truly see how this game revolutionized the FPS many years ago.

It's no masterpiece but It's something like a rollercoaster.
I recommend you to play it once and that's it.

a solid fps that's significantly better than its sequel

O jogo possui um level design muito criativo, com verticalidade e intrigante interconectividade entre salas no ambiente 3D, com um gameplay sólido e funcional.

Não é tão bom em acentuar objetos interagíveis do cenário, o que pode levar muito jogador a se perder. Também não comunica muito bem a tarefa que o jogador tem de fazer, e por vezes alguns bugs quebram o jogo. Ainda assim, possui puzzles bacanas que o tornam mais que um mero shoot'em'all. As escadas, entretanto, são os piores inimigos.

Half-Life 1 is a pretty good game and I have nothing else to say about it.

Would be a 10 if they didnt remove the face fucker alien

Has some incredible encounters that makes good use of its level design. A good chunk of the game, however, consists of relatively basic and uninteresting puzzles and platforming segments that can be a bit of a drag and weaken the pace of the game. Still a great game, but the great bits are all wedged between sections of that game that are mediocre and/or boring.


i mean, what can you say at this point?

Oh boy, first-person platforming with fall damage! Other than that, it's a blast.

I did not mean to hit the scientist, I meant to hit the couch.

some parts of the game definitely show their age, like the quicksave centric design of the times and the aimbot enemies, but the combat is still satisfying and the story is fine

So ridiculously stressful and so well made. Holds up incredibly well and is better than a large portion of 2000s games. Absolutely brilliant.

A great game, but play it on normal or easier. Playing on hard just makes enemies bullet sponges and leaves you scrounging for ammo instead of getting to tackle each encounter how you'd like. The level design just isn't balanced around needing to play it like Resident Evil.

A classic old school FPS that was revolutionary for the genre, still nice to go back to from time to time.

great game with great community content