Reviews from

in the past

Another really good Mario & Luigi RPG. It starts out impressive, then is a bit dull for a while, but the mid-to-late game is very good. Also, it's one of the prettiest games in 3D on the system.

Had plenty of good ideas and the gameplay was fun but honestly the end sequence was a bit of a letdown for me.

It's decent, I have to give it another shot.


Its ok. Takes a while to beat and is a return to formula.

I literally slept while playing this game out of boredom lol. I have to finish it to give full judgment

Imo, the best Mario & Luigi game to date. Let's go through all the things amazing about this game.

- The MUSIC. Oh my word the music is gorgeous. From several of the best boss themes of any Mario game period to the incredibly whimsical dream world music, everything is just so perfect.

- The combat. The battle system feels the most refined it's been in the series here with fluid standard attacks and some incredible Bros. and Dreamy Luigi attacks. The power progression feels natural and rewarding. The giant battles are a little clunkly, but didn't feel nearly as bad as Bowser's Inside Story

- The Characters. While not super deep as typical for a Mario & Luigi game, every has just a lot of charm, especially Luigi in this game, taking on a lot of personality through the story.

If you ever play a M&L game, this is the one you really want to play

A great first introduction to the series. One of the first 3D I played too. Unique yet engaging central combat system, fun and witty narrative, and some of the weaker areas of the game (platforming in Luigi's dream) never felt like a huge chore

I love this series, but this entry is merely okay. It hasn't stuck with me at all.

yeah they could have not made paper jam and this game would have been a perfect game to end off on

This game is fun overall. I fell in love with the series with “bowsers inside story” and wanted more, so I played dream team. This game turned out to be a mixed bag. But i would still recommand it.

The gameplay is still genius. RPG’s can become really repetetive. But this series knows how to keep the player active and involved. If this review was only about the gameplay it would be scored much higher.

You can somwhat costumize your builds after each level-up. But be carefull, because the wrong choises in spread between power and defence can have major consequences. This is a genius concept for experienced players who want more challange and are rewarded with shorter battles or newer players who really need to be able to take an extra hit. But unexperienced players making bad choises here can really mess up the flow of the game.

But an RPG isn’t all about gameplay. Story and characters are important in this genre and here the cracks start to form. I think the writers ran out of juice. The plot isn’t intresting at all and most characters are 2 dimensional compared tot the great character development of bowsers inside story. I think this is also the reason they remade their older games instead of making new ones and this decision finally bankrupted alphadream.

The visuals are decent, not as lively as the pixelart of the previous titles, but still very impressive for the 3ds. The music is ok, with nothing that really sticking in your head after the journey is over.

The world lay-out is not that great, wit a lot of backtracking. But its fun to see another location than the mushroom kingdom. The constant hand-holding the game does is also very annoying, there’s a menu where everything is explained in great detail but still this game forces you into unnecessary tutorials. I’d say this game has over an hour of unskippable, unnecessary tutorials spread throughout.

Overall this game is good. If it were the only one in the franchise it would definately be rated higher, but it isn’t and it can’t live up to the previous titles.

I may be hard on this but I was just disappointed with the overall experience. Exept for gameplay nothing here is special or memorable. This franchise fell from grace, to eventually dissapear and this is where the decline started.

Como que como review "corta" solo dire que, aun con todo los puntos malos que tiene (como los bajones de FPS, el innecesario uso de movimiento de consola en los ataques, el mid y endgame que son muy lateros, etc) es de los mejores mario y luigi que hay y sinceramente esta hyper infravalorado. Para ser un M&L de la época early 3DS, donde todos experimentaban con la consola y sus funciones, y como "evolución" del BIS, esta muy bueno. Muchos hacen sleep en el desarrollo que le hacen a luigi en el juego y en las batallas de gigantes (que personalmente me gustaron más que las de bowser en BIS), o en el grande carisma que tienen los personajes. Incluso aunque sea un producto del año de luigi, hicieron bien la pega. Para mí es un 8/10 y si no fuera por esos detalles, sería un 9/10

One of the longer mario and luigi games. Has a lot of tutorials but the music and gameplay is good stuff.

Dream Team, the 4th entry in the M&L series, is sadly a pretty flawed game. It feels like developer AlphaDream wanted to replicate the success of Bowser's Inside Story but changing the setting from Bowser's body to Luigi's inner consciousness. Because of this, Dream Team doesn't feel unique and instead feels more like a retreading of things introduced in past games of the franchise. It's also pretty long and features an annoyingly large amount of tutorials.

Overall, it's a decent game that should've been shorter and more streamlined. Sadly, not particularly recommended.

Dream Team's only glaring flaw is there is too many tutorials especially when so late into the game.

this game made me cry i dont fucking care what you say to me

Game has cool ideas, but is a letdown with its execution. Also they used the giant battle from Bowser's Inside Story, but it's not great compared to playing as giant Bowser.

I remember the boss battles were super cool for this game, especially in how it used both screens on the 3ds and rotated in all sorts of directions. Got sorta draggy with the story towards the end, but the island biomes and characters were charming, and some witty writing too.

I too dream of many copies of myself becoming a ball

Tutorial pra caralho, maneira ae nuntendo

the worst of the mario & luigi games i've played. it holds your hand for way too long. kids aren't stupid when it comes to games, they can pick up on basic cues.

+ Luigi appreciation
+ Team attacks are fun to use
+ Call backs to first game
~ Game/story feel dragged out
~ No Fawful
- Defending feels more like a mini-game
- Battles are often drawn out
- Tutorials plague this game
- Dream Battles can become unfair very fast

Está bien. Intenta crear una experiencia similar a lo que era Bowser en el anterior con lo de los sueños, pero no lo acaba de lograr. Se me hace quizá demasiado fácil tambien.

Probably some of the worst pacing I've ever seen in a game, but its charming enough to make you want to keep playing. Hopefully, idk, I've shelved it for now.

Starts out slow. Has tons of creativity and fun gameplay. Characters and worlds are very fun.

This game was great once the tutorials ended, but unfortunately that's when the game ended! Aw well.