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El juego esta guay, es como Helldivers 1 pero en tercera (y primera) persona. Visualmente esta tremendo, pero no me gustan nada que las armas y el equipamiento del juego se consigan mediante un pase de batalla estilo COD, han hecho que subir de rango pierda bastante la gracia. Aparte, no te puedes unir a partidas random asi que o tienes amigos o juegas solo hasta que lo arreglen. El juego en sí no está mal, pero es la típica de que te sacan un juego medio roto con una tienda de pago premium en un lanzamiento de pago. Yo esperaría un poco, y cuando arrelgen esto ya se juega

This game will make you feel cool

People are overreacting about the anti-cheat. The game is massively enjoyable, just find some people to play with either through discord or by using quickplay.

Been having an amazing time so far while playing this along with a friend. Outside of a pair of crashes when I first tried booting up the game after purchasing, it’s ran like a dream on PS5 and I can already tell I’m gonna have a long future of fun with this game!

30 hours later and this game is a superb co-op shooter. Lots of insane and hilarious moments with friends combined with a great progression system that leaves you wanting to do just one more mission.

this game is so fucking fun bruh LESGO KILL SOME ALIENS

Fun gameplay hidden under an annoying live service model. Its fun, assuming that you can get the matchmaking to work for more than 1 or 2 games.


So far the game is pretty good, just lacking quite a lot in content. I'm a huge fan of PvE games, and Warhammer 40k: Darktide had the same problem on release of good gameplay, very fun just...not a ton to do. Still, it has been very fun for the first 10 or so hours, especially the fights against the automatons. The bugs just kind of mindlessly wander into things and die, but the automatons don't go down so easy, they're tough, have guns, and do a ton of damage if you aren't careful. Their dropships can be shot down, but only when the rockets are working correctly. The automatons definitely feel like the real game for lack of a better term. Anyway, time for the pros and cons

- Gunplay feels great, weapons feel impactful when used for the right job
- Gameplay is very fast paced and tight, especially against the automatons
- Feels very fair, it's rare that a death feels super undeserved or cheap
- Normally I dislike Live Service as a model, but it actually feels fitting here, much like it does for Deep Rock Galactic
- Presentation is great, much like Starship Troopers this game is full of satire about hyper-militarization and propaganda and it lands very well, it's very funny

- Very few weapons, there's 17 between the regular and premium battlepasses
- No saved loadouts, you have to manually input your stratagems every time. also you can't drop in with a support weapon which is just an odd choice
- Rockets are buggy, I've been using the Recoilless Rifle a lot and sometimes rockets just go straight through things. It's happened to enemies, to the dropships, even small buildings on occasion
- No weapon upgrades, this really feels like the type of game that would let you do that, but you can't which just feels weird

Overall, pretty great experience just a lot of QoL features and new content.

"A game for everyone is a game for no one."

To not lose yourself in the evolutionary process and to be true to your concept even after such substantial changes, it is not a small feat to accomplish.

Helldivers 2 competently achieves that, and even if some stuff is (rightfully so) "lost in translation" in the transition from a twin-stick shooter to a third person shooter, it stills lands as a remarkably confident exercise in game design.

The original Helldivers is pure commitment: every single choice in the moment-to-moment gameplay has a weight and a price to take in account for. Shooting requires standing still, reloading removes an entire magazine from your inventory, support takes time to be called in, friendly fire has to be taken in account, camera is shared between the four players, take too much damage and you're out, or on the ground, and so on. It's a constant knowledge check when it comes to enemies, weapon behavior, environments and mission objectives. So, how do you translate such a well-balanced 2D formula in a 3D game?

More commitment. More involvement. Simply put, "more".

Do you want to escape from the enemies? Unlike the original, stamina's so prominent it's almost always shown in your HUD. Almost depleted? Well, it takes time to recharge, and there's no cardio accelerator, or even all-terrain boots. Do you want to refill it, like, now? You can use a stim, but only if you're wounded. Isn't the stim also used for healing, though? Yeah, right.

Do you want to resupply? Unlike the original, the supply call-in is shared between all the players. It fills half of your resources. You have four charges. Are you empty, and in dare need of ammunition? Better tell your comrades.

This whole dance in between being proactive and reactive applies for, I kid you not, every single action in the game. Arrowhead Game Studios has flipped upside down the original game leaving no feature untouched. It's a "systemic" approach on every prop, element and feature, like how certain enemies interact with specific weapons, the physics, the (funny) rag-doll, the butter-smooth movement, and the crispy gun-play. There's literally nothing that gets in the way of fun and challenge, every single thing you see in your screen has a purpose, and the game-play's so unbelievably tight on both pad and mouse and keyboard.

It looks good. It plays good. It feels good. It's frustrating, it's fun, it's challenging, it's non-stop action, it's relentless. This thing can stand proud alongside the likes of Deep Rock Galactic as far as I'm concerned.

I went in with literally zero expectation and I was constantly blown away by how the game slowly and steadily reveals itself to you the deeper you dig in. The comedian tone is even more emphasized than the original, without feeling obnoxious. How did they manage that with what's basically Starship Troopers (derogatory) on steroids, it's beyond me.

If you want to suffer, go alone. If you want to have fun, go with randoms. But if you want a team-building and friendship-ending experience, bring your pals in. I swear, this thing has no right of being that much fun.


Sans les crashs on a le jeu coop de l'année, m'enfin bref.

Busy squashing bugs, busy busting clankers.

The most fun I had with a 4-player co-op game since Deep Rock Galactic. Helldivers 2 is addictive, chaotic, and fun without feeling so compromised in terms of the fundamental elements that are well put together, which is impressive for Arrowhead's first attempt at a third-person perspective. The presentation is top-notch in terms of the visuals that make each planet where you exterminate bugs or robots so distinctive, and the sound design is excellent too. My only complaint on the presentation side is that the music is pretty generic and repetitive after a while.

I do want to talk about monetization, which has been contentious with folks. As I have mentioned in the past, I don't have a problem with monetization as long as it values my time and doesn't penalize me for not spending real money. Helldivers 2 is a good example of my point. You can get premium currency right away with real money, but if you choose to play the game, it doesn't take that long to get enough premium currency to unlock stuff, which I can't say the same for most other recent live service games. It's leaning way more towards Deep Rock Galactic's approach than say any modern Blizzard game in terms of the spectrum.

Finally, I do want to mention that the game runs smoothly on PS5 during gameplay with no hiccups at all, despite how impressive it looks and how much is going on the screen. It did unfortunately crash a few times at random for me and the servers need some serious improvements like making the quickplay work properly. I'm not gonna harp on it too much because the devs are extremely aware of it and they didn't expect this game to explode in popularity. I'm just kind of annoyed that I can’t feast further into this incredible package due to the server problems

In conclusion, it's wonderful to see time a complete PVE co-op experience made by people who are big fans of it, but also understand how to make it fun without alienating their consumers and all that for just 40 dollars/euros?! if this is the direction that they will spearhead with post-launch support. I will 100% see myself coming back to it constantly in the future once these devs have finally fixed the servers.

im extremely pleasantly surprised that this game is so good, it’s honestly an absolutely staggering leap in quality from the first game, that sony money is fuckin crazy

it’s incredibly fun, chaotic and hilarious, and it’s another great recent entry into the “4 player coop game where you play as a bunch of shmucks doing stupid shit” genre

i especially love that they leaned even more into the starship troopers since the first game, it’s such a good tone and it fits this kind of game really really well

there’s some issues with servers/matchmaking and progression that kind of sour the experience so far and i hope to see a lot of the missing stuff from the first game come back at some point (vehicles and mechs soon pls) but otherwise this game has absolutely consumed my time over the past half week and im already eager to hop back in

Pure fun online what more do you really want

Another great time to start off the amazing 2 months of 2024, its always great when a new horde shooter gets released and its a perfect experience to play with friends. One thing this does say is this that playstation should push to have their games released more day 1 on both PS & PC.

Of course a PC release is going to have its problems when the game has been built to play on PS5, ive seen not stop reviews of people having performance issues or crashes. I had a point where i was crashing for about 5minutes but the problem fixed itself, and my pc is less powerful than people reviewing with 30series/40series (im owning 1660ti / 2700X) and my game is running smooth and perfectly fine at a good 60-70fps.

Allegedly kernel level anti cheat (same tier as Vanguard level anti cheat) is something to consider, though it doesn't seem to have any impact on the game. you probably don't need to care about it.

Can't be that bad of a bad purchase at £35 when other studios are dropping a game at £70 at less quality than what this game released at. Its been given a update on what is to expected from the game, roadmap, free updates, new mobs, weapons etc. I think the game will be a major hit or major miss for most people, largely depending on if your hardware agrees with the game or not. The gameplay itself is extremely fun and challenging depending on your difficulty, with quite a lot of replayability with friends.

I expect alot of the problems people are encountering right now will be fixed as soon as possible (at the time of this post there's already been a hotfix)

If you love horde shooters and wanted something bat-shit crazy to play, this would be the game to play. With amazing sound design, a variety of missions and weapons, hilarious moments to share with friends & already confirmed updates to add towards the game with developers watching how everyone's reception is, there's only a good track record to where the game could end up.

This is the best TPS and horde shooter I’ve played in years.

This is the best co-op shooter I have played since Left 4 Dead 2. Once server issues are fixed it's gonna be a legendary long term title.

Fully rewriting my review at this point now that I've sunk a lot more time into it and the devs have ironed out all the server limit issues.
This game is genuinely awesome. 40 dollars for a PVE experience that can be filled with absolute laughs amongst friends or incredible moments that make you feel like Super Earth's strongest soldier.
The multiple difficulty tiers feel reasonably balanced as a whole, the multiple tiers might seem initially off-putting but it allows for players to fine-tune the level of difficulty they want from the game without having it feel too hard or too easy.
Progression is formatted like a battle pass system which might seem initially off-putting but the devs have stated that all passes are permanent, and the free pass has 3 times the content of the first premium pass and a majority of it is really good for late-game content. Not only that, the pass gives you plenty of premium currency to buy armor from the shop or save up and buy the premium pass, so the game doesn't feel pay to win.
The only major complaint I'd have with this game is it's weapon balancing. A few weapons in the game will be used exclusively into the endgame, but the disparity between the good and bad weapons is so huge its not even funny. If a weapon its bad, its unusable even on lower-difficulties with how unsatisfying they feel. The game needs a balance wave to boost other weapons to the same level as the weapons that are good, hopefully without nerfing any of the good weapons. Armor also needs to be properly fixed and working, but the developers are aware of that as of this review's writing.

SO as I've now completed a couple operations on the hardest difficulty in the game, lets write a review!

Being a big Helldivers 1 fan, it's pretty interesting seeing this game explode in popularity, and I think it's deserved. This game can essentially be described as Helldivers 1 in a new perspective with a shiny new engine, though of course there are many differences in gameplay and features.

Most notably, quite a bit is missing from the first game. There are no weapon upgrades, vehicles, gadgets such as the healing drone, you cannot save loadouts, a 3rd faction is missing, etc. I Hope all these little things will be added in due time.

What's here though is excellent, there is some really masterful gunplay here and the enemies force some great teamwork, simply put it's extremely engaging to me. You now have limited respawns and are timed much harsher, so it adds another layer of intensity as you need to haul ass. The actual gameplay itself is an easy 5/5.

Everything outside of the gameplay though, can be improved. As you may know there are a lot of crashes and dissconnects, which is interesting as it runs flawlessly, yk, when it doesn't crash. The system to getting new gear is a bit odd and extremely grindy, but I think it'll suffice, the first game was also a monumental grind. Another bit of the outside-gameplay thoughts, just like the first game, there is WAY too much downtime between missions. What I mean is, when you finish a mission, it'll take what feels like 5 minutes to get loaded, past all the stats, and back into the ship ready to go again. It is a pacing killer honestly, they need to give an option to skip.

Lastly the matchmaking is worse in this one. This game has like, a 100x larger playerbase than the first game, yet it's easier to find lobbies in the first. Y'know why? Because 1 had a server browser, and their auto-joining actually worked. You could consistently join full teams in 1, in this game I find myself scouring around for a full team and just ending up join a singular guy on a ship doing nothing. This needs to be fixed ASAP.

I did a lot of nit-picking and complaining, I didn't even mention the kernal-level anti-cheat, but don't let all this put you off. This is still a legitimately awesome game that I'm extremely confident will only get better with time. I have no doubt Arrowhead will look to improve this game in the future, and it might lead to my score raising. I would recommend joining the fight for Super Earth :)

Fun, great gameplay but a little buggy.

I'm a couple hours in at launch so far and I'm really liking Helldivers 2. A 4/5 game atm, will be updating that score as major updates release.

However I could easily see myself coming back to the game pretty regularly even if there was no promise of future updates. Whether with friends or randos, Helldivers 2 is good fun!

Extended Thoughts

I really enjoyed the first game, and I think Helldivers 2 is a perfect transition from stylised twin-stick, to photorealistic 3rd person. Something as simple as the combination of having weapons need to "catch-up" to the crosshair and how ricochet works, perfectly translates the conditions that would lead to friendly fire incidents in the first game.

Also while the art style shift was confusing at first. After playing the game, I think it effectively uses this art style change to add to gameplay. Dark/fogged areas being illuminated with gunfire is both visually impressive, and mechanically engaging.

Hoping for vehicles, weapon upgrades/customising, and The Illuminate (or some other 3rd faction) to be added over the next year(s). I honestly don't have any complaints other than the obvious launch network issues and missing vehicles

(Vehicles which I think added nothing but flavour to the first game. I do think could be the final piece of the puzzle that pushed Helldivers 2 to be a 5/5).

[Edit 03/03/24: The game is continuing to hit all the right notes and I saw the mech leak. Yeah this is a perfect co-op game.]

It's buggy and I wish there was some more customization but it's goofy, terrifying, cinematic, and so fun to play.


my friend called a 500kg bomb on my forehead

Do you miss the days of going to your friend’s house on a friday night, ordering a pizza, cracking open a mountain dew and having a blast gaming with them all night? Thats the feeling Helldivers 2 gives you from the moment you boot it up and watch the satirical Starship Troopers-esque propaganda opening, asking you to enlist with the Helldivers to spread democracy across the galaxy and squash the alien bug threat!

There is so much to love about this game: it’s frenetic chaos, gorgeous graphics and stellar animations, tight and rewarding gunplay, but most of all it’s just PURE FUN! The basic gameplay loop is this: you load up a mission from your base a la Warhammer: Vermintide or Deep Rock Galactic, launch the mission solo (not recommended), with 3 friends or matchmade, and you have a designated amount of time to complete the mission. Objectives range from defending against the swarms of alien bugs to launching a nuke at a nest to thin their numbers. Throughout the mission you will find numerous points of interest, from bug nests that reward you with money and xp for destroying, to hidden supply caches that can give you anything from ammo to premium currency.

Where this game really shines though is in the small details. Stuff like crouching or going prone makes firing your weapon more accurate than standing and running, to your entire character model being covered in dust, blood and guts as you kill more and more enemies. The devs clearly put a lot of time and effort into making the game immersive while also being fun to play, and they nailed it.

But the best thing about this game is the stratagem system. Before launching a mission you have the opportunity to select up to 4 stratagems: these include things such as an orbital precision strike launched directly from your ship in space, an assortment of special weapons like grenade launchers or flamethrowers, defensive turrets and airstrikes. These are on a relatively short cooldown which is locked to the individual, so it is encouraged to use as many stratagems as possible since your teammates will be doing the same. And on top of that, the friendly fire in this game is more comical than it is frustrating; you’ll be in the midst of fighting a giant crusher type bug, being thrown around as your gun fails to puncture it’s thick armoured skin, and the next thing you hear is “orbital strike incoming!” as you realize your teammate has just called in an orbital strike on your position to kill the bug and also you. But thankfully theres 20 revives per mission, which recharge when you run out, effectively taking away the frustration of being killed by your friends and making it a funny moment instead of a pain point.

The enemy variety at launch feels great, not to mention there’s an entire second faction of terminator-like robots that you can fight if you’re sick of killing giant bugs, and presumably more factions on the way. And one of my favourite aspects of the game is the liberation front: a community focused objective that drives the entire community to one like minded goal of liberating specific areas of the galactic map, rewarding the entire community with currency to buy more stratagems if they can liberate the required planets by the end of the week. It really adds to the immersive feel of a galactic war, and unites the playerbase into one goal: spread democracy across the galaxy!

4 Warbonds in now, I can say it is a fun game in short bursts and with friends. The gameplay cycle is repetitive and can easily burn you out.

Communist bugs & socialist bots killing simulator