Reviews from

in the past

Meio jogo para bebe, mas é legal

Sweet, simple, surprising and so smooth in term of controls! A cool wholesome platformer.

Cute game! If a little buggy here and there. It's nice for a chill time and is decently dense for what it is, even if a lot of that substance is remixing stuff you've already done.

The art's nice, but it isn't really that special.

Cute little game! The collectathon gameplay may be simplistic and a bit repetitive, but it works great for a little 4 hour experience. The art style is amazing, and I love the Paper Mario-esque aesthetic with 2D characters in a 3D space.
What I was not expecting at all, was the subtle storytelling about a nonbinary youth looking for acceptance in the world. I found myself caring for Niko more and more as the game went on, as I learned more about them. I love how it was handled.
I think asking for $25 for this is a bit much, but this is absolutely worth picking up when it's on sale, it's a great cozy little time.

Fantastic cozy game. Decent game on its own. The art style is very nice on its own. Why have I not seen a single ad for this game?!? NO ONE TOLD ME GEARS FOR BREAKFAST PUBLISHED ANOTHER GAME. I DIDN'T PLAY IT UNTIL 2023 MAN.

Pretty good, a bit short and simple but the movement was fun and the dialogue was entertaining. The levels themselves were a bit too small and simple same with the music.

Very cute platformer, quite short but the movement is very tight and feels good to control

both very much for me yet so overboard with the pandering-to-excessively-online-people that I quickly started to hate it.
the gameplay is fun and the world is colorful. I ABSOLUTELY NEED more games with great movement that are entirely about chatting with neat characters without any extra systems or challenges that get in the way.
my problem is how elbow-nudgingly aware the presentation felt. you make friends with furries! you collect cassette tapes! there's a Tamagotchi you can play with! the coins say "MEOW! MEOW!"! the shipping container island is filled with default cubes (us silly game developers)! one of the cute characters is actually DARK!!
I found the fox who had four screens of Discord open and closed the game.
even with the pronounced spotlight on the precious characters and pastel world, the game has moments where it gets in the way of itself being able to do so. the helper frog box that appeared in the corner stating that I seemed to be stuck when I was just exploring the island on my own terms was notable, but the more prevalent hiccup was with camera angles during dialogue. the camera during gameplay is fantastic and never gave me an awkward view, but so many times when I talked to a character did the camera flip around to some weird shot where characters were covering each other and I couldn't clearly see what I thought the game was touting as its strongest selling point.
if you love this game, I totally get it; I know there's an ever so slightly different version of myself that does too.

wow is this game insanely charming. feels solid to run around in, the dive especially is pretty fun. it looks insanely good, I'm a huge fan of the art style and all the various character designs. the characters are fun and have lots of sweet little interactions, I really liked the credits just catching up with all of my friends from throughout the game!

it's a very chill and easy experience filled to the brim with charm and joy. i could see someone finding $25 a bit steep for what you get so maybe wait for a sale, but regardless a very fun game worth your time if you love cute and cozy platformers!

A charming little game that has a pretty fun 3D moveset to vibe out in. I do think the repetition in some objectives does start to wear on the game in the latter half, and especially if you're going for 100%.

super fun and short, reaaaaalllyyy wholesome stuff.

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This was a lovely little addition to an already great game. It takes the platforming controls of the game and creates a set of challenges focusing around it, which makes the game feel fresh in a way that is still familiar. I look forward to seeing how speedrunners approach this with all the tech they have developed, this level feels like it was designed with them in mind whilst still being approachable for more casual players.

I especially loved the the story that tied this whole experience together, was very heartwarming watching it unfold as you completed each challenge.

Absolutely delightful 3D platformer with a uniquely cute style and some incredible music. Just a real warm blanket of a game

Cozy, cute and chill. It's a game filled with fun vibes despite its repetitive tasks. Its simplicity and lack of difficulty lend it to be a great recommendation to little ones or someone new to games.

Get your resume ready as I think this is a job worth applying too.

An adorable & instantly charming low-stakes collectathon, almost an experiment in using traditional design principles and seeing if the game still works without a fear of failure or hard loss. In my opinion, it absolutely does work with maybe just a few hurdles in design that crop up now and then.

Some people may be instantly turned off by the overly "moe" aesthetic, but I think this actually hits a nice balance of not being overly cutesy in a way that rams it down your throat. Even though the audience of this game isn't really me, I found it to be a relaxing time. It helps too that the controls are pretty tight and offer a lot of flexibility of movement (the Hat in Time connections are more than the cameo), though sometimes I ran into depth/space issues due to the 2.5 D aspect with my character model. I would love casual games to move away from the Animal Crossing/Stardew Valley model and into something more directly interactable like this, so I would highly recommend this as a more passive game to return to now & then.

Play this. It's cute, it's fun and it's genuinely funny. A wonderfully smooth platformer with really enjoyable gameplay. It's worth playing, it's even more worth 100%ing.

a cute cozy queer collectathon game and i love it

Adorable, movements are so fun, but can only go on for so long, that said, keen to try 100%

The experience it promises is the experience you get. It is Mario Odyssey for trans furries and I think that's dope. Perfect length, plenty to do, if not a little repetitive.

Very cute, cozy and wholesome platformer. Very fun, just wish the stick controls weren't broken (you can only move in 8 directions, the camera is analog though)

this is not a difficult game in the slightest, but instead just a calm and fun game to hop around in. good movement and a really cute artstyle, just a nice little game

hapy :D

here comes niko is pure, unbridled joy. it is awesome. the animals? adorable. the quests? fun. i love niko. YOU love niko. we ALL love niko.

here she comes!!!!!!

This was a pretty cute indie game published by the people who made Hat in Time but the developers, Frog Vibes, were a fairly new team at the time!

I think they handled the game well enough and it was pretty cute. Win for the gay turtle couple in the game and how colorful in general this whole world was. The style contained a good amount of charm.

Wasn't anything that wowed me and the joke with the naked deer and the influencer didn't hit me personally, I think they weren't too bad. Regardless I think all the designs were good and some of the fun side storys were a holler of a time or got some emotions. There was also a few glitches but thats expected for a first time game.
I do wanna say this is not to side them, I very much enjoyed and loved parts of this game!

It was a fun time about developing and moving forward and I really appreciated that message! Would recommend it!