Reviews from

in the past

Lydia transmite, te hace llorar, sonreír, cabrearte… Es enorme y a la vez pequeñito. Lydia es único.
Un juego cortito pero muy grande. Uno de esos juegos que juegas cuando no tienes tiempo y lo acabas y te parece redondo, porque no tiene nada más que contar, se ha contado todo en 2h.
Lydia nos cuenta la historia de una niña en un mundo de adultos que no entiende. ¿Quiénes son los monstruos? ¿Quiénes son los caballeros salvadores?

Viviremos la vida de Lydia en apenas 2h desde su niñez hasta que es adulta. Conoceremos su entorno familiar y amigos. Y tendremos que tomar decisiones.
El juego se presenta como una “novela visual” en la que deberemos interactuar con los diálogos y el entorno. Y así poder “ver” al monstruo o monstruos de Lydia.

Todo puede cambiar en una noche, en unas horas una vida puede cambiar para siempre, esa es la premisa de este juego y se presenta a la perfección.
Para leer más aquí:

Kind of an upsetting tale. Not much to the gameplay.

Not bad. Interesting art style, nice music and an intriguingly dark story. It’s super short and yet still feels quite padded with all the slow movement. Decent way to kill an hour on a train journey.

Video games have evolved since they've just been simple arcade novelties, simulations of ping pong or trying to shoot random objects, but Lydia has nothing to do with the realms of highly elaborated AAA productions. Instead, it's part of an independent movement, experimenting with what else those programs can actually accomplish and being on a shoestring budget can lead to swerve to new forms of creativity.

Technically, Lydia isn't really worth mentioning. Shadowy scribbled b/w drawings complement mumbled, but subtitled, dialogues to mostly a visual novel. You can sometimes pick the type of your answer or sluggishly roam the screen to basically fall into the next conversation. There is no real option it seems and no challenging puzzle.

Instead, the vestigial participation supports caring for Lydia, a kid lost in the somber void of a deranged family. The chapters jump a little back and forth in time to barely create more than a superficial Rorschach representation of imaginative escapism and facing bitter actuality, yet it is maybe even easier to relate that way.

Every family has its dysfunctionalities and if you managed to grow up with the smallest collateral damage, then you at least witnessed enough comparable scenes at friend's houses or on the playground. Lydia on the other hand presents an hour of downfall to fill you with sustaining consternation for a reason.

In addition to this little game you have the option to buy the #Lydiadonation DLC, that will unlock a coloring book for Lydia and raise funds for charity. I keep it like this is true, as I can't confirm, but after games rather got abused for commercials or promoting an agenda for years, I think the intention of doing something good is refreshing. As an interactive storybook with a similar theme though I'd recommend Little Misfortune instead.

Did not expect this simple, 1-hour, barely-interactive point-and-click adventure game to affect me this much. It's very flawed, not only for its short length and lack of any real challenge, but also because animations in the game are limited and the characters seem to not fit with their backgrounds. Despite all of that, the actual story the game tells is funny, disturbing and emotional all at once. It's short because it doesn't want to overstay its welcome. It has minimal gameplay because it didn't need something like intricate puzzles or challenges. You might not like this game as much as I did, but if you catch it on sale, I highly recommend you buy it.

Short and sad. Got it for free, thought it was pretty interesting and memorable.

This is an example of a title that's really short but it feels appropriate that way. It tells a heavy story that does not overstay its welcome. It holds your attention and it explores the topic in meaningful ways.

It has been many years since I played it, but I enjoyed and still remember it.