Reviews from

in the past

The puzzles never get hard enough to enjoy them

Really fun, unique puzzle/platformer!

A must play! Excellent indie game. More fun than Braid and almost as good as Fez.
Not too difficult in the beginning but I had to check walkthrough from time to time in the end. But what makes this game great is that you almost can solve most puzzles if you just give it time. And the nice piano music soothes you. However, the colors can make your eyes really tired, this game is probably the most extreme I have experienced in that regard. But no epilepsy flashing, just too strong plain neon colors, but thanks to the simple graphics and slow tempo you can just lower the brightness.
Please spread the word and play Hue!
- Strong colors on screen with no “eye- and OLED burn in-protection option”, thus Incoukd only play max 1 hr each session even if I used EXTREMELY low LED brightness on my LG C1 49”.

I love colours, but this game was just fine. Not really in to puzzle platformers most of the time unless they're really special.

There are better games in this genre, But this game is unique and fun, 100% worth playing.

Lowkey tho this would be better as a flash game with separate numbered levels and no story. I didn't like it enough to try things several times in a row but I did go back to them later. Looks kind of cool I do like colours. The basic plot is not that dumb, but the way it's presented is like... they try to fill the space with very im14andthisisdeep lines like... you could have just not said anything.

Oh and the collectibles are stupid a number of them are like "hey be sure to remember to come back to this level that has no identification and you can't come directly back to, once you've got the yellow"

- Puzzle game breve e conciso
- la prima parte del gioco un po' noiosa per l'eccessiva semplicita' dei puzzle, seconda meta' molto piu' godibile

Its a short, fun puzzle game with a unique gimmick. Not amazing, but still worth your time, especially with how short it is.

satisfatório de jogar!!! pandemic memories

"Estoy en la univercidad y aveses sin internet que es lo mismo"

Hue is a lovely game. I got it for free in a promotion on Steam, played it, and had a very enjoyable and interesting gaming experience. Using the color wheel to solve puzzles is incredibly fun, making it a great game to play casually.

Puzzles were pretty fun! I'm glad they chose to insert new gameplay elements gradually together with the addition of new colours, otherwise the gameplay would have been incredibly stale. Now, the difficulty increases steadily, providing a nice challenge.

The story is very unnecessary in my opinion, but I would have found it strange if there was none either...So I guess I'm kind of on the fence on that one. Maybe the story could have been made more exciting somehow?

The secrets were the main downside. Having to wait until you have collected certain colours for you to be able to grab them is very annoying, because you cannot skip to puzzles directly. This means you need to go through every puzzle that comes before it, which is just unfun in my opinion.

Antes de tudo, devo dizer que consegui esse jogo de graça.
Tem uma mensagem bonita ali, bem ali, no centro do jogo, mas a forma como é transmitida é terrível, simplesmente não é possível sentir nada em relação ao que está acontecendo devido ao roteiro confuso, aos personagens também confusos e a falta de um objetivo que aparentemente é mostrado no fim. Eu particularmente gostaria bastante dos temas se eles tivessem sido tratados melhor, porque sou uma pessoa bem facilmente atingida por um tipo de história que mistura elementos de física com um background emotivo

A parte dos puzzles é legal, mas a maior parte deles é muito fácil. Só mais para o final que começaram a ficar mais caprichados, mas nada muito difícil. Eu até comecei a ir atrás das garrafinhas para platinar o jogo, mas percebi que não valeria a pena.
Enfim, recomendo o jogo caso esteja atrás de algo para passar o tempo com uns puzzles que não demandam tanto.

This was beautiful. The puzzles aren't horribly challenging, but I always found them challenging enough to still be satisfying and I'd take that over frustration any day. The story was also much sweeter than I would've expected.

This was free through Xbox Game with Gold but I'd say it's easily worth five bucks if you can grab it on sale.

Completed with 100% of trophies earned. A well-designed puzzle game, Hue's core mechanic of switching the world between one of, eventually, eight different colours to reveal/hide platforms, obstacles and other objects makes for a refreshingly different experience. Graphics are simplistic but effective given the focus on colour, and any game with colour-blind options definitely gets my approval on that front. The puzzles themselves are generally fairly straightforward for most of the game, but do start to become quite complex in the later stages, ensuring that they remain satisfying to solve. As a completionist it would have been nice for the collectibles to be more meaningful and have some way in-game to help to track them down as a few are very well-hidden, but a using a guide for these wasn't much of an inconvenience.

Это блять что такое?

Very cute game and easy puzzle mechanics.

I thought I was in for a simple game of colour-based puzzles and some exploration, but damn, this game is trying REALLY hard to be something it isn't, a blend of Journey or Gris with Going Home. The looping emotional music got on my nerves in the first five minutes and I ended up dropping it in the first snag I hit.

joguinho fofo de puzzle. a história é bem encheção de linguiça mas o resto do jogo compensa, principalmente a ambientação + trilha sonora. muito foda gostei bastante

Interessante e tiltante ao mesmo tempo

Gostei recomendo

fun and intuitive puzzle game,sometimes i think it can get boring,but still good.

Este juego es como la vida misma: es muy fácil hasta que llegas a la universidad

Interesting concept. Puzzles are a bit too easy for the first hour or so, but it's overall a decent game.

such chill game with great and wholesome story , one of the good(not the best) puzzle games I played.

Tedious chore of a game. The concept is fine and the colour based puzzles inventive (and infuriating by the end). But its biggest disadvantage is it does so little to engage the player. There's promises of a story at the beginning - a reason for it all, but it's so thin on the ground and doesn't contemplate the gameplay, that it's easy to forget it's there (same with the collectibles). There's a better puzzle game in here somewhere I'm sure.

Hue is a puzzle platformer where by changing the background color of the levels, you reveal or hide level elements of various colors. The color shifting is a clever system, and while I had seen similar concepts before, including some of my own short-lived proofs of concept, I haven't seen it done in a fully fledged game. There are a number of different puzzle elements that work together to make quite complex puzzles. While I wouldn't say the game is difficult, there were definitely some later levels that stumped for a time. The story is only told via letters from the player character's mother, and while I liked the story and the voice acting, it doesn't integrate itself into the gameplay too well. It's a solid game, but rather repetitive. The only progression you get is additional colors to swap to. While the levels do get more difficult, they don't utilize all the colors in tandem. A fun but plain game that was worth the free price.

Puzzle game that can be a bit tricky with the dexterity aspects at times. It was fun. I didn't care for the story interludes where you have to navigate a long, boring level while dialog is read aloud.