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One of the best stealth/sandbox games of all time, if not THE BEST. This game is extremely fun, with a flawless level design and compelling story. Truly incredible

Esta trilogía conocida como "World of Assassination" es una muestra perfecta de lo que es buen diseño de nivel, inteligencia artificial bien construida, elementos interactivos perfectamente añadidos y te invita a la rejugabilidad. Puedes estar jugando el mismo escenario 5 veces sin aburrirte antes de pasar al siguiente por lo creativo de las formas en las cuales puedes eliminar a tus objetivos.

Poder disfrazarte de distintas profesiones para pasar desapercibidos pero teniendo que en cuenta que ciertos NPCs cumplen el rol de gerentes o jefes por lo que conocen a su personal y podrán reconocerte. El juego de verdad recompensa tanto tu imaginación como creatividad, desde recompensas por explorar los escenarios, distintas formas de crear "accidentes" mortales, y tu habilidad para pasar desapercibido.

Tengo un par de quejas como que los NPCs no se alteren o sospechen de ver sangre en el escenario o que no llames la atención por hacer ciertos actos erráticos como acosar siguiendo a pocos centímetros a una persona o realizar un tiroteo en plena calle y que solo algunos npcs se alarmen y huyan pero otros se queden estáticos asustados.

Del resto, está perfectamente bien construido, y realista, la inteligencia artificial es capaz de notar cuando realizas actos sospechosos como que te vean soltar los cables que sostienen candelabros o exponer los circuitos del cableado.

Las formas de culminar las misiones son tan bien diseñadas que incluso puedes hacerte pasar por detective privado, resolver un asesinato que no tuvo nada que ver contigo, para luego descubrir que dicho culpable quiere eliminar a tu objetivo y puedes indirectamente brindarle las herramientas para que dicha persona asesine a tu objetivo sin que tengas que hacer mucho esfuerzo, así es el nivel de detalle en esta obra.

Solo el contenido base, un total de 18 ubicaciones te puede brindar horas de diversión, y si eso no es suficiente tienes el modo arcade en esos mismos lugares con otros objetivos y nuevos contextos o contratos creados por la comunidad con sus propios requisitos y cierta edición en los niveles.

Una experiencia que recomiendo totalmente para aquellos que disfruten de desafíos qué pongan a prueba su ingenio.

So fucking good, love this shit and love that they added that new rouge-like game mode.

A wonderful return-to-form for the Hitman franchise - awork of love clearly fuelled by experienced and passionate developers. Uniquely puzzle-esque compared to it's predecessors.

I've always envied those people who love a game so much that they can play it for hundreds of hours and still have fun. I'd never been able to find a game like that for myself, unless you count league of legends, which I consider to have been an addiction, rather than something I enjoyed playing. My favourite games are generally self contained 20-30 hour single player adventures. The games that are largely considered replayable, on the other hand, are either competitive, grindy or sandboxy. I rage too much in competitive games, find grinding a boring waste of time, and don't really consider myself creative enough to come up with things to do in sandboxes. So it seemed like that infinitely replayable game in my life would forever elude me... until I played hitman world of assassination. While I would describe this game as sandboxy, it sufficiently provides you with a plethora of objectives to aim for, which means I'm not limited by my lack of inventiveness. These goals serve as the perfect guide for you to organically play with the game's mechanics in endlessly novel ways. There's seemingly a bottomless bucket of characters, disguises, interactions and tools to discover at every corner of every map. On top of this, it's absolutely hilarious in both gameplay and dialogue. I'm over 100 hours in without any sign of getting bored, and if I had to pick a single game to play for the rest of my life it would easily be this masterpiece.

Never played a Hitman game before but I have enjoyed this one to the max. Brilliant level design with a lot of room for creativity and experimentation.

The new Freelance mode is also terrific fun, really challenges you in different ways and forces you to think on your feet. Highly recommended.

Yeah every level in the series + contracts + freelancer mode im thinking this is game of the year. game of the decade. game of the century. I'm very glad i dont own it on steam because im certain i've logged an inhumanly disgusting amount of hours into it over these past few weeks and if i saw that number (at least three digits) written out on a screen i might just kill myself then and there. I'll probably log a thousand more before the year is over. I could play this game infinitely and never get bored. if you've never bought the previous games this is almost 100$ (cad) on steam with no sale and i kid you not that is still maybe the single best deal in the history of gaming. I bet you can get it for like 40 bucks on sales and at that point they are practically paying you considering the sheer amount of actual game IOI packed into this game. this is as good as it gets.

the marketing: You are Agent 47, an unfeeling and calculating badass who could assassinate a room full of people without wrinkling his suit.

the gameplay: I dressed up as a clown and slapped a guy into the ocean with a fish

To not only save and elevate your series from niche middle market eurojank to a name any Cool Gamer Worth Their Salt cares about, to not only be one of the only western studios to survive Square Enix, but then also to now provide one of the best deals in gaming through bundling every map in the reboot trilogy into one mega-game AND THEN put it it on Game Pass, this version of Hitman 3 is truly special. There aren't many stealth franchises around these days but I'm glad one of them is also one of the greatest games of the cross-generation.

Agent 47 in the cutscenes: I have had everything taken from me and wish to do horrible things to the people who made my life a nightmare

Agent 47 in the game, dressed as a cowboy: No officer the rubber ducky exploded on its own I had nothing to do with it

One of if not the best puzzle/sandbox/stealth/assassination games out there. The story is the only thing really holding this back but it's not bad, just lackluster. However everything else about the presentation, gameplay, tone, humor, and more are top notch. Unrivaled in its genre.

One of the very best stealth puzzle games you can play right now. Only problem I have is a Internet connection is required to play...

Made me appreciate bald men

The whole WoA formula is a cool idea and all, but I find myself struggling to get past the feeling that the game controls a little stiffly and it detracts from the experience. Blood Money had less to do and is perhaps objectively not as good a game by this point, but I really don’t struggle to do what I want to do in that. Perhaps if I were to play on keyboard and mouse it would change my view.

modern hitman is fucking awesome

One of the most fun franchises in recent memory. Gameplay is sensational. the sandbox playstyle is great for the hitman franchise. The story is really interesting. I love how connected each level feels as if your walking around you can hear people talking about things that happened previously in the story. Ive spent so many hours on this and I still have a blast. A must play

A pretty fantastic package with a somewhat uneven finale, Hitman WOA is one of the better modern stealth games. Since its packed in with essentially three games the amount of content you get is pretty staggering, with lots of variety contained within all three. Personally feel that out of them 2 has the strongest levels with areas like Miami and Mumbai being incredible sandboxes with tons to do. Not to say 1 is any slouch though with Sapienza being perhaps the best overall. On the other hand I though 3s overall missions felt the weakest with too much focus on a narrative that I just did not care about and some truly dreadful levels (Berlin and the finale). Another big issue that permeates throughout the entire package is IOIs borderline retarded decision to make Hitman into a live service, with shit like Elusive Targets and a mandatory online system being jammed in for no good reason.

Despite those issues Hitman WOA still stands out as a phenomenal set of games that showcase just how much IOI has refined the franchise to near perfection. Absolutely cannot wait to see what they manage to pull off with Project 007 and beyond.


With its extraordinary art design featuring the world's most iconic places and in-depth level design that sparks creative gameplay, this serves as the perfect conclusion to the beloved Hitman series I grew up adoring

Unique game - and an awesome experience. I have 100%'d this game twice (the 3 games separately, and this collection). Never got bored.

The greatest stealth game of all time. All its missing is a level editor, but I've seen a few people working on that already.

This game really makes you feel like a guy who specifically knocks his targets out with a raw salmon only to chuck their corpse off a conveniently high ledge.

Stealth action mets point-click-adventure with huge maps.
Set the marker/oppertunity off, and go enjoy figuring things by yourself.

absolutely amazing stealth/assassination sandbox game. the story is sort of bad but it's far from the focus of the game. it really shines with its escalations, custom contracts and challenges. figuring out to kill your targets in specific ways in the most optimal form will never not be fun to me. another thing that could be considered a flaw is that, at the start of the game, you have no items, which can really limit your possibilities and imagination. however, seeing your arsenal grow and doing challenges to gain those good items was really fun.
overall, very entertaining game with a huge amount of content, could recommend it to anyone

Freelancer is an absolute GEM. The fact that IOI were able to make an excellent roguelike using almost all locations from the WoA trilogy is insane, it has no right being this good and it's only a MODE, not a full game.

Having this trilogy unified as a single package was a very smart decision. It feels like the developpers had a vision and were absolutely successful in implementing it. what a treat BRING ME JAMES BOND

i mean... they merged all three games... so this easily becomes the best game out of all of them. 1 had the best story, 2 had the best maps, and 3... well, it starts off strong and the ending's really strong. the middle... it could be better.


I have played this game for hundreds of hours and every time I learn something new about it's systems or it's level design. It's an astounding piece of work and kind of a miracle that everything works together so well. Also: freelancer mode is some of the best game design I've ever seen and it's a totally optional piece of free DLC.

It's rare to find a good stealth game, but the Hitman trilogy does everything it strives to be in the right way.

Immersive locations, well structured level design and a ton of possibilities to execute your kills make the modern Hitman games really stand out amidst the crowd. There's just so much replayability by going for certain challenges or just goofing around doing sandbox things.

And if you ever find yourself bored from the normal missions, you can take on the roguelike Freelancer missions, sending you on randomly assigned missions across the world, with an own progression system and a safehouse to upgrade.

Overall just an amazing package and a must-play for everyone who's into stealth or sandbox games.